Friday, December 30, 2016

Healing vibe

Did your eyes just capture the first few words of my writing? Are you wondering why there is a magnetic energy pulling you to read further? Here is why! Your eyes just picked up the frequency of light radiating from these words and sending these photons at the speed of light to your retina, then projection them to millions of cells into an intricate electro-chemical reaction, that then gets translated in your brain as words. You start giving these words meaning through your perception. However, there is a healing frequency behind these words that are stemming from my soul, a direct communication to your higher self. That's where the attraction is coming from. It is embraced in unconditional love and traveling faster than the speed of light. Spirit has the highest velocity and is most powerful. It knows that an area of your life is going through a dense energy or challenge. Take a deep breath and relax. The area of your life that seems to be a bump or a lump in the body is just a resistance to elevating you into higher consciousness. The soul sets reminders in the subconscious as the human experience becomes stagnant during spiritual expansion. It provides you with resistance to raise your awareness. This resistances shows up as physical illness or relationship pain. They Can be shifted by your awareness of reversing this co-creation through opening yourself to cosmic love. As you are in this vibration, breath into your heart and see a beautiful light expanding throughout your whole body. This light is traveling at the speed of spirit which is eternal, infinite, and originated from before the beginning. It is your divine nature communicating with your earthly presence, reassuring you that you are WELL. Your job is to visit this space as often as you can. Send out this intention: I am open and receptive to divine cosmic loving healing now. As you send out this intention, surrender and let it go. Open yourself up for receptivity with this question: what is the best case scenario for my life? As you formulate these steps, allow yourself to be basked into pure love. Your body is one with the totality of the universe. Your mind is the direct emanation of the mind of God. Right now, your vibration has been shifted through each breath. Your breath is the gateway between the love of God and the inner prayers of your soul. Just remember your breath and re-connect to this energy as you go about your day. Your life is changing, even now, with ease and grace. A miracle you have been waiting for is unfolding. Your body is healed. Your heart is clear. Please share this so that another soul picks up what's being transmitted here. And so it is. Amen 💚

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Decision and Choice

Read up on this distinction. It will help you overcome a challenge you are facing specially towards the end of year where you are making new choices and decisions to follow. Choice is different than decision. You need to make a higher choice which comes directly from the expansion of your awareness. Your awareness rises through spiritual practice of meditation, thus enabling you to download universe's message as a higher thought. From a higher choice now you can make better decisions. When you hit seeming failure or undesirable results in life ask yourself these three questions to lower the frequency of disappointment into positive energy of hope. Ask: what do I need to focus on? Wherever your focus goes, your energy flows. Decide what you want to focus on from space of self love. Then ask: What does this experience really mean to me? Make sure you explore different angles of this outcome. Meaning comes from your perception of an external circumstance. Successful people are able to find a meaningful awareness from every atrocity. The basis of this is to see everything and everyone as part of yourself. To do this, you need to embrace your thoughts with kindness. Kindness is consciously "doing" what you know to be right. Kindness raises your vibration to compassion. This is understanding the lack of understanding and gives you the foundation to move beyond the ego, elevating you from faith in yourself into conviction of what truth is. Truth is different than reality. Truth is oneness attained through unconditional love. The last question is: what do I do now? As you set your intention from a higher thought( choice) and make a meaningful decision( focus), you will be ready to take persistent and disciplined actions. Divine right action always support your highest best. With love as your foundation,  faith as your guardian angel, and clarity of thoughts as your driving force, you will shift your situation where it will benefit you and the entire humanity into higher levels of Self realization and God consciousness. There you have it ! 

Friday, December 16, 2016

Have Faith

Don't under estimate the power of HOPE & FAITH, these two guardian angels that are your best allies at anytime during the tough times in your life. You can count on them because their energy can lift you out of the gravity of negativity, those alone moments where your mind has tied your hands in barb wires and wrapped a chain of disappointment around your neck. Hope & Faith dissolve the bigotry of the world that is so desperately trying to hang on it's false identity. Invite them in your heart. Bathe them with unconditional love and ask your SOUL to protect you with these spiritual angels during the adversities along your path. Today, I cultivate Hope in my heart and act upon my Faith with the universal LOVE intelligence to guide me on my divine purpose!

Namaste spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839

Saturday, December 10, 2016

You matter

You matter, your thoughts matter, your life matter. Every breath you take matters. The life you are living matters to the entire world. Your vision matters. What is the creative vision of your Soul? What are you here to do? I know you've asked yourself this question. The process of asking this question opens up portals from the deepest state of your BEING and downloads intuitive guidance directly from your over soul in order to pull your Divine Vision into manifestation. Your every thoughts matters to the evolution of our consciousness. Today, the world needs more spiritual warriors, people who engage in higher conversations, who are kind and loving, who operate from state of cooperation and unity, and who are compassionate in order for HEALING to happen. Operating at this level requires your AGREEMENT to EXCELLENCE, NOT PERFECTION. That excellence is cultivated from accepting who and what you are, the way it is, and increasing your CAPACITY to grow spiritually through constant practice, commitment, discipline. This is your Soul's mandate. You are not here to waste your incarnation. You are here to be channel for trans-forming our world. Yes!!!!! YOU MATTER, YOUR THOUGHTS MATTER, YOUR LIFE MATTER!!! If for a second you thought otherwise, you are walking in a dream state. You are not AWAKEN to your higher TRUTH. YOU HAVEN'T YET OPENED YOUR EYES beyond YOUR EYES, Seeing life through the prism of LIGHT and LOVE!!! Feel this energy vibrating and lifting your up because TODAY, YOUR LIFE IS ABOUT TO CHANGE TO EXCELLENCE. YES, YOU ARE NOT WAITING ANY LONGER!!!! Today is your DAY....BECAUSE : YOU MATTER, YOUR THOUGHTS MATTER, YOUR LIFE MATTERS!!!!!!! - Namaste,,,,Dr. 818-317-0839 spiritual life coaching