Sunday, August 26, 2018

All that is 

All that Is and All that Is Not is Who you Are and Who you are Not. Who you are is Love and how you can get to that realization is start developing trust in your higher Self. It comes through the practice of appreciation. When you realize that there is a law of balance, you'll notice that no matter what happens in your life, you are being taken care of. You will always land back on your point of reference which is inclusive, which is part of wholeness, which loves rather than dwells in fear, which is infused with energy of compassion. This point will be clear as you walk your journey. Steady, without any guilt, hopelessness, and without the fear of judgment. Your job is to be in motion. To set forth intentions and act upon them without speculating the outcome. You make the first move and the universe will take care of the rest. You set your direction towards wholeness, and openings for blessings reveal themselves in every area of your life. All that Is and All that is Not is Who you Are and Who you Are Not. You are Experiencing your Experience right now and having a Satori as they call it. Have a beautiful week. Stay strong! --Dr. Rod.... spiritual life coaching 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Love story

"Feeling is the language of the Soul. Hidden deep within your feelings is your highest Truth."...A profoundly simply yet very deep statement. You feel me? Each time you acknowledge your feelings, you are in direct communication with God. You are also in direct communication while in the experience of your feelings. The highest feeling is love. Love of the presence which is never an absence. It's a total immersion of your Self, into the higher Self. Did you get that? The love between you and the universe is eternal, it's unconditional, and has been there since the beginning of time. The highest form of love here in our three dimensional world, the world of circumstances and experiences, is the love between human beings. It can be uni-directional, only when the precedence of it is directly emanating and connected to the love with Whole. As you go along your spiritual journey, you'll take away the layers of dense clouds that are obscuring your perception of separation from your source. An inherent, inner energy starts being activated deep within you heart. You fall in love with your beloved and never look back again. Each experience of love between human beings is unique and sacred relative to their own stage of development, state of mind, and spiritual growth. Always know that the love you experienced from another Being was a divine vehicle to guide and direct you into your soul's evolution. Be grateful that you had those experiences, even though sometime the memories of what you are holding about them are bitter. The moment you feel your unity with the ONE love, your life will never be the same. You find beauty in everyone and everything. All you have to offer is your pure essence, your incredible positive vibration. Your soul is smiling now....:) Namaste....Dr. Rod....

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Flexibility in your thoughts and letting go of holding onto your opinions so rigidly is POWER!!!! Have you noticed when you get caught up in your opinion with others, you start becoming frustrated and upset? It's a very interesting phenomenon. Not only we are attached to our possessions, we more often are attached to our opinions and belief system. Separation is the name of this game and the one who gets burned at the end is ourselves. Notice the times you become so uptight and retentive about a belief you have that negates someone else's belief. Be open and receptive to another point of view instead of wanting to impose you BS on others. Belief Systems are nothing more that previous held thoughts usually picked up from society's good/bad laws which have nothing to do with your own personal experience or spiritual laws. The more you become in tune with your own nature which is God's nature, the more you loosen up your opinions or previous held beliefs. Instead of resisting and fighting them, you become in flow and operate on a higher frequency. You'll bypass the attempt to prove yourself right or wrong and you will become a field of infinite possibility for transformation. Rising above the previous formation of your thought patterns, aligning with universal Truth, and tuning into oneness, peace, love. This is your Soul's destiny and a beautiful journey that makes our life worth living for. Are you ready for it? Namaste....

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Abundance affirmation 

Affirmation: " I am here, I am now. I am one with the invisible source of love that is indivisible from my life. I am available to more abundance, success, and wealth than I have ever manifested before. I am at the center of prosperity. I am divinely guided and lighted up with passion for my vision. I vision peace in the world. I am open and receptive for miracles to show up everywhere I go and in everything that I do. For this, I am grateful and I allow it to BE". And so it is. Amen πŸ’š

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Self love 

Connecting to your source is the Self love you are looking for that will heal all the pain from the past being carried in your heart. Pain is inevitable in our natural progression as human experience , however it is the story of the pain that we hold on in our memory that causes unnecessary suffering. Suffering is optional and in this very moment you have a choice to let go of the victim consciousness of suffering, opening your Self up to embracing the pain, and transmuting this energy into faith, love, and hope. 

Life is ever expanding, evolving, and infinite. You being the re-presentation of the one life that ever existed, are full of pure potential. This potential needs your recognition and conscious realization to cultivate, activate, and then express more of itself as you. You are worthy being of light, a beautiful idea from the mind of universal consciousness. As you move along your spiritual path, come from the space of trusting yourSelf and appreciating the pain that has led you to know, and know that you know that your knowing is from divine guidance. 

You conversation now is about possibility and potential, compassion and oneness, joy and happiness. Wake up baby, you are the Source and the Source is you. Take a deep breath, affirm: "All of my needs are met, everything happens for my higher good, I am living, moving , and having my being in God, in peace, in love. All is well". and so it is. Amen. 


Namaste +1

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Your purpose 

My purpose in this very moment is to raise the collective group consciousness with the help of anyone who is reading the energy behind these thoughts that are being translated into words. You play a major significance in healing and uniting our world of separation as we are experiencing today through your state of awareness. How do you take part in this noble act? By monitoring your thoughts and being a witness to the negative ones when they come up. By knowing your ultimate purpose which is the evolution of your soul, thus creating who and what you are according to the perfection of the universe, consciously becoming one with God. Everything else we experience are simply vehicles to get us on the path to Self Realization. You are being invited to create a powerful group consciousness through this post and allow it's energy wash through lower, negative energies being passed around. My assignment is to stay peaceful, compassionate, and kind by viewing the world through the lens of love. My intention is to love, to heal, and to inspire in order to raise our collective cosmic consciousness. I invite you to join this journey in your own unique way. Individually we can take personal responsibility for our lives and collectively we can change the world as we change from within......Namaste........Dr. Rod....

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

My sacred space 

For me writing is a sacred space where I can let go of my thoughts and allow them to flow through my fingers as they are doing now. I've got a cool music inspiring my neurons to fire up and explode passionate thoughts of inspiration. I feel the words that comes through me. They are messages of my over Soul transferring themselves into limited expression we label as letters. They don't quite capture the essences of what I'm feeling sometimes. It gets frustrating when words don't capture the exact vibration of what needs to be express. Take a deep breath my friends; you are being invited to step into an unknown territory. It's known to your Soul but an unknown place to your limited mind that's looking to reason out your existence. You can't reason it out. The only way to make sense is to let go of your senses and tap into your higher Self to go beyond the physical sense. In the world of intuition, all things are possible. In the world without love, your physical senses misguide you to a poor understanding of why you are here and what your purpose is in life. In your inner world with love, the mass hypnotic spell of lack and limitation is wiped out. You gain clarity into a brighter perception of why you are here. What your purpose is in life. How you have become who you are and how you can uplift your spirit in this moment to change everything around. You are in that zone right now. Cherish it and allow these words flow into your blood stream, become the very vitalizing nourishment for your physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. Take a deep breath, breath out. Smile and say: I love my LIFE :) Namaste.....

Monday, August 6, 2018

The void

A moment ago you had a thought. Slow down, stop and look at what just crossed your mind. This is a moment of deep contemplation as I am in a beautiful space that I just allow whatever needs to be heard, to be felt, and to be expressed come through me from deep meditation. There is a void inside all of us that wants to cover itself up with distractions presenting themselves as thoughts. This void is always there. It gets caught into time and the illusion of time. It becomes more apparent and real when you emotionally connect with someone and they for whatever reason leave your life. It becomes more active with broken promises and with not embracing yourself as a powerful being. This void is infinite and carries a dense energy if you don't become aware of it. 

At the same time, it can push you to discover more of what you are about. You can either use it for your growth or allow it to pull you into strong waves of sadness, anger, or heart break. When you feel this void, it will seem like a wave of heavy energy wanting to break you from inside. Instead of fighting it, dive deep underneath this wave. Submerge inside and see if you can embrace it. Be with it as I say and open your arms as if you want to give a warm hug to your lover. Make it welcome and know that this void is a part of you that is pulsating to feel love from the highest part of you. It seeks love from others but that love is transitory and for many is not real. It seeks your attention with an intention to uplift you as you recognize it. 

In the moment of its deep recognition, the waves of the void turns into calm ocean of devotion to inner happiness. Peace rises up from the deep abyss of this darkness and fill through the void. It holds you and protects your heart by transforming this energy just by your realization that this void is your own soul extending her hand to guide you into eternity of inner joy. The process of unfoldment starts with seeing the voids in your heart and then surrendering yourself as you dive into pure love. 

Feel your heart my friend. Notice the void has turned into light and expansion into purity of your Soul. Namaste. πŸ’š spiritual life coaching

Sunday, August 5, 2018

First thing 

This is the first thing that goes on in my mind before I even open my eyes every morning: " I am available to more good than I have ever imagined before. I am open and receptive to infinite blessings. I surrender to my guides and divine intelligence to bring forth my mission today. I surrender to the spirit of love and God to have their way with me. I am in great gratitude , appreciating all that there IS and manifesting from all that IS NOT. Thank you life, thank you love , thank you health, thank you wealth, thank you peace, thank you abundance, and thank you bliss. So be it !" πŸ˜ƒπŸ’š

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Your soul

Dear Self;

I have the deepest compassion for the pain you've endured. I understand that you've been doing the best you know how to handle situations that come at you. Sometimes you get lost, sometimes you get caught into darkness. A blockage in your heart. You say something you don't mean and then you realize what you said have hurt the person you love most. You start hurting inside and feeling as if the entire world has become your worst enemy. It happens to the best of us. I realize the emotional ups and downs you go through. 

I realize the fear of un-known that shows up in your mind, in those alone moments where you fall to your knees and ask for prayers of healing. I see and feel who and what you Are, for you are always becoming more and creating an extension of me through the experiences of your life. One thing I've discovered in you is that you are always trying to grow. 

To go beyond the mental shackles of your EGO and break through your limited belief systems that you picked up from the world. I see how you try genuinely and I respect that in you. I see how you want to change for the better, on a moment by moment basis, and how you are committed to Be more than you are because you know deeply that you are more than who you are. I respect that in you, I SEE YOU, and I'm here for you to make that leap into the unknown with ease and grace. That's my promise to you and my word creates a world of significance as your life at the moment you yield to me through the portal of your heart and allow me to shine right through it. Trust me my friend, I've got your back, even at times it seems that we are so far apart. I'm right there within you, breathing through you, and cradling you in my arms. I love you unconditionally.


Your Soul.......(-Dr. Rod...)

Friday, August 3, 2018


See the greatness within your heart. Stay calm in the midst of chaos around you. It's a practice and a mental exercise. Anyone can do it. There is a reservoir of infinite goodness and beauty in you. It's always there. You just happen to get distracted by the drama of your mind. Don't mind others, they are all dealing with their own problems one way or another. Some will attempt to drag you in it. Stay centered and focused when you recognize it coming towards you. If you can help, go for it. If you see you are about to get manipulated, be flexible to deflect that negative energy away from you and continue your own path. Bless them goodbye. Don't get caught up in the emotions of others. Deal with them by dealing with your own emotions first in silence. Meditate. Then, nothing and no one can disturb your inner peace. πŸ’šNamaste. +1