Monday, February 27, 2017


Inner work requires a lot of discipline. Discipline sounds scary to some people because they think they are going to give up in the middle of whatever they are intending to do and then feel disappointed. Discipline is nothing more than conscious choice making. Your consciousness is the measure of your awareness. You become more aware through regular meditation practice , thus as a result becoming more discipline to make a decision and follow through. Decision making causes something into action so through it, you set a course to destiny. You are doing all of these steps everyday, however, your question should be; Am I doing this consciously or Am I doing it by default ? Am I in charge of my decisions or I allow the opinion of others to rule my life? Don't give away your power to others! Take control of your life now. You are worth it ! Namaste. spiritual life coaching. 


How do you make a transition from negative to positive or from fear to love? First, become aware of your impulses. The process of awareness is alsoncalled re-cognition. Start thinking a new thought in the moment that you catch yourself in darkness. Then, accept all of you as a whole. You are whole, perfect, and complete with all of your imperfections. Finally, sacrifice that which no longer serves you. Sacrifice means to make sacred. Be willing to get close to your inner light. The way to connect to your source is to let go and make these three distinctions simultaneously for your souls evolution. This process brings out and radiate the beauty that already exist in you. Take a deep breath. Read this again💚+1

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Second chance 

You may not get a second chance when you don't realize how your words are destroying someone else's life. Be careful in how you express yourself because words have a power to create and words have a power to resonate back at you with increased power to destroy you. There is a deep space inside your heart that you can tap into in order to motivate yourself. To take your life to the next stage, you must be able to navigate thorough the negative energies directed at you by others. Tune them out of your life and step back. You don't need to be a hero to everyone. Focus on yourself and stay away from family drama. They will drag you into their stupidity. This stupidity is not only toxic to them, but can be very toxic to you. Therefore, know what path you are directing your life without the guilt of taking other people's madness on your shoulders. Once you are centered in the Self, you can just walk as an example of high conscious , evolved soul, and hope for the best for other people to walk in your foot step. Spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839