Flexibility in your thoughts and letting go of holding onto your opinions so rigidly is POWER!!!! Have you noticed when you get caught up in your opinion with others, you start becoming frustrated and upset? It's a very interesting phenomenon. Not only we are attached to our possessions, we more often are attached to our opinions and belief system. Separation is the name of this game and the one who gets burned at the end is ourselves. Notice the times you become so uptight and retentive about a belief you have that negates someone else's belief. Be open and receptive to another point of view instead of wanting to impose you BS on others. Belief Systems are nothing more that previous held thoughts usually picked up from society's good/bad laws which have nothing to do with your own personal experience or spiritual laws. The more you become in tune with your own nature which is God's nature, the more you loosen up your opinions or previous held beliefs. Instead of resisting and fighting them, you become in flow and operate on a higher frequency. You'll bypass the attempt to prove yourself right or wrong and you will become a field of infinite possibility for transformation. Rising above the previous formation of your thought patterns, aligning with universal Truth, and tuning into oneness, peace, love. This is your Soul's destiny and a beautiful journey that makes our life worth living for. Are you ready for it? Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: " I am one with love, one with peace, one with presence of God. All of my needs are met. Everything flows to me for my higher good. I am in tune with universal laws of nature. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, prosperity, and wealth than I've ever imagined before. My destiny is a beautiful destiny. Healing and joy are the order of my day. I am grateful and thankful for all my blessings and release them to the world. and so it is , Amen. ".
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