Sunday, October 13, 2013

Gossip or Praise?

The second you start talking about somebody behind their back you have completely dis-empowered yourself and fall out of INTEGRITY with life. Observe the underlying pleasure you are taking, either deliberately or subconsciously. It's the work of your EGO feeding itself on lower energies of lack, limitation, jealousy, fear, competition, unworthiness, and frustration. This will result in lowering your immune system. It will also match you with the vibration of those mentioned qualities and create more of them in your life's circumstances. Why would you want to create this for yourself? STOP the GOSSIPS. You can praise and communicate with someone directly. Share your feelings or you can simply bless them goodbye out of your life. Bring in the energies of LOVE, appreciation, kindness, compassion, joy, healing, and peace. When you match yourself to these vibrations and stand your ground in AWARENESS, YOU"LL CREATE more empowering reality in your life's circumstances. THE CHOICE IS YOURS BABY!!!!! MASTER YOUR MIND AND YOU'LL LIVE IN BLISS!

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in BLISS. I acknowledge my divinity, honoring my INTEGRITY, and KNOWING my ONENESS with LIFE. As I empower myself and observe my thoughts, I empower and bring everyone else UP with me. I am available and receptive to more ABUNDANCE, wealth, HEALTH, LOVE, JOY, success, creativity, prosperity, and beauty than I CAN EVEN IMAGINE. COME WHAT MAY! ".......Have a spectacular Sunday

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