Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Postivie Thinking Challenge- Day 2

Good morning life; Our Second day into the journey of positive thinking Game. Many of you are in the FLOW with your thoughts and breaking free of the automatic negative energies, the thoughts that are surfacing up through out your day. As you are taking a deep breath with each AWARENESS and AWAKENING, you realize that you are MORE THAN YOUR THOUGHTS, that you are a SPIRITUAL BEING having a thought that you can CHOOSE AND HAVE OWNERSHIP OVER. There is FREEDOM in that space. IT ONLY TAKES YIELDING, ALLOWING, SURRENDERING, AND LETTING yourself be available to the PRESENT MOMENT that is INTERNAL and ETERNAL. Taking this a bit deeper on a Soul's level, you are becoming more of your REAL authentic self. IT'S ALL RIGHT AND COOL TO BE ALL RIGHT. Allow yourself to go with this FLOW OF LIFE ENERGY and take a STANCE for your life. Now, stay in the energy of GRATITUDE to your magnificence and feel yourself in prosperity, abundance, divine harmonizing GOOD, with LIGHT & LOVE taking over your entire BEING!!!! YOU ARE NOW CANDIDATE FOR ENLIGHTENMENT AND MIRACLES TO COME FORTH IN YOUR LIFE. Lets continue doing this together. I will guide you and walk you through these 7 DAYS of Soulful Journey together.....Have a fantastic day 
 Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEINGNESS in flow of life. I let go of my attachments to any outcome and play on the field of infinite possibilities. I am available to more good than I can even imagine. COME WHAT MAY! "....have fun during while playing this game.

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