Monday, December 1, 2014

Your future is PRE-SENT

How you set up your mind early in the morning is the most important task you can do for the rest of your day, for the rest of your life. Your future is nothing more than the combined experience of every NOW moments, linked together. Once you look back, you see it as your past. Once you are there, it still is the present. PRE-SENT. Your future is PRE-SENT, and the package you are sending is right here, right now. So why not get yourself in a habit of positive thinking? Why not letting go of being so up tight and bitter all the time? Why not seeing beauty in little things, finding happiness in simplicity, and recognizing your blessings? Good questions to ask yourself during your day. Stop the chase my friend. There is NOTHING or NOWHERE to go, to do, or to accomplish. Once you deeply understand this, You realize the key to happiness, your inner BEING. That's where all the juice and sweetness of life creation is. That's where you are able To BE and then create your every moment, pre-sent it to what we call future, and manifest what you desire. Take a deep breath right now, hold it, shift your attitude to love and kindness. Even if you don't feel it, think as if you can. Don't blame the rain, the clouds, the cat walking on the street, the traffic, and other people for your life. Start navigating inwards and touch your G Spot, the inner Gratitude Spot. That's the most sacred place of your Being where your Becoming a Self Realized, Self motivated, and Self generation of bliss is assured. Happy December to Remember.........Namaste.....-Dr. Rod...+1

Affirmation: "I am joy. I am living, moving, and having my being in bliss. Life affirms its beauty through every cell of my body. I see who and what I Really Am. I am available to more abundance, success, wealth, and health than I've ever imagined possible. My life is the life of God. In this light I surrender and trust. I chose to be in a friendly universe and allow it to BE....and so it is , Amen..."..

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