In this exact moment as I'm writing this, so many scenarios are happening in people's lives all around the world. Every one of us are going through challenges. Some really hard ones, some not as difficult. Yet, we are all experiencing life from our point of view, from our own prism. The only thing I'm in tune with right now though is my breath. I'm consciously breathing as I invite you to do RIGHT NOW as well, and I feel my heart beat. It's beating slowly, kind of synchronized with my breath. Now, imagine my breath and heart beat connected to yours as ONE field of consciousness. Then, expand this awareness to everyone in your family, friends, and around the globe. Take a deep breath, hold it, PRAY FOR health, wealth, happiness, peace, love, joy, abundance, kindness, creativity, compassion, and MORE LOVE than you can imagine for possible for EVERYONE. Release your breath slowly, smile, and carry this vibrant energy knowing that you just uplifted the entire consciousness of the universe. FEELS GREAT RIGHT?
Affirmation: "I am one with the universe. My life is the life of God. I am supported, loved, and blessed in my life and pass that energy to everyone freely. I am open and receptive to more abundance than I can even imagine. Come what may!!!!"...have a beautiful day everyone
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