"I WILL LIVE THIS DAY AS IF IT WAS MY LAST. AND IF IT'S NOT, I SHALL FALL TO MY KNEES AND GIVE THANKS"...will you live this day through the activation of your Soul's highest potential? Three things will help you out on doing this: Say your worlds with INTEGRITY, open your heart to LOVE, and be in the state of GRATITUDE in every moment by moment. INTEGRITY, LOVE, GRATITUDE....I will live this day as if it was my last.....-Dr. Rod.
Affirmation: I am a living biology of the cosmos. My life is divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in ABUNDANCE. Joy is the order of my day. Peace reigns supreme in all of my activities. Prosperity knows my spiritual address. I am available to more Good than I can possibly imagine. Come what may! "....have a beautiful day
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Bright & Shiny Friday
Good Morning Life. HAPPY BRIGHT & SHINY FRIDAY!! Why would you want to contaminate your energy field with the nonsense consumerism and materialism society is desperately shoving down our throat? Use this beautiful day to go out in nature, spending time outdoors with your kids, or visit educational museum instead of chaotic shopping malls!!! Please, use the money you want to waste on things you already have and donate it to our Los Angeles Children's Charity Group,http://www.laccg.com/membership/. You will use your money in helping orphan and neglected children. Just imagine their happy, beautiful smiles once they receive their goods instead of the parking lot traffics, the pushing and dense air in stores, long lines, and the stressed out sales people who are cursing you inside and not really out there to help YOU! HOW ABOUT A CHANGE TODAY! HAPPY BRIGHT & SHINY FRIDAY
Affirmation: "I am free of the need for consumerism. I give instead of hoard, I share instead of save, and I freely shine my love, light, with courage and enthusiasm. I AM FREE! I AM AT PEACE. I am available and receptive to more abundance and success than I can imagine possible so that I can share it with the world. "....have a peaceful day...(don't go shopping)
Affirmation: "I am free of the need for consumerism. I give instead of hoard, I share instead of save, and I freely shine my love, light, with courage and enthusiasm. I AM FREE! I AM AT PEACE. I am available and receptive to more abundance and success than I can imagine possible so that I can share it with the world. "....have a peaceful day...(don't go shopping)
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Today I am grateful for being able to ride the waves of my emotions and utilizing them towards helping others. There was a time where I would get paralyzed by the low rides, the pain, and frustration that obscured my vision about life. Throughout time, I've been able to know myself so well, capturing every ounce of these incredible energies I feel and re-directing them towards helping others. This has been a gift of transformation, an inner vision through meditation practices and connection to my purpose in life. I AM GRATEFUL for every second of my existence and the absolute LOVE I emanate towards every BEING. I see no separation, and I don't dwell in my past. I feel my soul guiding me and shining it's Light where ever I go in the moment to build a magnificent destiny.....I have a deep sense of knowing the Truth as it unfolds in my heart and act upon it with full Trust. Above all, I AM GRATEFUL to everyone who is connected with me, sharing this beautiful journey together. That means YOU, and I honor your BEING in my life.....Namaste.
Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more miracles, abundance, health, prosperity, love, joy, bliss, and peace in my life than I can even imagine. The universe supports me. "....have a spectacular day
Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more miracles, abundance, health, prosperity, love, joy, bliss, and peace in my life than I can even imagine. The universe supports me. "....have a spectacular day
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
When you get distracted with the dramas of life, it is your responsibility to take a step back and slow down. It's not the quantity of your achievements, the material world, and all the glimmer that will make you truly happy; it's the QUALITY OF your inner LIFE. In that quality, is the activation of your Soul's potential that translates int BLISS. Dear friend, you are shot from the mind of infinite potential, the universe, to this Reality in order to express and manifest your Soul's Character; Love, Joy, Peace, Compassion, Healing, and unlimited Abundance are the priceless treasures within you. Feel your worthiness at this very moment and radiate that energy to the world around. The world needs you to Step Up your Game and bring your beautiful authentic self to the table! Are you WILLING to be GREAT?--Dr. Rod.
Affirmation: "I Am one with the infinite mind of God. I live in a friendly universe that supports me with the activation of my Soul's Potential. I am available and receptive to MORE abundance, success, health, Bliss, compassion, and peace than I can even IMAGINE possible. Come what May. I TRUST MYSELF."....have a spectacular day everyone.....be blessed and a blessing in the world around you
Affirmation: "I Am one with the infinite mind of God. I live in a friendly universe that supports me with the activation of my Soul's Potential. I am available and receptive to MORE abundance, success, health, Bliss, compassion, and peace than I can even IMAGINE possible. Come what May. I TRUST MYSELF."....have a spectacular day everyone.....be blessed and a blessing in the world around you
Monday, November 25, 2013
Listen Closely
Listen closely to what your soul wants to express for your life rather than what the world is asking you to do. Tune into your heart's desire and align yourself with a clear Vision, a purposeful living that pulls you to a beautiful destiny. This is done through contemplation, meditation, and getting serious with your spiritual practices. Today, this very moment, is YOUR TIME to CHOOSE to be GREAT!
Affirmation: " I practice excellence, joy, peace, love, abundance, and happiness. I choose to be more of my higher self. Generosity is my true nature. Love is my Truth. The attitude of GRATITUDE shines through every moment of my life"....have a beautiful day.
Affirmation: " I practice excellence, joy, peace, love, abundance, and happiness. I choose to be more of my higher self. Generosity is my true nature. Love is my Truth. The attitude of GRATITUDE shines through every moment of my life"....have a beautiful day.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Take this very moment to reflect within, as you start a new beginning allow yourself to create a space of awareness. There is an infinite energy of love right here where you are reading this post. I don't know what you are doing, you're on your phone, computer, just woke up, it doesn't matter. Your conscious awareness to uplifting your spirit and allowing a split second for your soul's purpose to come through is what I'm interested in. As you take your next breath, I invite you to feel every cell of your body be enriched with healing energy of unconditional love, forgiveness, and gratitude. I intend to raise the vibration of your auric field through this focused attention and divine intention. As I'm dwelling in the energy of peace, I radiate and give away everything I'm feeling and praying for through these words directly to you and your higher self. Joy, compassion, harmony, abundance, prosperity, health, and wealth with harmonizing goodness is the order of the day for entire humanity. With gratitude, I release these words in the web our existence and allow it to cultivate, activate, express, and manifest for the good of ALL GLOBAL SOCIETY....and so it is,,,amen. Breath out...you are totally loved and cared for.
Affirmation: "I forgive and let go. I let go and let God to handle all the details of my life. I am living, moving, and having my being in complete joy, abundance, health, healing, and prosperity. Unconditional LOVE is the fuel for my existential BEING. MY SOUL IS ON FIRE and emanates beauty everywhere in releases it's INTENTIONS."....have a beautiful Sunday everyone.
Affirmation: "I forgive and let go. I let go and let God to handle all the details of my life. I am living, moving, and having my being in complete joy, abundance, health, healing, and prosperity. Unconditional LOVE is the fuel for my existential BEING. MY SOUL IS ON FIRE and emanates beauty everywhere in releases it's INTENTIONS."....have a beautiful Sunday everyone.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Beautiful Soul
How can I be more of my Authentic, higher Self? Great question to ask when you get to the point of frustration and want to give up. There are so many challenges in life that tests you to your limits. Watch out for the negative energies of people you associate with. They have a tendency to pull you down real fast. You MUST intentionally feed your mind positive thoughts and raise your vibration above the lower frequencies so that you rise above them. The confirmation you are looking for from the outside world to tell you 'who you are & what you must be doing' is an illusion. You are meant for a great, divine destiny that is only manifested through self realization, meditation, and unconditional love towards yourself. Don't allow other people's judgment shut you down. Ignore and move on. Commit to spend time and energy in yourself everyday for harmonizing the creative energy of your beautiful SOUL Namaste - Dr. Rod
Affirmation: "I am a creative, kind, loving, beautiful, ever expansive, receptive, endlessly abundant, happy, plentitude, and peaceful individual. All of my needs are met at every level of my existence. The universe supports me. I say YES to life .." Happy Friday Everyone.....Be Blesses and a Blessing to others.
Affirmation: "I am a creative, kind, loving, beautiful, ever expansive, receptive, endlessly abundant, happy, plentitude, and peaceful individual. All of my needs are met at every level of my existence. The universe supports me. I say YES to life .." Happy Friday Everyone.....Be Blesses and a Blessing to others.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
'HOW CAN I EXPRESS THE DIGNITY OF MY SOUL?' is the question I'm contemplating and inviting you to contemplate as you head into your day or prepare to end your day. This is a very powerful question that activates your insights if you listen to the answers closely. It's raining here in Southern Cali and people tend to grow impatient with the traffic. If you read my post and are stuck on the freeways, take a deep breath, ask yourself this question, and cherish every still moment as a gift to be honoring your souls integrity. Don't fight the 'Present Moment'....Sending you love and please be safe!
Affirmation: " I am available and receptive to the activation of gifts that are within me. I am living, moving,, and having my BEING in the spirit of love. Abundance is the order of my day. All of my needs are met with the alignment to my soul's integrity."....have a beautiful day
Affirmation: " I am available and receptive to the activation of gifts that are within me. I am living, moving,, and having my BEING in the spirit of love. Abundance is the order of my day. All of my needs are met with the alignment to my soul's integrity."....have a beautiful day
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Are you Ready?
Are you ready to breakthrough other people's judgment of you and live a life of integrity, authenticity, and creativity with pure passion? I AM a YES!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
I Am Peace
I'm writing this in the pure stillness of the moment, where my mind is completely quiet and my heart wide open. There is a deep sense of appreciation flowing through the magnetic field surrounding my heart. There is divine harmonizing good,a peaceful energy that flowing through my veins. It's feeding every cell of my body, awakening to their inner truth of wholeness, joy, compassion, and beauty. You are intentionally being held in this space right now, as I know this message will be read by many people I've never met. The unconditional LOVE unified field of energy that binds us together doesn't need physical recognition, we are already part of a holographic universe that knows how to cultivate, activate, express, and manifest itself through us, as US. As you and me through our actions, choices, creativity, and inspiration. I invite you to go beyond the written words and contemplate your GREATNESS, caught in this very MOMENT. Please take a deep breath, put on a smile, and feel your AWESOMENESS! Breath out. Have a beautiful day - Dr. Rod.
Affirmation: " I AM PEACE. I am the contribution point of generosity, love, joy, and abundance. I am available and receptive to infinite possibilities to evolve into my authentic self. The universe supports me, nourishes me, and guides me to higher levels of consciousness. ".....Much love,
Affirmation: " I AM PEACE. I am the contribution point of generosity, love, joy, and abundance. I am available and receptive to infinite possibilities to evolve into my authentic self. The universe supports me, nourishes me, and guides me to higher levels of consciousness. ".....Much love,
Monday, November 18, 2013
Your Vortex
Lets start a spectacular week through the inner feeling of gratitude and appreciation. Your starting point is always gratitude for all there is, where ever you are in life, and whatever you are doing. This very recognition of giving thanks in the moment, focuses all of your energy at the vortex of your BEING. There are infinite ways that you can make a choice and create possibilities for whatever action that may follow. Make a choice to be love, to be happy, to be healthy, and to be abundantly wealthy. Make a choice to be better than your old patterns. Set an intention right now to express your uniqueness in whatever path you are taking, knowing that you are WORTHY, YOU are GREATNESS, and YOU are LIGHT. As I inspire you to take your next breath in TRUST of your full potential, I invite you to SMILE and pass this positive energy to ALL of your FRIENDS. Together, we can Change Our World! Happy Monday
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in PEACE. Life supports me. I am available and receptive to MORE GOOD than I can possibly imagine. My life reflects and reveals the very perfection of infinite cosmos. Come what may."....have a spectacular day everyone..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in PEACE. Life supports me. I am available and receptive to MORE GOOD than I can possibly imagine. My life reflects and reveals the very perfection of infinite cosmos. Come what may."....have a spectacular day everyone..
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Starting New
Start of a new day, a new beginning. It always starts with yourself. How you prepare your consciousness the first thing in the morning. Spending few precious moments, acknowledging your greatness, nurturing your mind with positive- affirmative thoughts, and going deep WITHIN your heart to tap into your true essence, LOVE. As you make this a simple practice, you become more in tune with the natural FLOW of life. You realize that you have already arrived to your destination because you are connected into the NOW. Every experience becomes a spiritual adventure. Every encounter with another human being becomes a journey into SELF discovery. Cultivating seeds of success and growth begins right where you are. You don't need to rely on any external factor or guidance. All you need is right there WITHIN you. In this very moment, I'm holding you in higher vibration of love, joy, peace, abundance, success, and compassion. Inviting you to LET GO of your past! Allowing yourself to be present with LIFE! You can do it! You have a mandate to be HAPPY
Affirmation: " I show up to life with an open heart. My life is one with the infinite life of the cosmos. I attract and allow abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, peace, compassion, and kindness into my life because that's who I am."
Have a beautiful weekend my friends
Affirmation: " I show up to life with an open heart. My life is one with the infinite life of the cosmos. I attract and allow abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, peace, compassion, and kindness into my life because that's who I am."
Have a beautiful weekend my friends
Friday, November 15, 2013
Mystic Journey
I'd like to take you on a mystic journey in these very few lines. As I'm sitting right here listening to my meditation music, I'm tuned into the energy that's beating my heart. My breathing is really slow and deep. I can follow the path of each oxygen molecules entering and exiting my body. Please take a conscious deep breath right now, you are now connected to my consciousness which is intentionally rising your vibration from a lower frequencies into higher. I'd like you to read this post couple of times allowing the words taking over your subconscious mind. There is so much love in this space, the only energy I feel is love, surrounding the spaces in each atom, molecule, cells, and tissue of my body. I see and feel a brilliant LIGHT passing through these space and emanating inward like a spiral and outward beyond my local space. When you close your eyes and have read this few times, focus on the center point between your eyebrows. Take a deep breath and allow your attention fall to the peripheral (side) of your visual field. Like a diver whose going to jump off of the diving board backwards in an infinity pool of BEAUTY and PEACE, step to the edge of the board, take a deep breath and dive energetically backward into oceanic space of your KINDNESS. Feel the LOVE energy washing over your entire body, cleansing the dense FEAR and WORRY frequencies surrounding you. The ocean of eternal LOVE you released yourself into is pure AWARENESS. You just shifted the content of your AWARENESS to absolute bliss. We are ONE body, ONE mind, ONE SOUL traveling into infinity together, NOW, forever, expanding. Feel your greatness and trust yourself. Enjoy the journey my friend. Namaste. -Dr. Rod
Affirmation: "I release myself in the oceanic field of my LOVING consciousness. The universe is infinite, flowing gently through the body of my LIFE. My LIFE is the reflection of cosmic order, peace, harmony, ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY, healing, and absolute JOY. I Am FREE in this very moment, expanding and stretching the energetic field of my BEING."...have a beautiful Friday
Affirmation: "I release myself in the oceanic field of my LOVING consciousness. The universe is infinite, flowing gently through the body of my LIFE. My LIFE is the reflection of cosmic order, peace, harmony, ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY, healing, and absolute JOY. I Am FREE in this very moment, expanding and stretching the energetic field of my BEING."...have a beautiful Friday
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Yes to Life
Be strong enough to hold the vibration of YES factor to life: YES, I AM. YES, I CAN. YES, I AM WILLING. The problems you are facing can be transformed through spiritual transformation and activation of your highest potential. The road to excellence starts from your availability to YES. Every turn, every corner, and every challenge becomes the rich material for your transmutation into your authentic BEING. YES, you CAN baby!
Affirmation: " I Am an artist of the Soul. My life reflects and reveals the fundamental beauty, perfection, love, abundance, kindness, genius, and creativity of the universe. I am available and receptive to this excellence in this moment, and every moment following the eternal NOW. And so it is, amen."....have a spectacular day.
Affirmation: " I Am an artist of the Soul. My life reflects and reveals the fundamental beauty, perfection, love, abundance, kindness, genius, and creativity of the universe. I am available and receptive to this excellence in this moment, and every moment following the eternal NOW. And so it is, amen."....have a spectacular day.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
I had an encounter with a beautiful soul who was so concerned about her son. Going through emotional challenges, a young man who is at the beginning of his journey of self discovery. I could so identify with his 'story' because I too went through major emotional challenges in my life, the ups and downs, the days where I couldn't get off of my bed, where life looked dim, and the enormity of my expectations of myself had paralyzed me. I was going through a major transitional period for finding who and why I AM in this life. For finding my true self, my purpose, and my way. It was painful and took hours, days, months, and years of discipline, learning, meditation, un-learning, with emotional heart break to find my path. This Lady had her own share of personal life issues, very heavy things to deal with. She was interested to know my 'story'. When I shared every detail of my journey with her, I had ownership of my 'story'. It was a 'testimony' of healing and spirit of LOVE in action. I was no longer victimized or held hostage by my ego. Great transformation and healing was happening at this encounter for both of us. I could see the light of HOPE sparkling in her eyes because she knew I'm coming from the heart, she knew my purpose in life, she could feel it. This was a moment of triumph and extreme humility for me. I was telling a forecast for her son, knowing what I know now after 10 years, that he is going to find his way, balance his emotions, and live his life to maximum potential. You've seen when people's faces shine, Right? It's the most amazing feeling knowing that you just made a huge difference in their lives! Keep asking yourself: "Who Am I ? Why Am I here on this planet? What is my Purpose in life?"...As you sit quietly with these in mind, know that you are meant for absolute greatness, that your life matters, that you are LOVED and CARED for.
Affirmation: "My life is a testimony of love, joy, peace, abundance, success, compassion, and healing. As I share myself with the world, I witness a great transformation for ALL. The universe supports me. ".....have a spectacular day. Feel free to share YOUR TESTIMONY with me
Affirmation: "My life is a testimony of love, joy, peace, abundance, success, compassion, and healing. As I share myself with the world, I witness a great transformation for ALL. The universe supports me. ".....have a spectacular day. Feel free to share YOUR TESTIMONY with me
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Happiness is the Choice
You hear so much about The 'Happiness' movement and how it effects your activities of daily living. Happiness can totally change your life for the better in every aspect; financial, relationship, personal, spiritual and physical health. One thing I'm adamant about is focusing on what the pre-cursor to Happiness IS: SELF LOVE! Without self LOVE you'll never be able to reach the joy & ecstasy of True happiness. So, here is the challenge for you: Focus on as many ways as you can LOVING yourself today and witness how it turns into pure HAPPINESS. As you walk in a state of JOY, pass it to others, smile, crack a joke, be like a child. One of my favorite saying goes like this: "There is no way to HAPPINESS, HAPPINESS IS THE WAY"......and the most AUTHENTIC WAY itself is SELF LOVE -Dr. Rod.
Affirmation: "I am conscious about my CHOICES today. I choose to be Happy, joyous, peaceful, grateful, and kind. I choose to be and feel LOVE as I breath in and breath out. I am available and receptive to more abundance and prosperity than I can even imagine. Come what may...."....have a spectacular day friends.
Affirmation: "I am conscious about my CHOICES today. I choose to be Happy, joyous, peaceful, grateful, and kind. I choose to be and feel LOVE as I breath in and breath out. I am available and receptive to more abundance and prosperity than I can even imagine. Come what may...."....have a spectacular day friends.
Monday, November 11, 2013
It's within YOU
If you feel reading my posts is activating a certain level of inner knowing within you and gets you centered to the truth of your inner knowing, I congratulate you. The intention is to bring you back to yourself, to find the strength in your heart, allowing the inspiration activated in your own energy field to take over. It is meant to allow your HIGHER SELF shine through with only few words that come from space of love. It's nothing that you don't know, it's something that we can all relate to. You are so precious in this very moment because I feel a bond that binds the energy I'm sending out into motion being reciprocated, thus completing a cyclical enlightened pattern. This pattern remains in the web of existence and is carried through eternity. It raises the energy level of the entire cosmos. Those around you will appreciate the shift in your persona, the smile on your face, and the love you'll share with them consciously. That being said, I'M GRATEFUL FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU MAKE THE WORLD OF DIFFERENCE IN MY LIFE FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF MY PURPOSE. Happy Monday
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. All of my needs are met at every level of my existence. I am available and receptive to more abundance and success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, peace, harmony, compassion, kindness, beauty, and creativity than I can even imagine possible. I trust the universe, I let go and let God. Life supports me. "....Have a spectacular day
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. All of my needs are met at every level of my existence. I am available and receptive to more abundance and success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, peace, harmony, compassion, kindness, beauty, and creativity than I can even imagine possible. I trust the universe, I let go and let God. Life supports me. "....Have a spectacular day
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Beyond the Words
Where ever you are, I know the energy behind these words are going to serve you well. Why? Because they are being expressed from a deep space of love and healing energy. They are becoming form from the infinite Source where our thoughts originate from. Your beautiful eyes are picking up the light from the screen an your intelligent brain is giving them meaning. However, it's your SOUL that's smiling as it is connected to mine in consciousness, simultaneously having the understanding that we are really ONE body of BEING in the inter-web we call UNIVERSE. Slow down your breath, slow down your thoughts, take each word to your heart. The intention for self realization is to make you aware of your GREATNESS, of the Power already embedded within your Soul's character, as your inheritance. Your guidance comes through many different forms or channels, one being this post right now. It's meant to INSPIRE you to take the next step for your INNER growth. Whatever is pulling you towards what you've been yearning to express, listen to it. Honor it, TRUST it, and appreciate it. Your mind and knowledge are the tools the lay the pathway in order for YOUR MASTER HEART to express itself uniquely AS YOU!.....GOOD MORNING MY FRIEND. WELCOME TO YOUR NEW AWAKENED YOU
Affirmation: "I Am free to express myself through the desire of my heart. My intention is pure, my words are POWERFUL. With all confidence and clarity, I walk the inner journey of my soul and create a world of love, joy, peace, abundance, prosperity, health, kindness, compassion, harmony and beauty for myself and everyone else around. LIFE SUPPORTS ME."...have a great Sunday.
Affirmation: "I Am free to express myself through the desire of my heart. My intention is pure, my words are POWERFUL. With all confidence and clarity, I walk the inner journey of my soul and create a world of love, joy, peace, abundance, prosperity, health, kindness, compassion, harmony and beauty for myself and everyone else around. LIFE SUPPORTS ME."...have a great Sunday.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Where are YOU?
By the time this message reach you, you've taken hundreds of breaths, thought thousands of thoughts, and have experienced so many different emotions. Perhaps you are contemplating the meaning of life, or setting a goal for future. Perhaps you are stuck in your past, feeling regret. Or perhaps you are excited about the future, looking forward for something great to happen. You may be in LOVE or searching for LOVE, happy or searching for happiness, maybe you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of your LIFE stuck in the same place bumping into problems over and over. Where ever you are Right Now is Divine. The entire UNIVERSE has evolved into cosmic order, manifested in this precise moment into it's own AWARENESS as your life, as your BEING, and as YOU. Did you get that??? Take a deep breath and allow a split second of stillness enter your consciousness right now. Contemplate your enormity, the vastness, and the infinity you are. Read in between the lines here. Focus on your breath. As you inhale, experience your connection to the PRESENCE, and as you exhale, LET GO of any mental idea of who you are, where you are in life, and what your challenges are. Take another deep breath, feel the love energy surrounding you, LIGHTING up the fire of inspiration, passion, and compassion deep in your heart. "There is something within you that KNOWS, and KNOWS IT KNOWS THAT IT KNOWS." Connect to it. Feel it. Embrace it. Make it the primary focus of your awareness.
Affirmation: "I Am ONE with my source. I KNOW AND KNOW THAT I KNOW. I AM JOY, LOVE, PEACE, ABUNDANT, PROSPERITY, AND DIVINE. I AM BLESSED AND A BLESSING TO THE WORLD."....Have a beautiful weekend everyone.
Affirmation: "I Am ONE with my source. I KNOW AND KNOW THAT I KNOW. I AM JOY, LOVE, PEACE, ABUNDANT, PROSPERITY, AND DIVINE. I AM BLESSED AND A BLESSING TO THE WORLD."....Have a beautiful weekend everyone.
Friday, November 8, 2013
The Unknown
Sometimes the challenges you face is so immense in the perception of your mind that you feel cornered out, helpless, and don't know how things will turn out in the future. You feel like no matter what you do, there is no way out of what you are experiencing in your life circumstance. I've experienced this and am experiencing it on a daily basis just because I'm a human being. Once I'm caught in that mind set, I turn my attention into my heart. Tapping into my feelings and space of love. I meditate on the vastness of the universe. The galaxies, the space between them, the concept of light year, the suns energy, configuration of atoms, planets, and billions of distant unknown where we haven't really been able to figure out. I then focus my breath inside my own body, locating every organ, muscle fiber, bones, arteries, cells, and the billion of molecules synchronized in perfection for my creation. I follow my thought's energy and connect them to both the external universe and my own internal universe. As I fall deeper in this amazing unknown , I invite the energy of trust, faith, peace, gratitude, and compassion to bind this eternal presence together. I fall behind my worries, little problems, fears and release those energies to the SOURCE within me. I take a deep breath, ALLOW LIFE to pass through, flow, and carry me to my destiny. I relax into this deep space of LOVE. Asking for it's blessings and guidance to reveal my potentials, creativity, genius out to the world in order to uplift everyone's spirit as I do my own. I AM, GOD IS.
Affirmation: " I let go and let God. As I focus my attention inward, I know I'm divinely guided and supported to my destiny. Life supports me. I am available and receptive to more abundance, love, healing, inspiration, wealth, and compassion than I can even imagine possible. Come what may."...have a beautiful Friday everyone
Affirmation: " I let go and let God. As I focus my attention inward, I know I'm divinely guided and supported to my destiny. Life supports me. I am available and receptive to more abundance, love, healing, inspiration, wealth, and compassion than I can even imagine possible. Come what may."...have a beautiful Friday everyone
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Laser Beam
Good Morning Life,,,Here is a lesson that has worked really well for me. I've let go of wanting to 'Change' people from who they are and what they believe in. This simple act of conscious recognition with an acceptance of WHO they are and WHAT they are has liberated me from a lot of pain. I recognize the highest self in people I encounter. I'm interested in our common denominator, THE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. Once I see past our physical reality, the problems I face with others loose their negative energy. Each clash becomes just a reminder for me to rise above the lower energy I've find myself experiencing. Try this, make the Focal point of your awareness the energy of 'LOVE'. As you encounter strangers, look in their eyes and heart, connecting the two together. Imagine an intense Green color almost like laser, beaming from your eyes, to their eyes, into their heart, and reflecting back to your heart. See what happens....Right now I've got you in this field with my post.
Affirmation: "I forgive and let go, I let go and let God. I am living, moving, and having my being in presence of love. My focus and attention is on uplifting my energy. I am available and receptive to more Miracles, abundance, healing, and success than I can possibly imagine. I go with the flow of life."...have a beautiful day everyone
Affirmation: "I forgive and let go, I let go and let God. I am living, moving, and having my being in presence of love. My focus and attention is on uplifting my energy. I am available and receptive to more Miracles, abundance, healing, and success than I can possibly imagine. I go with the flow of life."...have a beautiful day everyone
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Authentic You
What the world needs now is more AUTHENTIC people being themselves without misleading others and wanting to take advantage of them. Being in INTEGRITY with our SOUL through meditation and visioning can get rid of our nonsense manipulation games of the EGO we play daily. We can be REAL and respect others without any secondary gain. Collective Healing of our planet only happens when we each take RESPONSIBILITY to heal ourselves first. Take a look in the mirror today, send yourself lots of LOVE because healing happens only when you come from deep space of inner LOVE. Lets do this together. Who is with me?
Affirmation: "I am in tune with my mind, body, and spirit. I allow myself to experience inner love, beauty, peace, and compassion. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, healing, wealth, and prosperity than I can even imagine possible. Come what may!".....have a fantastic day everyone.
Affirmation: "I am in tune with my mind, body, and spirit. I allow myself to experience inner love, beauty, peace, and compassion. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, healing, wealth, and prosperity than I can even imagine possible. Come what may!".....have a fantastic day everyone.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
In Tune
This is a direct message to you as a reader, the receiver of this high frequency energy that is embedded in love, joy, and quality of peace coming directly from a source of high vibration that is right there deep within your own heart. If it resonates with you, it means that it's activating your highest potential, re-connecting you back to the SOURCE of all that there is, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, your true nature and BEING. Take a deep breath and feel ALL OF YOUR NEEDS met. Your body needed oxygen, and you got plenty of it. Your mind also needs fine tuning in order to become vibrationally receptive to the beautiful song of a friendly universe, the one that is ABUNDANT, KIND, and in HARMONY. You are stepping in this field of consciousness RIGHT NOW, and being encouraged to keep reminding yourself of the truth of YOUR WHOLENESS through out your day, coming back to yourself as you get caught in the drama of your life. Practice re-connecting back to yourself. Breath in LOVE, and LET GO of FEAR. That's the key that will answer and manifest all your prayers for you! Oh, Smile my friend...It's All Good.
Affirmation: "I am tuned to the song of my own heart. Love , joy, peace, compassion, success, wealth, healing, wholeness, happiness, kindness, beauty, creativity, peace, and harmony is the order of my day. I AM AVAILABLE AND RECEPTIVE TO MORE GOOD THAN I CAN EVEN IMAGINE POSSIBLE. COME WHAT MAY! ".... sending you guys tons of blessings. Namaste
Affirmation: "I am tuned to the song of my own heart. Love , joy, peace, compassion, success, wealth, healing, wholeness, happiness, kindness, beauty, creativity, peace, and harmony is the order of my day. I AM AVAILABLE AND RECEPTIVE TO MORE GOOD THAN I CAN EVEN IMAGINE POSSIBLE. COME WHAT MAY! ".... sending you guys tons of blessings. Namaste
Monday, November 4, 2013
Yes Factor
Lets generate a loving, positive energy of 'YES' to life as you move into the next stage of your spiritual growth and development. Right here, NOW, in this very moment you can CHOOSE to be a 'YES' factor in order to shift the direction of your life for the better. Have the Courage to freely love yourself. To let go of the judgments you have about yourself. The more you clear your internal energy and harmonize them with the universe, the more you will radiate joy, happiness, compassion, and peace out to the world. You'll attract what your radiate out. Feel the Abundance and Success that you are. Now is your time. I'm holding the highest possible state of BEING for you at this very moment. NOW, is your time! Namaste.
Affirmation: "I say Yes to life, Yes to joy, Yes to abundance, success, prosperity, Yes to healing and health, Yes to compassion and love, and Yes to the unknown knowing that whatever the universe has in mind for me is for my higher good. I am available, receptive, worthy, and appreciative to it all. Life supports me."...have a spectacular MONDAY everyone
Affirmation: "I say Yes to life, Yes to joy, Yes to abundance, success, prosperity, Yes to healing and health, Yes to compassion and love, and Yes to the unknown knowing that whatever the universe has in mind for me is for my higher good. I am available, receptive, worthy, and appreciative to it all. Life supports me."...have a spectacular MONDAY everyone
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The Journey
There is a PRESENCE you are ONE with, connected to , and get energized from in every moment. Your every thoughts of inspiration stems from aligning yourself with this gracious energy field. You can harmonize yourself with this Love Intelligence that beats your heart through your Intuition directly and get guided to your destiny. Fate is what life brings you. Destiny is what you do with it. You have the ability to CHOOSE infinite possibilities in any given moment, thus re-shaping the thoughts you have that leads into your action. Spiritual practices such as Meditation and life Visioning can open you up to your HIGHER SELF, your SOUL, and bring forth Your Highest PURE BEING into manifestation of creative thoughts and your destiny. Invest in yourself, practice, and radiate your LIGHT to the world. There is a higher PURPOSE to your existence. FIND IT!
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in LIGHT. Life supports me in every second of my existence. I am available and receptive to more Abundance, prosperity, health, happiness, joy, success, healing, kindness, creativity, peace, LOVE and compassion than I can possibly IMAGINE. Come what may! ".....Have a great Sunday...See you today at 430pm @ my seminar, "THE POWER OF VISIONING"...you don't want to miss this.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in LIGHT. Life supports me in every second of my existence. I am available and receptive to more Abundance, prosperity, health, happiness, joy, success, healing, kindness, creativity, peace, LOVE and compassion than I can possibly IMAGINE. Come what may! ".....Have a great Sunday...See you today at 430pm @ my seminar, "THE POWER OF VISIONING"...you don't want to miss this.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Heaven on Earth
Underneath your thoughts and your busy mind, there is a stillness, a space of tranquility that can be reached only by letting go and surrendering to the presence. It is such a beautiful place to be even if it is for just a few moment. As you breath into this quiet , empty space, you become one with the vastness of the universe. Infinity becomes your identity and love becomes your only true nature. Judgments reside, jealousy disappears. Fear changes it's face to complete and utter FAITH, compassion arises up and takes over your entire BEING. The oxygen in your blood stream dance to the tune of your heart beat. They kiss each cell with a prayer of peace and freedom, joy and laughter, nourishment and vitality. Each cell becomes aware of it's own beauty, reshaping itself to the perfection of divine harmony of ALL that EVER IS. In this very moment as you've read this, YOUR SOUL IS IN BLISS. TAKE A DEEP BREATH MY FRIEND, you've just entered the doorway to your INNER TRUTH, heaven on earth.
Affirmation: "I love because I AM LOVE. I am one with Infinite beauty of this love intelligence that beats my heart and breathes through my every cell. I am available and receptive to more abundance, healing, peace, success, inspiration, creativity, joy, and prosperity than I can even imagine possible. Come what may!"....have a beautiful weekend everyone....Big Hugs
Affirmation: "I love because I AM LOVE. I am one with Infinite beauty of this love intelligence that beats my heart and breathes through my every cell. I am available and receptive to more abundance, healing, peace, success, inspiration, creativity, joy, and prosperity than I can even imagine possible. Come what may!"....have a beautiful weekend everyone....Big Hugs
Friday, November 1, 2013
Higher Space
Can you feel yourself as an INFINITE being? No beginning , no end. A continuum of an energy field that always was, IS, and will be present. What if you woke up everyday, connected to your eternal self with each breath, and felt that you are the Soul encapsulated in a physical form , having a temporary human incarnation to reflect and reveal the glory of the cosmos according to your unique individual pattern called your LIFE? Surrender to the FEAR of Death right now! There is no better time than this very NOW moment to do so. The second you Let Go of that, you'll feel lighter, more connected. You become the observer of your own AWARENESS, it's pretty sweet space to be, to LIVE from when you encounter another Human BEING today. You'll feel their infinity, connect to their soul, and automatically view them as field of LOVE ENERGY. What if everyone started walking around from this SPACE of higher BEING Today? Well, this is where we are EVOLVING through the evolution of our Consciousness! You are getting a head start BABY. Take a deep BREATH.......Feel the LOVE that you ARE! WE are All ONE!
Affirmation: I love and am in LOVE with the universal All GOOD, the presence! I am living, moving, and having my BINGNESS in it, with full TRUST, I engage from a high space of my own Consciousness... I radiate beauty, joy, and kindness to whomever I encounter today. With an open heart, I attract and allow ABUNDANCE in my life, manifesting through my BEING."...have a beautiful day everyone
Affirmation: I love and am in LOVE with the universal All GOOD, the presence! I am living, moving, and having my BINGNESS in it, with full TRUST, I engage from a high space of my own Consciousness... I radiate beauty, joy, and kindness to whomever I encounter today. With an open heart, I attract and allow ABUNDANCE in my life, manifesting through my BEING."...have a beautiful day everyone
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