"I Am the guardian of the world" is the statement the was echoing in my meditation right now. Please do me a favor and as you are reading the rest of this note, put your right hand on your heart. What you are guarding as a guardian is what is within this amazing organ, your heart. It sits in the chest cavity without striving to go somewhere, beating rhythmically night and day. It gives life, the blood that nourishes every organ, your every cell, yet it asks nothing from you. Your heart is the world and what is housed inside of the heart is pure love. This energy flows inside and out, as a light pattern forming the impulses of your feeling. You experience it through your emotion, like motions of the waves in the sea. Take a deep breath, connect to your heart and notice how it's serving you without wanting anything in return. It does nothing yet it leaves nothing undone. It's an observer within, manifesting life in every now moment and guiding you to inner knowing. The deepest secrets of the universe is found within your heart. The secret is You , unfolding and becoming more of your LOVING you as you rise above knowledge into wisdom from your heart. It's a beautiful thing to contemplate. Stay one with your heart and take care of it. Appreciate it and keep it open so that your inner light is always lid towards more brightness, more inspiration, more compassion, and more of Who You ARE.......Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1
"I am one with life, one with love, one with everlasting beauty. My life is divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I trust myself and trust the universe. My heart is full of passion and love. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, and inner peace than I've ever imagined possible. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. My inner world shines through the light of my heart.".
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