Instead of condemning a negative experience or a thought you had, own it. Learn to be kind to yourself and accept the imperfections. You can learn from your experience the second you understand that you were the cause of your own experience. Whether or not you knew consciously, it is so. If you are not happy, start choosing a higher thought that is in alignment with integrity of your Soul. That thought is usually in tune with forgiveness, love, gratitude, compassion, kindness, joy, and giving. In the process of Self Love, Self Healing takes place. The deepest pains can release their heaviness from suffering to a recognition of what they Really are: Coagulated thought energies experienced through lack of understanding or deliberate choice from a state of fear. To feel total love, one goes through the pain of feeling all the opposite feelings. The more you resist the opposite feelings, the more you distance yourself from total love. The more you accept them and release them, the more you become integrated with your purity again. This is a cycle of great BEING, DOING, and HAVING your Soul's desire manifested from thoughts into experience. At the end, it's ALL GOOD. The game moves on my friend, don't ever give up on yourself.......Namaste...Dr.Rod....+1
Affirmation: " I am in flow with the abundance of ALL GOOD. My life is divine. I am living, moving, and having my beingness in God. Life affirms itself as grand miracles showing up in every experience. My happiness is internal not external. I am available to more prosperity and success than I've ever imagined, experience, or manifested before. Healing of the heart and the Soul is my mission. I am grateful and appreciative of everything that has ever been, is, and will manifest in my life.".
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