Tuesday, July 31, 2018


"Fire burns it not. Water wets it not. Wind can not blow it away. When you find it, you can't name it. Once you name it, you can't find it"...Take a deep breath my friend. Taking you on a journey I experienced and told myself I'll write about it. Here I am, after an hour long hike up to where my meditation spot is. As I centered myself, I slowed down my heart beat, being totally drenched. I usually say a prayer before I jump into meditation that includes world peace, love, and healing. 

In front of me is 180 degree view of the mountains that ends with the ocean. I can see and feel every wave, sending it's positive polar energy towards me. I can hear and feel the trees talking to me, greeting me as one of their own. When I breath, I'm totally aligned with the waves. I slow my breath down and capture the message of what the ocean has from me. With my left hand, I locate the sun, pointing at it with the palm of my hand. 

My sensory receptors pick the photon of light energy that has traveled millions of light year and reached it's destination in the present moment. Giving me a present in the present moment. The sun rays have their own message. Feeling the wind with my right hand, I pick up it's speed and how it wants cuddle with me. Ya, the wind cuddling with my hand. As I move my right hand very gently, I pick up the vibration and speed of the wind, hand heart the message it has for me. 

With my In-sight, I hear all the creatures around me, their sound waves go through my ears and meet the oceanic waves, the sun, and the wind and the center of my heart. I feel the planet underneath my feet. Feel it's love. It's powerful gravitational energy. It's as if she's holding me in her arms. The heat I feel from the ground travels up my legs and all the nerve endings, through my sciatic nerve, sacral plexus, into my spine and find it's way in the center of my heart where it meets the other for a union. As I breath the air in my body, it awakens every cell inside me. I see my cells dancing around a fire pit in my heart where the oceanic waves, the sun, the wind, and mother earth are blessing me through their love and guidance. This is a glimpse as best as I could to feel the invisible power that is indivisible from you. It can't be named, it can't be burned, and it can not be blown away. It's in, through, and as you. It's you. Connect to it, cherish it, and stay in oneness. You are one breath away from it. - Namaste....Dr. Rod...πŸ’š DrRod26.com

Monday, July 30, 2018

Meditate to liberate 

The mark of a true spiritual warrior is to recognize when they fall out of integrity with their soul. This means that you get caught up in your reactions to the external circumstance, you fall for your ego, and buy into the lie that you need more. There is a perfection within you that only needs your permission to release its infinite energy. You are made of the elements that make up the cosmos. You are infinite and powerful beyond anything ever created. Every day is a new set point to let go of the past and start new. I fell out of integrity with my soul by getting caught up in my fears last night. I lashed out at a loved one for so called "my own reasons" that are immature and tainted by my ego. I created an atmosphere of pain for myself and the other person. My recognition of this fall out came back quickly though. Meditation helps you to bounce back into integrity at lightening speed and resolve your issues faster than what the mind loves to do. The mind loves you to suffer and generate more negativity. The soul though through meditation uplifts you from the negative energy and opens the gates of your heart so fast for the spirit of love to shine through. Melting of the ego takes place and the flowering of your beauty blooms even in the darkest moments of your experience. Get in stillness and allow God to have its way with you. 

Namaste πŸ’š DrRod26.com

Dr Rod

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Mighty blessing

This prayer is coming from the deepest space of my consciousness. Be available and receptive to receive it. Just know that whatever you are growing through, emotional pain, financials, relationship problems, anything that is bending your back or making you hopeless is nothing compared to the POWER you have within you. You are a miracle of life and a soul creator of your own destiny. You have potentials beyond your belief and strength that can move mountains. You are meant to be on a divine purpose here with a mission that is far greater than the challenges you are facing. Get up, stand up, take a deep breath, and start right now by letting go of anything negativity before this moment. Allow the spirit of love to take over your life and carry you through. 

Namaste πŸ’š

DrRod26.com spiritual life coaching

Thursday, July 26, 2018


"Passion is the love of turning being into action. It fuels the engine to creation. It changes concepts to experience."...What are you passionate about? I ask myself this question over and over and each time from a deep contemplative state I get profound answers. The answers are derived from my direct connection with the source and the feeling that is created by aligning myself with it through meditation. It's a beautiful place of being and then becoming. I really love the quote I opened this writing with. Passion is the love of turning being into action. 

It's the vehicle, it's that which is necessary to get you Do from Being and then have. Having the experience without the expectation of what to experience. It's being with the experience of the doing. How cool is that? You are always creating this cycle of being, doing, and having yet sometimes you are caught in the expectation of what to experience and fall for your judgment. This applies to every area of your life. Find yourself where in this process you are derailing from the path that is getting you closer to God consciousness and you'll realize the the expectation of experiencing something that is of an illusion has shifted your creative being into doing. 

The key: Check out your degree of passion. I am now so passionate about writing this because I know that the energy behind these words is tickling your soul and making you giggle. I invite you to let your passion overflow in whatever you intend to create and be. Let it come forward, you know, each time you feel this incredible gift from the universe, you are aligned with life, and becoming more of your authentic self. 

Forces in nature are complying to uplift your life from your current paradigm into manifesting the vision that God has already made in perfection as this universe, as your life, as your creation, and as the passion within you heart. Let if flow. Be present in the moment when this rush of energy takes you over and enjoy the ride. Make sure you wear your seat belts, because it will shock and surprise you beyond what you can currently imagine. Namaste....-Dr. Rod....


Monday, July 23, 2018

Law of attraction 

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more love than I have ever experienced before. I attract abundance and success into my life because that's who I am. I am an avenue of harmonizing prosperity, a blessing on the planet. My heart is pure, my soul is on a mission, and I live with a vision of greatness in service to others. Inner peace is within me radiating out and shining its light to all who come across my path. I am love. I am peace. I am abundance and I am bliss. And so it is." πŸ’šamen +1

DrRod26.com spiritual life coaching, Meditation, Healing 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Life is precious 

Life is precious! A lot of times you get so caught up with your dramas that you forget your essence. You become so distance from your heart center. It feels like that you are being thrown around by the difficulties which come your way like a tornado. I’ve been there and I get to this space often. However, I don’t allow my mind to take on a negative turn. When it does, I remember who I am and where I came from. I introspect on every choices I’ve made and let them go. 

Don’t dwell on your past. It won’t serve you. You may find some reference of what went wrong, but who cares. You are here and NOW! Move forward. 

What about living your highest best and feel your most unconditional love in the moment? Whenever you dig the past, all you do is missing out on who is in your life now, how much caring you can experience, and how Kindness can give u an immense pleasure. 

I’m intending to send a beautiful and loving vibration out to the world from deepest level of compassion possible to be reached. I dare to send this vibe out because I’m in a state where I can feel every word that’s being printed on this note. The light bouncing to your eyes and interpreting my writing in your cerebral cortex is what is connecting my breath to your heart beat now. 

Take a deep breath. If u feel a rise in your consciousness and feel a warm sensation flowing in your blood is because I’m praying you up. I pray as this positive energy reaches you to create an opening in areas where you feel blocked. To create the impossible into possible. To heal your body and emotions back to the source of all perfection. To widely open the gates to abundance that is manifesting as harmonizing prosperity, money, and amazing success in your life. 

May this be a moment that both of us are recipient to miracles, beyond our imagination, in, around, and as that which we call GOD expressing through our experience. Amen


Dr Rod πŸ’š DrRod26.com

Friday, July 20, 2018

Healing your soul 

I woke up with an intense spasm in both of my upper shoulders right beneath the neck line. Usually muscle spasm is coagulated thought energy that has surfaced up either consciously or subconsciously and is trying to leave the body temple. I just came out of a very deep meditation, so I will share the process of what I experienced, if at any level you are holding some sort of body pain, this will help you. 

Read it once, and then couple of times as I take you on this journey. I know that you know there are thoughts you subjectively hold about yourself that is simply not true. That is a judgment about yourself either because of lack of self love or living in fear. It's a a myth you are holding about yourself from the past. A 'What If' statement that's been hunting you. What if my life wasn't like this? What if things would have been different? What if I didn't make that decision and I would have done something else? You know what I'm talking about. Comparing What Is to what Could have been is the biggest self sabotage and dis-empowering state of mind to be. Don't worry, you are not the only one, yours truly falls for this all the time. 

I've been very conscious about my internal dialogue though. Through self healing and meditation, I transmute this thoughts and change them to new one. Even as they are happening, I become aware of them and still in the process of mastering my feelings around them. Yet, again and again I fall for my Ego and experience the pain it causes. So what, life is a process of creating and experiencing your experiences and learning from the past experiences. So, take a deep breath. You've read this far, therefore I know your mind is settled and is in tune. 

As you read this, think about a time you've compared yourself with others and as a result you felt less than, unworthy, or not good enough. I give you a second......Now , take a deep breath around that thought and mental image of it. Whatever memory you have around this thought, take a snap shot of it and put both the thought and the mental image inside a sphere. Surround the sphere in red color. Deep bright red color. As you breath, notice where the spasms are or any other kind of pain around your body, or pain in your heart. A feeling of separation, sadness, or anger. Notice them, allow the feelings to surface up. Breath, and notice you are inhaling this red sphere, going inside your lungs and traveling to all the areas in your body that you are experiencing pain. As they arrive to these areas, imagine your physical body changing into field of light. Completely losing its physical form and becoming into field of light energy. Now you have the red spheres at their specific locations, with your entire body though changing into an intense blue light. As you focus on this intense blue light, imagine your heart re-shaping itself and becoming one with the ocean. So vast, so immense, so spacious, infinitely grand for increasing your capacity. 

This increase in capacity is now happening at every area of your thoughts, past, present, and future. It's happening at a subconscious level to dissolve anything that doesn't belong to you. Specially what you have included in the red sphere. Now, with every beat of your heart, I want you to realize the waves of ocean washing away through the red spheres, re-shaping and changing it's red color to blue. Breath in, imagine your heart beat is the actual wave of the ocean sending this healing energy to every cell of your body. 

The thoughts you've been holding on are dis-integrating inside the infinite capacity you are now making yourself available to. The judgments you've made about yourself are nothing but fear of accepting your greatness and who you really are. They are not real and will not inhibit your from manifesting your divine destiny. You are now intentionally activated in this healing energy of light, that is surrounding and connecting you to the universal source, the eternal light and love, with each breath, with each heart beat your life, your thoughts, and your actions are becoming new. New with the spirit, free from the grip of the Ego. At one with peace...Take a deep breath, hold it, now exhale with confidence. Namaste...Dr. Rod...


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Fear of separation 

There is that someone who will read this and is experiencing the 'fear of separation'. The one who has worries of the future specially as far as their relationship with another being is concerned. This is one of the most prominent work of the Ego that creates conditions in your mind to take you out of the present moment. Specially when you are feeling sad or depressed. 

These dense negative energies tend to pile up together and obscure the mind, keeping it in shackles. Believe me, I've been there. Specially that fear of separation from a loved one who I thought I was deeply in love with, and I was. Yet, when time came to stand on my own feet, I conquered my fears and started re-discovering the Truth of my Being. What did I find? I found out that just as oceanic waves can not be separated from the ocean and just as rays of sun beam can not be separated from the sun, therefore, I can not be separated from that which is infinite, the creator of creation, the void behind a thing, the nothing that manifests into something. The alpha and the omega, the energy behind these thoughts, the frequency beating my heart, the feeling behind what it feels to be LOVE, the Ohhm vibration of the Cosmos. 

The moment I realized my oneness with that which can not be named, my fear of separation dissolved and I saw my experience with the person I loved as just an experience for my growth. You may be going through that transition time where your beloved or friend, husband or wife, are at a turning point. You see, you get to become who you really are in relation to others, and what you see in others is an aspect of yourself, otherwise you wouldn't see it in them. To overcome your current challenge if you truly care for yourself and the other person is to change your perception of who you ARE. Become one with your higher Self, and then realize that your mate is also on this path of Self Realization. See them beyond what they are projecting. 

By changing the way you look at things, the things you look at will literally change. It's all up to you my friend. Don't blame your mate, don't blame the world, don't blame your circumstances, and please, don't blame yourself. You have a capacity to rise above and unite with what is inherently yours to BE- an ever expansive and a Being of Light floating in infinite space of possibilities to reflect and reveal the glory of God consciousness as your very LIFE.....God Bless You :) NamasteπŸ’šDr.Rod


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Constantly change 

Relationship is an incredible concept. By associating with another person, you get to know who you are. You get to experience yourself through the different conditions you find yourself going through as a result of your choice, thoughts, and actions. 

Think about the concept of 'change'. Literally, the only constant in life is change. For many, change creates fear because of attachment. Usually it happens in relationships because you get scared of losing your loved one. A fear of end. When you are so attached to something, it becomes difficult to grasp the underlying principal of change which is it's 'constant' nature. 

There is life, no- life, then life cycle which is part of who we are. Part of the grand design in our beautiful universe as an out picturing of the mind of God. You and I are part of this out picturing and we have the opportunity to recognize it through our lives. As you get aligned with the constancy of change, you find refuge in every ending, because you know that in every end there is a beginning. 

You find healing after every adversity, you find a deeper sense of love after giving up your fear. The fear of death of a loved one, death of an old idea, death of a habitual way of destructive thinking. In the act of letting go, you'll activate a new beginning infused with the energy of love. Then, every moment becomes in and of itself an eternal creation. Every moment takes on a mysterious adventure. A love story between your heart and your soul, dancing through this magnificent story we call our lives. - Namaste...Dr. Rod...❤️


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Monitor your thoughts 

Monitor your thoughts today and stop any negativity that may creep there. Doesn't matter what has happened up to this point because every moment is a new new beginning to start fresh. Hold your head up high. Remember who you are, a spiritual being having a human experience which you get to chose. You are infinite and powerful, confident and strong, loving and kind, peaceful and blissful, healthy and wealthy, abundance and pure success. The presence of God is in , around, and through you at any moment. It is YOU! Look within your heart, connect to it, tap in your potential, change your fears into faith, and yield to the great power of universe that wants to express through as your life. πŸ’š+1


Monday, July 16, 2018

My religion 

Something brought you to connect with this energy right now. I'm glad you are here. I am writing from the deepest state of meditation to you. Take a deep breath. Allow the next 30 seconds to be an anchor point for your Soul into infinity. Pay attention to your breath and notice your heart beat. As you dive in this space you will feel your heart beat synchronized with mine. Feeling yourself in the nowness of this moment, recognize you are magnificent. Unconditional love energy is floating through your breath, into your heart. Pumping out to your entire cellular structure. Each cell in your body re-presents every being on our planet. Every artery and vein is congruent with all the rivers and oceans of our planet. Every bone and muscle are the very core structure of Mother Earth. The titanic plates holding the continents together. Breath in, hold this breath for a second, feel your connection to everything and everyone. Know your power as you are literally changing the entire world in this very second with the expansion of your consciousness. Know you are absolutely beautiful and taken care of by the cosmos. You are guided and lighted by the spirit of love that runs the entire universe and is using your life to express its magnificence by becoming ONE with YOU in this moment. Take another deep breath, breath out the sound of Ohhhmmmmm. Namaste

+1 πŸ’šDrRod26.com

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Affirmation: " I attract abundance and success into my life because that's who I am. Divine love reflects within my soul. I allow more health, wealth, beauty, and joy to show up in my experience. I am an avenue of blessings for others. I am inspired. I am enthusiastic. I am in flow with the universal life source as my thoughts and actions. My attitude vibrates with gratitude in absolute peace. And so it IS. Amen." πŸ’š

DrRod26.com spiritual life coaching

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


There are no strangers in the world. There are only those people we haven't met yet. Once you know that we are all connected, the illusion of separation fades and the only thing remains between soul beings is the essence of love. 

Friendships are so precious! I love every one of my friends, near or far, and even those who have not been in touch for a while. People come in your life and touch your heart for a brief moment, some become long lasting connections, some you"ll never see again but a memory. To me, all experiences are sacred and each have a higher meaning for my evolution as a spiritual being. 

Without you ( my friend who is reading this) I can not have any meaning. It's the observer effect that gives the observed a sense of reality in this time and space. Though we are one, your presence in my life gives me authenticity as an individual , and for that, I Am Grateful! 

Sending you love & tons of blessings. πŸ’šDrRod26.com spiritual life coaching.

Monday, July 9, 2018

How u see

When you stand in front of the mirror, what do you see? I invite you to take a few moments and close your eyes. Imagine yourself in front of a mirror then read on.....Now that you are back, take a deep breath and allow the energy behind these words to flow through you, captivating your heart, and penetrating somewhere deep within your soul. You see what lies in front of your eyes with your senses. You also see what lies behind your eyes, which is the perception of what you see. Now, take another deep breath, and remember those challenging times in the past. The people who have hurt you, the situations that have caused you so much pain. As part of what you see, you can observe all the experiences and the stories attached to these experiences in the mirror. You feel all the parts, fragmented, yet if you observe closely, you will see with what lies BEYOND your eyes. It's a deeper perception through your awareness. When you observe with the eye beyond the eye, you'll notice that all those experiences have been transitory, a dream leading to awakening , bringing you from no-where, to NOW-here. Their sole purpose have been to increase your capacity as a being of infinite potentiality. To have you realize your greatness and find out deeper aspects of your higher self for spiritual growth. That's what I see in you. That's what your authentic Self sees in you. Your soul sees you as whole, perfect, and complete. It sees you with that eye beyond the eye through the prism of love. Your soul has a prayer for you saying: "I pray, that you, see the best of life, the best of love, and the very best of everything". Now,go literally in front of a mirror and see what you see!.. Namaste....Dr. Rod....


Sunday, July 8, 2018

Moods and attitudes

You wanna know how you get manipulated and fall for your EGO in the form of thoughts that don't belong to you? These thoughts are not original thoughts, or creative thoughts that are in harmony with the fundamental universal principals. They creep up when you least expect them, when you feel like you've finally understood what this whole saga we call life is all about. WRONG!!! LOL, no way, they show up and kick your butt to the moon and back. You know what I'm saying? It happens all the time to all of us. The more you become an observer to your thoughts, the more you catch this cycle. 

Here it goes: Un-observed, negative thoughts show up through others, media, or whatever source available from outside. They become a mood. Ya, you won't be really present to your mood because most of us are addicted to negative moods. We think it's our natural state of being to be worried, anxious, upset, fearful. Then the mood changes into an attitude. Shift in attitude towards pessimism rather than optimism. What comes next is a faulty perception of who you are with a script of all the things you wish to be in a twisted paradigm. As your perception change because of this attitude set by your mood, your experience changes. Problems show up left and right, you get bump into circumstances that drive you crazy. You followed the cycle? To bypass this, you take a mental break from your thoughts through daily MEDITATION.

 This process make you aware to your thoughts and your mood changes. It leads into an attitude of positive expectancy. A shift in attitude creates an optimistic perception, it creates capacity for spiritual growth. A knowingness into the unknown. A willingness and openness for change. A shift in perception will manifest soulful experience. One that is in alignment with the authentic vision of your life. Got it? Now , lets practice it....It's all about practicing and maintaining a state of being that is in harmony with LOVE....-Dr. Rod...


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My compassion

I've been helping a lovely gentlemen who's been suffering a progressive, deadly neurological disease. It is very unfortunate to see this kind soul fully paralyzed and totally dependent on his caregiver. He is awake and aware but can not communicate. His caregiver is a 45 year old guy who is with him 6 days a week. His family, wife and two kids in the Philippines. Every time I visit my patient for healing, I converse with the caregiver. He gets so excited to open up and share about his life because I encourage him to and he feels very lonely but covers it up well. In essence , I'm working on three people simultaneously when I'm there. I'm working on one who is entrapped in his physical body, completely locked into a prison The other person is entrapped in his emotional body. Can not express himself and is frustrated for not being with his family. Yet, helping someone who is completely dependent on him. The third person is my own Soul. Every time I feel down and out of integrity with my soul , I appreciate the fact that I can be an ear for the caregiver to spill his heart to and at least a presence for my old friend to receive healing. The dynamic of three of us is very unique. Each a reflection of the other. Each dependent on the other's existence. Life is very complex yet simple to say the least. It's full of paradox and conflicts bestowed upon us because of our temporary physical state. Connecting to our eternal spiritual aspect is the only way to by pass the separation and see ourselves as whole beings in each other's lives. I have so much compassion for these kind souls and ask you to pray for both of their liberation. Pray for my liberation as well. Namaste πŸ’š


Monday, July 2, 2018


You know exactly when you had enough of something and you no longer settling for less than you are worth or deserve! When you hit this spot in your life, the decision you make in that very instance will change the trajectory of your life to something very different. If you know what I'm talking about, you've been there and knew that you can have it all, be happy, content, successful, and live life on your terms, not making other people happy by giving up on your dreams. If you relate to this, you know that you've only got one chance to this game we call life, that you need to go full on, give out your excellence and let go of your little ego in order for your divine Self to shine through all the BS you've been bought into. Surrender to life and the universe will shock you. If you feel me on this and something within your soul is shaking, a gush of inspired energy is running through your spine, and your heart is pumping faster, then congratulations! Get up and act upon a goal or a dream you have been waiting for to achieve or conceive in your consciousness. Yes? πŸ’š

DrRod26.com spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839