Sunday, December 14, 2014

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for? Stop the inner dialogue and confusion. I know and you know that you've been contemplating in order to take the next step in your Soul's evolution. Yes, it shows up as an inner desire, or passion, or a creative thought, or an intense driving force that wants to express itself in your life to get out of the mundane and step into the extraordinary. To the people around you it may seem insane. Why? Because it's so easy to kill somebody's dreams, hopes, and enthusiasm. It's called FEAR my friend. The driving force of most human consciousness is FEAR. When it comes up, it loves to destroy our inspiration. Here's what I invite you to do: FORGET ABOUT THEM! Yes, you are the master of your own universe, you are the master of your own thoughts and actions. Simply stop listening to nay sayers and dream killers. Do what your heart desires and trust yourself. Trust the universe and have faith. If your heart is aligned with your passion and thoughts aligned with purpose, there's nothing or no one that can stop you. I'm telling you, you'll become unstoppable force of GREATNESS. A unique nomina, having the entire cosmos supporting you because now you are in integrity with your Soul. The only thing that stops us from being our Real Self is our own resistance caused by either allowing fear of other's or our own judgment over powering us. Take a deep breath, stand your ground, know you are here for a purpose and a higher vision than you can even imagine right now. As you move through your day, start paying attention to people, circumstances, and ideas that flow in your experience. Once inspired, go for it! Anything that's aligned with peace, love, joy, kindness, compassion, and beauty is YOU, becoming more YOU through your life experiences as you unfold! Did you get that? Love you  Namaste....Dr. Rod +1 

Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with the eternal source of All. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am in absolute flow with the universal laws of existence. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, healing, joy, peace, and bliss than I've ever imagined possible. My life is the direct emanation of the only life that exists, the life of God. I release myself and surrender to this energy. I am on purpose with a purpose. I am grateful and thankful for this very moment, as I write this very next word, I am in absolute wholeness and peace. My life is divine. and so it is, Amen....".

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