Thursday, June 28, 2018


Dreams are the fertile ground for your wishes and imagination to take deep root in your subconscious mind. Dream big! Expand your inner love to the entire world. There is tension in the world of the phenomenon. Each one of us has a mandate to contribute something positive to the world. One way of doing this is to send out a prayer of peace and compassion where there is a lot of pain going on. In every corner of our globe, there is hatred and fear running rampage. As our global shift to higher consciousness takes its course , you can be certain that your thoughts about how you see your world has a power to make this change possible. A change into harmony, a change into unity, and a change of true love between people where boundaries are taken away and we recognize our oneness with each other. As my beloved teacher , Dr Wayne Dyer says : "When you change the way you look at things, the thing you look at changes". 

Namaste 💚

Monday, June 25, 2018

Forgiveness is powerful 

I had an incredible experience yesterday going through a Forgiveness meditation with one of my clients. It's very interesting the way life works. The moment you are available and receptive to expand, the universe brings about the exact thing you need for your expansion. My friend took on this receptivity when I suggested to her to go through this process. Her inner YES transformed into a moment of deep self realization. Forgiveness is POWERFUL. 

Probably the most powerful thing you can go through when you understand how it works energetically. As we took on an inner journey together, I was completely transformed as well. I felt and experienced the coagulated thought energies, blockages, and other things going on from holding on to my own point of view while I surrendered for the best possible outcome to manifest.. At one point, I felt the presence of spirits all around us while we were meditating. 

As my own receptivity is increasing, so is the shift that is happening in my internal world. There is more INSIGHT. IN-Sight, an ability to see what lies beyond the physical eyes, seeing through your wisdom and intuition rather than what the world of phenomenon is dictating to you. Forgiveness is For-Giving. Giving away that which no longer serves you and replacing it by Giving away that which will Free you from the bondage of past memories, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Freedom of the heart is gained through finding the courage to say YES and yielding to the unknown. Letting Go. For-Giving and allowing life to have it's way through you. 

When you see someone eye to eye today, look at them beyond their physical appearance. Let go of your judgement about them. Walk through the gates to their Soul, knowing that there is something deep within their heart that needs Forgiveness. Send them a blessing and a prayer to go through this process of inner transformation as I'm sending it FOR YOU, NOW!!! -Namaste. -Dr. Rod....

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Be my rock

I have four rocks surrounding me during my meditation. One of them is my favorite that's been made into a necklace by my dear friend. It's in a shape of 'Heart'. You may have seen me wearing it or in the pictures. The two bigger ones are the ones that sit on my lap and accompany me in every group meditation I hold. One is from the ocean and has a soft texture, the other from mountain, it's sharp like blade of a spear. The last one is a soft crystal like quartz from the ocean as well. 

The significance of these rocks match my purpose and intention in life: To love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I had an insight the other day while hiking and meditating. The four energy vortex and entry point of these qualities are shaped this way. It begins with the intention to LOVE, starting from the master of the physical body which is the heart, illuminating LIGHT. As my necklace lays on my chest wall, I feel the vibration of it's molecules penetrating my heart. 

There is a sense of support there, a connection beyond my description here. The second intention is to heal which I see it through my First Eye chakra and Crown. It's the connection between heaven and the earth, The big soft rock from the ocean covers for that. The ocean for me is healing and any energy shape shifted through me is directed to the ocean. I become one with the waves, feeling the ocean's incredible power, yet it's still. It's presence is healing by itself. The third intention is to IN-SPIRE: To be in flow with the SPIRIT of the infinite. 

Remembering this statement: People may forget what you say, forget how you act, BUT they will not forget how you make them FEEL. When you inspire someone, you uplift their Soul. You become the catalyst that is required for the alchemy of their lead into GOLD. The precious treasures that sits dormant in the deepest spaces of their BEING takes on FORM and LIFE. YOU, in essence, become the life blood of their activated ENERGY. I feel this in my Spine and Back and is covered by my Solar plexus, third chakra with the little soft, white quartz. The last one is Abundance. At my root and spine chakra, the ones connected to the physical realm, strong yet gentle, persistence yet surrendered to the higher orders of the universe, sharing my talent and cooperating in humility, not wanting to have more than what is already enough.

 I affirm that all of my needs are met in the beginning and until the end which is the beginning point of another end. A cycle that goes on forever. Traveling with these for entry point of my intention with my beautiful rocks, I'm sending you tons of love and a blessing to uplift your spirit, heal your heart, inspire you beyond imagination, and showering you with abundance, prosperity, peace, and joy...:) Namaste....-Dr. Rod....

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Root of anxiety

Identifying with Time is the root of anxiety. You know what I'm talking about? The beginning of the week, or getting to the middle of the year, looking at yourself and identifying with your chronological age, looking in the mirror seeing the gray hair and identifying with old age. All of these mental constructs that enable us to compartmentalize the world of material into functionality can create a sense of inner anxiety. Take a deep breath in this very NOW moment, the only moment ever existed and ever will be. Step out of your mental construct and anxiousness with TIME, let go of it. View this day as a moment in eternity. Think of the sun for a second. Imagine it's beautiful energy laying on your skin. 

Do you really think the sun cares about TIME? It's always up to it's own nature, shining, giving energy and doing it's thing. Think of the ocean and it's waves for a second. Do you think it cares about TIME? It's always BEING it's own nature, in tune with the harmony of the universe. You are made up of elements of the starts, energy of the cosmos vibrates through you. You can measure and experience time for the sole purpose to go beyond it. It's a reverse process, to re-member what you've forgotten. 

Take this on Today.Step outside time and re-cognize the eternal aspect of yourself. No end , no beginning, always IS. NOW, get rid of your watch today, try it, don't look at your phone or anything that reminds you of TIME. Stay focused on your breath as you do whatever you do and see how everything you are up to will ease up. You will FLOW from the TIMELESS essence of your higher self and remain in PRESENCE. This is where PEACE resides. Shift your energy from hurry to slowing down and you'll experience the peace you've been searching for from within......-Dr. Rod...

Friday, June 22, 2018


Life can seem incredibly unfair specially when an innocent bystander gets harmed either in an accident or something happens that changes their life forever. It's so difficult to keep yourself centered as you enter an atmosphere knowing people are truly hurting seeing their loved ones hurt. It breaks my heart. 

As I witness this, I enter a zone of surrender. Please know the definition of surrender! It's not giving up to your emotions or giving up trying. It's giving up control over what is out of your control: That is " The hidden secrets of WHY things happen the way they HAPPEN?" So many mysteries and unknown, yet human beings get caught up in their mind and try to come up with a 'REASON' for everything. Sometimes, what really pulls you out of sinking deep down in your broken heart while gasping for the next breath in order to survive the turmoils of life is your FAITH. 

Nothing else matters! Nothing else can really guide you to the right direction. Faith is the " absolute substance of what you are hoping for and the vibratory evidence of what can't be SEEN". Surrendering to Universe and the Source of all origins is giving up control and Trusting. What else can you do when you see yourself in a situation that needs you to expand as a person, as a spiritual being having a temporary human incarnation? 

This is where I found myself BEING yesterday when I was talking to two beautiful souls who were hurting so much. As I was guiding them and having a deep conversation with this couple, the essence of this message was echoed into their soul and there was an INNER-standing, not an understanding by them. They felt that in the most challenging times of their lives there is an opportunity for Spiritual growth which requires their absolute FAITH in the unknown and full on Trust in the fundamental orders of the Universe. 

We don't know Why sometimes, It's just the way it is! - Namaste....Dr. Rod....

Thursday, June 21, 2018


"Success in life is a result of good judgment. Good judgment is usually result of experience. Experience is usually result of bad judgment".

See how this statement applies to your life and make the appropriate adjustment in the way you think, feel, experience, and measure your success level at. Success is found in the hidden gaps of every present moment. When you accept yourself as who you are, what you are, and align with the creative purpose of your soul, your success is assured. 💚

spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I attract abundance and success into my life because that's who I am. 

I am available to more health, wealth, success , and inner peace than I have ever manifested or experienced before. I am the avenue of prosperity and joy, gratitude and love, ecstasy and bliss flowing through my being with ease and grace. Today, is going to be the best day of my life. 

I declare this to BE, and so it is. Amen." 💚😍😃

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Manifesting abundance 

Good morning life. Here is a powerful abundance affirmation: " I attract abundance and success into my life because that is who I am. I am available to more prosperity, wealth, and well being than I have ever imagined , manifested , or experienced before. Money flows to me with ease and grace. I share my gifts with enthusiasm. I give my energy away in good open heartedly. I reside in total gratitude and allow it to be" and so it is. Amen. Have a spectacular Day. 💚💜💚+1

Monday, June 18, 2018


Do you want to move from being self-centered into becoming centered in the Self? I'm talking about having a stronger connection with your higher Self and stepping out of your Ego. It's very possible and it requires your attention to your inner world. It requires knowing that YOU DON"T KNOW. Simple ha? Have you noticed people that play as if they KNOW it all? You've experienced that person and sometimes you've fallen for your own mask of I KNOW IT ALL. Well, now that you know you DON"T KNOW, it's a great space to BE. It's an awareness that will Simplify your LIFE. Through Simplicity, you become expansive, and through expansion of your consciousness, the wisdom of the universe finds it's way for expression through the vibration of your thoughts. You become an instrument of peace and love. These two are not KNOWING, they are eternal qualities of BEING. You just began a process of Self Realization , a change from being self centered to becoming centered in the Self. Take a deep breath and make this your INTENTION today: "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING and from KNOWING NOTHING , I tap into the mystery of life, thus downloading cosmic Wisdom through my intuition now." I can feel and sense the freedom you are feeling for not KNOWING. Let it Go...YOU know! Step in the UNKNOWN my friend through your Faith and loving INTENTION. - Namaste...Dr. Rod....

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Stay gentle

Stay gentle, kind, and flexible in your attitude instead of being rigid, harsh, and close minded. The more you remain quiet and listen ,the more you will gain strength and guidance from your higher Self. This advice from the Tao Te Ching goes a long way. Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to more good flowing in my life. I am flexible in my attitude and reside in gratitude. Love is the order of my day. Abundance and prosperity find me as an open channel to express themselves."💚

Monday, June 11, 2018

Spiritual connection 

Activating the spiritual potentials in you has to do with your own self realization. You've got to have a WILLINGNESS to expand beyond your present paradigm. Become an explorer with an intention to change something from within. During the day, you'll realize you get caught up in your thoughts. Yesterday, I was so totally in that mode. I could observe and hear my EGO in every circumstance. It is so interesting when you become an astute observer and realize the madness. Thoughts of self sabotage, guilt, shame, not good enoughness, lack, scarcity, fear, pessimism, and sadness show up. Yes, they all come and go when you fail to be present. When you get caught up in your drama. As you begin to do inner work, specially meditation, a direct KNOWING from an un-KNOWN place starts dancing through these thoughts. It differentiates between what's Real and what is Truth. In the moment you are available and receptive to the Truth, contents of your Reality change and purify. A new vision is revealed right where the illusion of your thoughts were creating obscurity. Clarity LIGHTS up. Bliss starts releasing it's scent and joy experiences it's sweet taste as your life's essence. Time becomes Still. Peace finds it's way through the cracks of the prison walls that were once surrounding your heart a second ago. YOU BECOME LOVE ITSELF... Can you feel what I just felt?💚 

Friday, June 8, 2018

Is my life worth it ?

"Is my life worth it?"...Here is a question echoing in my mind during meditation. The sounds of it vibrates throughout my entire body, gushing through my arteries and veins, with each pulse from my heart. Is my life worth the fear, worries, and anxiety thoughts that I pick up from the outside world and then get distracted from my path? Is my life worth spending it on things that don't matter and people who don't matter? Have you asked yourself these questions? The best way to get deep awareness from your higher Self is to ask a quality question. The answers will show up in a way that you would understand. They may show up as feelings, as a vision, or as information through other people. How many people do you know of that passed away within the last year? I know at least of 2 close people to me who moved on and that took a piece of my heart with them. Look, tomorrow is not guaranteed to be here. If you are experiencing pain and suffering, let them go. Let the worry go because you will not get a second chance. The miracle you are looking for is your LIFE in this very moment. Your presence here, now, reading this note is a miracle itself. When you get stuck on the things that don't matter, ask yourself: Is my life worth this? Once you shift your way out of that situation, ask yourSelf: What is worth my life? These two questions will help you maneuver through things that don't matter and higher quality energies that do matter. Love matters, Peace matters, your happiness, health, and your joy matters. Everything else is a waste of your precious time. Know your worth, embrace yourself as an intelligent being of light that can decide which direction to lead your life where it matters! -Dr. Rod...+1

Friday, June 1, 2018

My atoms 

Affirmation: This is the greatest day of my life. I am living, moving, & having my being in love. Abundance rushes through my veins. Healths takes over my cells. The atoms in my being vibrate in peace and bliss. Wealth knows my address. I am swimming in gratitude and allow infinite joy to express through me. And so it is. Amen. 😃👊ðŸĪŠðŸ’šðŸ™