Saturday, December 27, 2014

I Am powerful

I am experiencing this strange feeling in my heart right now. I feel it beating loud in my chest cavity and the surrounding muscles feel they are stretching out. A little bit of pressure like feeling. I feel my breath in and out, chest rising and going down. My eyes are squinted so I can't really see clearly what's coming through my fingers. I see my fingers moving as an extension of my wrist. My mind is completely clear, listening to a soft music after meditating for a long period. This is the zone I love to reside all day long but it's hard to keep at this level of bliss because I've got to deal with life. I'm in total peace and feel the cells of my body vibrating, expanding, floating within each other. Traveling within is like taking a journey out in the universe. It's an unknown place of discovery. Specially when you come across your dark side, the inner pains that's been sitting there for a while. I just took a deep breath as this energy came through and out from me. I don't know what state of mind you are in or where in the world you are reading this note.I feel us being one, as an extension of light beam from the sun. As the wave from the ocean connected to the Source. As the wind in an ever expanding universe. As the look in a little baby's smiling face and the passion within a lovers heart. This pattern of wholeness is everywhere you look. Take a deep breath and feel your heartbeat as well. Notice how a smile is coming on your face without knowing why. Notice your energy level increasing, and a shift into the positive vibration of love taking you over. Take another deep breath and focus on this next WORD: I you breath out, release the sound of OHMMM and allow it to BE.......God bless you.....Dr.Rod...+1

Affirmation: "I am powerful. I am peaceful. I am joy. I am love. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am abundant and successful. I am healthy and wealthy. I am passionate and compassionate. I am grateful. I am worthy. I am joyous and funny. I am in bliss. I am determined, persistent, and pretty beautiful. I am kind and in harmony. I am one with life, one with God, one with the universal Source energy. I am creative and a genius. I am totally in the moment. I am , that I am. I am , God is. and so it is,,,amen".

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