Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Positive Thinking Challenge- Day 3

In the beginning LOVE. I believe before the creation of creation, before the beginning of existence itself, there was the POWER of LOVE. It's amazing how situations transform and dissolve right through your eyes when you are coming from this space. Lets commit to this space of LOVE and start our 3rd DAY of Positive Thinking Challenge from this sacred point. I had an amazing group meditation last night where we literally became conduits for love, peace, healing, abundance, prosperity, joy, and compassion for the entire GLOBE. Keep your INTENTIONS on AWAKENING to your inner TRUTH. Monitor those habitual negative thoughts and BLESS those habitual negative people who bump into your LIFE. The way to protect yourself from their dense energy is to say quietly: "I BLESS YOU AND SEND YOU LOVE. THE DIVINE IN ME HONORS THE DIVINE IN YOU".
 Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my beingness in LOVE. I know that my entire cellular structure is fed by this energy. I am open and receptive to more good, more miracles, more abundance, more wealth, more success, more joy in my life than I can ever imagine. COME WHAT MAY!

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