Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What the 5 senses can NOT detect!

Here is a spiritual practice for you to get you out of the lower energies and re-connect you back to Natural Flow of life. Before you get into any situation, or as you are caught in a dis-empowering situation, ask yourself this QUESTION: "WHAT LOVE, WHAT JOY, WHAT PEACE, WHAT ABUNDANCE, WHAT HARMONY, WHAT HEALING ENERGY IS NOW HERE THAT MY 5 SENSES CAN NOT DETECT?" once you ask this question from your higher self with conviction, get into the feeling tone of love, joy, peace, abundance, harmony, and healing. Act as if they are there because THEY ARE. OUR SENSES ARE LIMITED TO WHAT THEY CAN DETECT. THESE SOUL QUALITIES ARE ALWAYS ETERNALLY PRESENT. We are the ones that miss the mark and don't feel or see them all the time. When you INTENTIONALLY call upon them and shift your ATTENTION to them, they reveal themselves. TRY THIS, IT WORKS!! YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE. You are the VESSEL to EXPRESS ALL of THESE QUALITIES. KEEP YOUR FAITH STRONG AND HAVE A MOST MAGNIFICENT DAY EVERYONE 
Affirmation: "I am living in the FLOW of life. All of my needs are met. These spiritual qualities are inherent in me and I allow the to overflow to others through me.".....stay awesome BEINGS PEOPLE 

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