Saturday, July 6, 2013

Positive Thinking Challenge- Day 6

Ask yourself: "What is the creative vision of my Soul"? There is a vision for your life that is bigger than what your mind can wrap itself around. As you meditate and go into inner stillness, you become more aligned, aware, and conscious to the universal laws that governs our universe. From this space, ask "WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF MY LIFE?" You will receive answers, intuitive guidance, forms of INSPIRATIONS in the language that your heart will understand and acts upon. 6th day of Positive Thinking Challenge. I'm loving this process and have deepened my awareness to my actions, negative thoughts, and simply waking up to my BEINGNESS. 
 Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LET GO. I surrender to the spirit of love and allow the universe unfold my destiny." have a peaceful Saturday. 

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