Value yourself, know your worth. You are a master creator and the creation starts with your thoughts. Anytime you are out of integrity with your Soul, your original thought is stemming from fear and it will create scenarios that you'll struggle with. In the midst of chaos, try to find a way to quiet your mind and get into a peaceful zone. You'll be able to connect with a new thought that will empower you to change your situation. Self respect, Self love, and Self worth are the name of the game. It's easy to give others credit for their success, fame, and achievements. But, what about you? Why not give yourself credit and recognize your talents, recognize your achievements, and how far you've came from? It's all a change in perception my friend. Don't get fooled by what others tell you or judge you with. Remember, you are the Master creator of your life. Spiritual Success is right there in your heart and is screaming out to be heard. Will you listen? Namaste.....Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to infinite prosperity. My life is divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in peace. Joy reveal itself everywhere I go. Healing is the order of my day. My word creates my worLd. I LOVE t be in the world of possibilities, kindness, compassion, and pure bliss. And so it is, Amen...".
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