The presence of God is everywhere. If it's everywhere, then it must be where my friend is who is experiencing his return movement from the physical into meta-physical. Life after life. You know, when the Soul decides that it has nothing more to accomplish and meets its purpose here, it will check out to move to other realm of Reality. It will change its garment, our bodies, and releases itself from the limitation of the body into the infinity which it came from. Everything that is composed, will de-compose one day. A cyclical pattern of life and how the universe works. I was visiting my friend yesterday at the hospital. It's not the first time that I've experienced someone dear to me going through transition and it wont be the last time. Part of my mission in life is to uplift, heal, and inspire souls that are going through their transition. For me, it's my temple when I'm with someone in their terminal stage. Why? because I view death differently and see it as a beginning of a new life. Part of what I do is deep meditation with him and clearing attachments to physical realm so that the Soul becomes less stringed down to the physicality. I made a 'prayer post' in the late afternoon as many of you responded. I was standing in front of a window and meditating, holding every patient on the cancer floor in mind. I was feeling your responses as you were praying with me. My mission was to generate a very strong collective consciousness and positive vibe for everyone who needed a healing prayer. I felt the energy coming towards me and I was completely surrendered into detachment from my emotions, beholding the presence of God where my friend was. I felt my heart and every cell of my being becoming one with the universe, bypassing the barriers from life to after life, breaking away from the limitation of physical pain or suffering. I then went to my friends room where he was in his bed, eyes close, breathing heavily with tubes and other medical device attached to him. I held my left hand over his crown Chakra and my right hand to his right arm. I felt a very strong energy going through his body and mine. In my consciousness, I held him in the arms of God and made him the vortex for love, healing, peace, and compassion for not just himself but every living being needing that energy. He looked at peace and slept before I left the hospital. Your prayers was received and I thank you for that. This is the grand mystery of life and we are all in it together. I thank you for reading this far and allowing me to express myself. This is healing for me personally. I love you....Happy new year....-Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my beingness in God. I am love"..
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Be the Guardian of the world
"I Am the guardian of the world" is the statement the was echoing in my meditation right now. Please do me a favor and as you are reading the rest of this note, put your right hand on your heart. What you are guarding as a guardian is what is within this amazing organ, your heart. It sits in the chest cavity without striving to go somewhere, beating rhythmically night and day. It gives life, the blood that nourishes every organ, your every cell, yet it asks nothing from you. Your heart is the world and what is housed inside of the heart is pure love. This energy flows inside and out, as a light pattern forming the impulses of your feeling. You experience it through your emotion, like motions of the waves in the sea. Take a deep breath, connect to your heart and notice how it's serving you without wanting anything in return. It does nothing yet it leaves nothing undone. It's an observer within, manifesting life in every now moment and guiding you to inner knowing. The deepest secrets of the universe is found within your heart. The secret is You , unfolding and becoming more of your LOVING you as you rise above knowledge into wisdom from your heart. It's a beautiful thing to contemplate. Stay one with your heart and take care of it. Appreciate it and keep it open so that your inner light is always lid towards more brightness, more inspiration, more compassion, and more of Who You ARE.......Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1
"I am one with life, one with love, one with everlasting beauty. My life is divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I trust myself and trust the universe. My heart is full of passion and love. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, and inner peace than I've ever imagined possible. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. My inner world shines through the light of my heart.".
"I am one with life, one with love, one with everlasting beauty. My life is divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I trust myself and trust the universe. My heart is full of passion and love. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, and inner peace than I've ever imagined possible. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. My inner world shines through the light of my heart.".
Monday, December 29, 2014
You see through different lens in every moment. Your clarity depends on your increased capacity to understand and receive awareness. It also depends on your depth of perception.Clarity is here, now, everywhere. Source energy is right here as you are reading this. Take a deep breath, hold it, and just allow a natural exhalation without resistance. The second you are flexible in your attitude and attachments to life, you'll invite the infinite energy of Source in your presence. Your willingness to immerse yourself in whatever you are doing without any goals enables you to live a life of contentment. Contentment without wanting to have more is another term for inner peace. Start being content in everything you accomplish and with everything you have. Notice the people that show up in your life who will teach you a lesson that will guide you in these parameters: Increase capacity for awareness, clarity of vision, depth in perception to see life, being content without wanting to have more, and finding inner peace. These are your True nature of Authentic Self. An energy field that is available to you in every moment only if you open your heart to it. Will you? 2015 is coming can start activating this energy with this very next breath you are taking. I'm holding the space for you. Go for it my friend ......Namaste...Dr Rod ....+1
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with joy, one with love, and one with peace. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. My capacity is increasing in every moment. My perception deepens to the beauty of life. I am available it infinity prosperity and success. I attract abundance, health, wealth, compassion, kindness, and harmonizing good into my life because that is WHO I AM. I am pure love in action"...and so it is, amen.
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with joy, one with love, and one with peace. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. My capacity is increasing in every moment. My perception deepens to the beauty of life. I am available it infinity prosperity and success. I attract abundance, health, wealth, compassion, kindness, and harmonizing good into my life because that is WHO I AM. I am pure love in action"...and so it is, amen.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Every moment is life is an opportunity, not an obligation, to follow your heart towards the path into light. Spiritual growth and development can happen in every experience, every relationship, and every thought you think. It's important to remind yourself of endless opportunities you come across with and see them as blessings in disguise. Every challenge your are faced with, every problem, every heart break is a blessing in disguise. When you stop from passing judgments based on your EGO, you paradoxically become an instrument for change. My dear friend, the only constant in life is 'change' and our only way out is to change from within. Namaste,,,,,Dr. Rod...+1
ffirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. I trust myself. I am available to more good than I've ever imagined before. I see opportunities everywhere in order to grow and unfold. My life is divine. Healing is the order of my day. Abundance shows up into my life from everywhere.".
ffirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. I trust myself. I am available to more good than I've ever imagined before. I see opportunities everywhere in order to grow and unfold. My life is divine. Healing is the order of my day. Abundance shows up into my life from everywhere.".
Saturday, December 27, 2014
I Am powerful
I am experiencing this strange feeling in my heart right now. I feel it beating loud in my chest cavity and the surrounding muscles feel they are stretching out. A little bit of pressure like feeling. I feel my breath in and out, chest rising and going down. My eyes are squinted so I can't really see clearly what's coming through my fingers. I see my fingers moving as an extension of my wrist. My mind is completely clear, listening to a soft music after meditating for a long period. This is the zone I love to reside all day long but it's hard to keep at this level of bliss because I've got to deal with life. I'm in total peace and feel the cells of my body vibrating, expanding, floating within each other. Traveling within is like taking a journey out in the universe. It's an unknown place of discovery. Specially when you come across your dark side, the inner pains that's been sitting there for a while. I just took a deep breath as this energy came through and out from me. I don't know what state of mind you are in or where in the world you are reading this note.I feel us being one, as an extension of light beam from the sun. As the wave from the ocean connected to the Source. As the wind in an ever expanding universe. As the look in a little baby's smiling face and the passion within a lovers heart. This pattern of wholeness is everywhere you look. Take a deep breath and feel your heartbeat as well. Notice how a smile is coming on your face without knowing why. Notice your energy level increasing, and a shift into the positive vibration of love taking you over. Take another deep breath and focus on this next WORD: I you breath out, release the sound of OHMMM and allow it to BE.......God bless you.....Dr.Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am powerful. I am peaceful. I am joy. I am love. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am abundant and successful. I am healthy and wealthy. I am passionate and compassionate. I am grateful. I am worthy. I am joyous and funny. I am in bliss. I am determined, persistent, and pretty beautiful. I am kind and in harmony. I am one with life, one with God, one with the universal Source energy. I am creative and a genius. I am totally in the moment. I am , that I am. I am , God is. and so it is,,,amen".
Affirmation: "I am powerful. I am peaceful. I am joy. I am love. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am abundant and successful. I am healthy and wealthy. I am passionate and compassionate. I am grateful. I am worthy. I am joyous and funny. I am in bliss. I am determined, persistent, and pretty beautiful. I am kind and in harmony. I am one with life, one with God, one with the universal Source energy. I am creative and a genius. I am totally in the moment. I am , that I am. I am , God is. and so it is,,,amen".
Friday, December 26, 2014
What would love do now?
Living on the edge of your Soul's discovery. You come on a crossroad each time being presented by a choice. Your purpose is to chose the highest choice that creates more of the goodness from your heart. What happens next is that we get challenged over and over again. We experience the bitter feelings of the past and fall for our mistakes all over again. When you find yourself at the crossroad of the state of BEING into BECOMING, take a gentle, soft, and effortless approach. The softer your become, the more freely you'll be able to direct your energy towards the highest choice. Remember this; as you come to decide, ask yourSelf: "What would LOVE do now"? Simple but profoundly powerful question that will uplift your spirit and activate your inner guidance to the direction for your highest BEST. So, my question to you is: What would love do now in whatever you are facing? Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1
"I am free in the moment of my highest choice. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am available, open, and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined possible. I vibrate with passion and move softly to express my gifts and talents. Healing is the order of my day. I am grateful and thankful for my life, my blessings, my compassion, and my joy. I Am Peace."..
"I am free in the moment of my highest choice. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am available, open, and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined possible. I vibrate with passion and move softly to express my gifts and talents. Healing is the order of my day. I am grateful and thankful for my life, my blessings, my compassion, and my joy. I Am Peace."..
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Sharing Gifts--'Giving Forth'
Sharing GIFTS is a beautiful gesture, but to what extend? I was thinking of the word gift itself, breaking it in half, it will make it "Giving Forth'. The intention behind exchanging gifts is giving forth your love and thoughtful appreciation for another person. However, how much stress, anxiety, and thoughts of lack or limitations goes into preparing, deciding, and buying the gift? Think about it. We produce tons and tons of negative vibration that pollutes the collective consciousness in order to support a feeling of making someone happy. Not to say all the advertising and subliminal messages that we get fed by our society and then we wonder why we are fatigued, tired, or depressed specially around holiday seasons. My point is to be mindful while you are in your experience of creating , choosing, and deciding in whatever action you are taking. To be mindful and not carry negative energy or sending it out to the world for the sake of carrying out a tradition. Do it, but do it peacefully, thoughtfully, and with grace. You can GIVE FORTH your love and appreciation to others by your blessing, through your vibration of compassion, and being kind first. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Focus your attention on what truly matters in your life and stay centered without projecting stress out to the world. Namaste....Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. My gift to the world is my passion and my compassion. I am peaceful and serene, I allow it to just BE. I am available to more prosperity and abundance than I've ever imagine possible. I trust the universe and share my joy with everyone around me. My life is divine. ".
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. My gift to the world is my passion and my compassion. I am peaceful and serene, I allow it to just BE. I am available to more prosperity and abundance than I've ever imagine possible. I trust the universe and share my joy with everyone around me. My life is divine. ".
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Gates of Heaven
I'm here sitting behind my computer paying attention to my breath and listening to a beautiful music. Just came out of a very deep meditation, I think for 45 minutes or so. Was going through cyclical changes of my in breath and out breath. My mind was navigating through the gates of heaven, the inner spaces of my thoughts. Each opening through the gap of my thought allows me to know my oneness with the Source, It happens in a split second. As silence setts in, another world reveal itself. A world of absolute Reality and oneness. Through the cyclical changes of our lives, we go through the return movement. What was once composed, will decompose back to its origin. Yes, my heart, my thoughts, and my body will decompose sooner or later. As you move towards the return movement, you'll begin to learn the true meaning of yielding. Meaning that you'll step off your pride, ego, and your needs to have more and get off your bitter attitude. Simply sliding down the high wave of boasting, gliding down to humility and peace. It's a process of going from Being into Becoming. Process of letting go and letting God. I've stopped trying and stopped holding onto my attachments. It's useless. I can tell you that much. Flowing through the gates of heaven I feel the totality of it ALL. We are blessed with Love. There is no Fear there, the end of each beginning becomes a new frontier into eternity. Do you feel me? ......Namaste...Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I yield and surrender to my calling. My calling is calling me and I'm answering the call of my Soul. I am one with God, one with life, one with the eternal Truth. I am available and receptive to more abundance and success than I've ever imagined, manifested, or experienced before. I glide through the internal heavenly gates of my heart. I am free in the spirit and allow my life to shine through every ounce of my energy. My life is divine. I am grateful and thankful for all of my blessings, in the NOW. I am , love Is. I am , God Is, and so it is,,,,amen".
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I yield and surrender to my calling. My calling is calling me and I'm answering the call of my Soul. I am one with God, one with life, one with the eternal Truth. I am available and receptive to more abundance and success than I've ever imagined, manifested, or experienced before. I glide through the internal heavenly gates of my heart. I am free in the spirit and allow my life to shine through every ounce of my energy. My life is divine. I am grateful and thankful for all of my blessings, in the NOW. I am , love Is. I am , God Is, and so it is,,,,amen".
Monday, December 22, 2014
Show Up
Think about something I read earlier: "The purpose of a relationship is to decide what part of yourself you'd like to see "show up," not what part of another you can capture and hold.".....The part of yourself you'd want to show up is your higher Self and your connection with wholeness. Wholeness is not understood unless there is a sense and experience of authentic humility. Humility is achieved by knowing your connection to the universe, seeing everyone and everything as part of you. So, show up in your relationship with YOURSELF first by loving and appreciating who you are relative to who you want to BECOME each day as you take a refreshing breath and start all over. Affirm: In the beginning life, love, generosity, and compassion. In the beginning light shining through my heart and sharing my completeness with another. You want to know a cool paradox? Here it is: "You don't need another person to completely and fully experience who you are, and without others, you are NOTHING."....I SEE you my friend. Namaste.....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with the universal Source energy. All of my needs are met. I am in tune with my completeness. I show up in my relationships and bring the best of others through being the best of me. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, and prosperity than I've ever imagined before. My life is divine and I play it full on.".
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with the universal Source energy. All of my needs are met. I am in tune with my completeness. I show up in my relationships and bring the best of others through being the best of me. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, and prosperity than I've ever imagined before. My life is divine and I play it full on.".
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Body of Light
Insight is seeing with your inner Sight which is beyond your physical eyes and perception of what the physical eyes can see. It's through awareness, wisdom, and your Soul. Have you witnessed someone going through the dying process and literally see their physical body melt in front of your eyes like a candle? It's difficult to observe this when you are emotionally attached to your loved ones. However, if you can connect to Oneness of everything, knowing that the body is just a garment housed by the Soul, you can start seeing the person's Soul shining. It's an amazing experience. God is like an alchemist transmuting a rough mixture of Silver into it's purest form. She holds the silver on Fire, holding it until it gets to a specific temperature where the Silver becomes so shiny that God can see her own reflection in through it. The moment this is achieved, evolution of the Soul to its highest purpose takes place. The inner light, the Silver, starts shining through the fire of what we call life experience. It reaches a point of complete purity. Pain dissolves, suffering fades away, the body goes back to becoming one with nature, the Soul is liberated and becomes One with his eternal Mother God. And life, my friend, continues to eternity.....Namaste....Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with love, one with the transformation of my Soul. All of my needs are met. Compassion oozes through my heart and allows my life to flow in the river of pure bliss. I am living, moving, and having my being in peace. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, and prosperity than I've ever manifested before. Healing of the heart and mind is the order of my day. Perfect health exudes through every cell of my body. I am grateful. I am appreciative, and I am Whole......and so it is,,,amen...".
Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with love, one with the transformation of my Soul. All of my needs are met. Compassion oozes through my heart and allows my life to flow in the river of pure bliss. I am living, moving, and having my being in peace. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, and prosperity than I've ever manifested before. Healing of the heart and mind is the order of my day. Perfect health exudes through every cell of my body. I am grateful. I am appreciative, and I am Whole......and so it is,,,amen...".
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Value YourSelf
Value yourself, know your worth. You are a master creator and the creation starts with your thoughts. Anytime you are out of integrity with your Soul, your original thought is stemming from fear and it will create scenarios that you'll struggle with. In the midst of chaos, try to find a way to quiet your mind and get into a peaceful zone. You'll be able to connect with a new thought that will empower you to change your situation. Self respect, Self love, and Self worth are the name of the game. It's easy to give others credit for their success, fame, and achievements. But, what about you? Why not give yourself credit and recognize your talents, recognize your achievements, and how far you've came from? It's all a change in perception my friend. Don't get fooled by what others tell you or judge you with. Remember, you are the Master creator of your life. Spiritual Success is right there in your heart and is screaming out to be heard. Will you listen? Namaste.....Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to infinite prosperity. My life is divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in peace. Joy reveal itself everywhere I go. Healing is the order of my day. My word creates my worLd. I LOVE t be in the world of possibilities, kindness, compassion, and pure bliss. And so it is, Amen...".
Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to infinite prosperity. My life is divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in peace. Joy reveal itself everywhere I go. Healing is the order of my day. My word creates my worLd. I LOVE t be in the world of possibilities, kindness, compassion, and pure bliss. And so it is, Amen...".
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Festival of Light and Miracles
You don't know what's gonna happen in the next moment of your life. Life is full of unknown and challenging experiences. My heart is with families who are dealing with terminal dis-ease and illnesses such as cancer. I'm dedicating this note to my friend, David, who is going through this. Please send out your healing prayers, postive vibe, and love to him and his family. I also like to include anyone and everyone you know who needs this healing prayer. Please put their names in the comments. I intend to hold them in healing meditation all day with Reiki and ask everyone to do the same however you can. We are in the festival of light, Hannukah, which symbolizes miracles. My prayer is for healing to reveal itself as a miracle in my friends life and in everyone else's life you mention here. Even those people we don't know and our planet earth. Sending you love and light. Affirmation: "I am available and receptive for miracles to show up in every area of my life"...and so it is...amen...... God bless you - Dr. Rod....+1
Sunday, December 14, 2014
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for? Stop the inner dialogue and confusion. I know and you know that you've been contemplating in order to take the next step in your Soul's evolution. Yes, it shows up as an inner desire, or passion, or a creative thought, or an intense driving force that wants to express itself in your life to get out of the mundane and step into the extraordinary. To the people around you it may seem insane. Why? Because it's so easy to kill somebody's dreams, hopes, and enthusiasm. It's called FEAR my friend. The driving force of most human consciousness is FEAR. When it comes up, it loves to destroy our inspiration. Here's what I invite you to do: FORGET ABOUT THEM! Yes, you are the master of your own universe, you are the master of your own thoughts and actions. Simply stop listening to nay sayers and dream killers. Do what your heart desires and trust yourself. Trust the universe and have faith. If your heart is aligned with your passion and thoughts aligned with purpose, there's nothing or no one that can stop you. I'm telling you, you'll become unstoppable force of GREATNESS. A unique nomina, having the entire cosmos supporting you because now you are in integrity with your Soul. The only thing that stops us from being our Real Self is our own resistance caused by either allowing fear of other's or our own judgment over powering us. Take a deep breath, stand your ground, know you are here for a purpose and a higher vision than you can even imagine right now. As you move through your day, start paying attention to people, circumstances, and ideas that flow in your experience. Once inspired, go for it! Anything that's aligned with peace, love, joy, kindness, compassion, and beauty is YOU, becoming more YOU through your life experiences as you unfold! Did you get that? Love you Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with the eternal source of All. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am in absolute flow with the universal laws of existence. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, healing, joy, peace, and bliss than I've ever imagined possible. My life is the direct emanation of the only life that exists, the life of God. I release myself and surrender to this energy. I am on purpose with a purpose. I am grateful and thankful for this very moment, as I write this very next word, I am in absolute wholeness and peace. My life is divine. and so it is, Amen....".
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with the eternal source of All. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am in absolute flow with the universal laws of existence. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, healing, joy, peace, and bliss than I've ever imagined possible. My life is the direct emanation of the only life that exists, the life of God. I release myself and surrender to this energy. I am on purpose with a purpose. I am grateful and thankful for this very moment, as I write this very next word, I am in absolute wholeness and peace. My life is divine. and so it is, Amen....".
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Be in Flow
"There's a time for everything including what you are experiencing today". Monitor your thoughts about the events you are experiencing in your life. Notice if you are attached to them or you are in flow. Notice if you are trying to control your feelings and experiences or you are in surrender to what IS. There is a freedom the second you allow what IS to Be instead of wanting to be in control. Control comes from judgment of yourself or others. Judgment creates resistance to the flow of the universal energy. Know this: for every low there is a high. For every sadness, there comes a time for pure experience of bliss. Don't get caught up in your thought formations.Your way out is to go within. Ready for this: "The things we love we have to learn to leave alone". From detachment of your ego, you'll get to keep your inherent treasures. Learn the dichotomy of life, stop the chase, allow the spirit to express through you, and let go of control. This is my prayer for you my friend Namaste....-Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I am in flow with the universal laws of nature. My body temple is healthy. My emotions in joy. My spirit in pure light of love. I am available to more miracles expressing through my life as my thoughts, words, and deeds. I am abundant and prosperous, compassionate and passionate, kind and blissful. My words are powerful and my thoughts create a beautiful destiny. I am grateful and thankful for NO-Thing that manifests into all the blessing in my life. I am, God Is. I am, LOVE is....and so it is,,,,amen".
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I am in flow with the universal laws of nature. My body temple is healthy. My emotions in joy. My spirit in pure light of love. I am available to more miracles expressing through my life as my thoughts, words, and deeds. I am abundant and prosperous, compassionate and passionate, kind and blissful. My words are powerful and my thoughts create a beautiful destiny. I am grateful and thankful for NO-Thing that manifests into all the blessing in my life. I am, God Is. I am, LOVE is....and so it is,,,,amen".
Friday, December 12, 2014
Healing Prayer
This is a healing prayer for all of us; specially for those who are experiencing physical, mental, and emotional dis-ease or dis-harmony. Sending out major love and compassion to them and their family. Sending light to the entire human family, other beings, and our planet Earth. Please take a deep breath, hold it, and release the sound of OHMMMMMM. Extend an act of random kindness today however you can. Allow this energy to flow and grow. Namaste....-Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I intend to heal and be healed. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I live in a friendly universe. I am available to more love, joy, health, success, abundance, wealth, and prosperity than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. My life is divine. I live it full on with vigor and passion"....and so it is,,,amen..
Affirmation: "I intend to heal and be healed. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I live in a friendly universe. I am available to more love, joy, health, success, abundance, wealth, and prosperity than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. My life is divine. I live it full on with vigor and passion"....and so it is,,,amen..
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Trust your Truth
"The knower of the Truth lives by an inner Light"....The Truth you are looking for is found in Trusting yourself. There is nothing out there for you to seek. It's all within. The truth manifests itself once you trust your intuition, wisdom, and guidance. As you continue your spiritual practices, you'll wash away the dust that has occluded the opulence of your inner light. There are people around you that need you. They need your help and need your guidance. Your life matters and everything you do in order to remain centered matters. Two things to remember as you start your day: Trust yourself and the light within. Remain in an overflow of abundance because the more you give, the more you'll have to give. Also, stay away from judging yourself and others. Be the knower of the Truth by Trusting yourSelf as the inner Light shining in the midst of darkness. You are it! Namaste....-Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I am a gift to my fellow light beings of joy. My life matters. I am available and receptive to more good, more joy, more abundance, more prosperity, and more forgiveness than I've ever imagined possible. My life is a miracle manifested as a resource for transformation. My heart is widely open and overflowing with compassion in order to bring about peace in our world. I trust myself and trust the universe. I am aligned with my purpose and calling. I SEE YOU "......and so it is, amen..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I am a gift to my fellow light beings of joy. My life matters. I am available and receptive to more good, more joy, more abundance, more prosperity, and more forgiveness than I've ever imagined possible. My life is a miracle manifested as a resource for transformation. My heart is widely open and overflowing with compassion in order to bring about peace in our world. I trust myself and trust the universe. I am aligned with my purpose and calling. I SEE YOU "......and so it is, amen..
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
"To be restless is to lose one's Self-Mastery"....I totally believe that. I also know that Self-Mastery has nothing to do with your external circumstances or Karma. Inner peace and mastery is achieved through the journey within your heart and Soul. Through forgiveness, letting go, and meditating on what's Real. What's Real is the unity and oneness with God. You can not be restless if you are in touch with yourself. Life will throw challenges at you. The only certainty in life you can count on are challenges and what we call 'problems'. This is the sign of life. Karma will bring you circumstances based on your previous thoughts and actions, however, it will NOT determine your destiny. Your destiny is dependent on your attitude, your attitude dependent on your awareness, your awareness dependent on your spiritual practice, and your spiritual practice dependent on your dedication, purpose, discipline, with love. This is the lineage to which your magnificent destiny is linked to as you take your time, go within your heart and Soul, and vow to make a positive change in your life one moment at a time. Self-mastery is a process and you are on your way. Congratulations beautiful Soul, whoever you are and where ever you are reading this note from, You are being blessed and loved Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher Good. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, peace, love, kindness, harmony, compassion, and joy than I've ever imagined possible in my life. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly blissful for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am in flow with my divine destiny".
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher Good. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, peace, love, kindness, harmony, compassion, and joy than I've ever imagined possible in my life. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly blissful for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am in flow with my divine destiny".
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Greatness Within
Your entire physical body is made up of cosmic material. What is inside you is greatness and you must make a conscious choice to re-cognize this. Use this affirmation today and everyday to remind yourself of who you Really are, a beautiful spiritual being of light and love: "I come from greatness. I attract greatness. I AM GREATNESS"....have a spectacular day everyone Namaste. -Dr. Rod....+1
Monday, December 8, 2014
Good morning life, joy, love, and peace. Generating an explosive field of gratitude to set you up for a beautiful day that has a potential to carry this positive energy for the rest of your week. It's up to you to remind yourself what you are grateful for in every second of your day. Focus on your body, take a deep breath, and start realizing the gift of health. If you have a part of your health in dis-ease, close your eyes and envision it in total harmony with nature. Focus on people you love and people that love you. Specially yourself. Fall in love all over again with yourself right now and be grateful that you have a capacity to notice the beauty of your heart. I am grateful for peace, for abundance, for prosperity, and health. I am grateful for these powerful words carrying the vibration of enthusiasm, inspiration, and hope through out the fiber of the universe, being translated by the reader, wherever you are, whatever you do, you are being loved up in a field of infinite potentiality, infinite creativity, and infinite healing. Your Soul is connected with mine and is being uplifted to it's magnificent destiny as we are ONE. Take another deep breath, send out a prayer for a loved one, and let go of something that doesn't belong to you anymore. Let go of fear and release that negative energy with total FAITH. YOU ARE POWERFUL AND GREATNESS ITSELF. BE IT, FEEL IT, AND ACT LIKE IT. ......and so it is Amen, PASS THIS TO OTHERS PLEASE.....Namaste,,,,Dr. Rod +1
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Mother Earth
I came out of a very deep meditation right now. My mind is so silent that I don't have a specific topic to write about other than knowing the deepest knowing of appreciation and gratitude. Knowing that in an instance, you can change your life if you are willing and available. Knowing that in every moment you are creating your destiny with your thoughts. As you grow and unfold spiritually, the highest level of your achievements become the floor or the lowest level of yet another growth to manifest. It's an eternal, everlasting process of BEING into BECOMING. The deeper you go within, the more you realize this. The more you let go of attachments, the more freely you can navigate and experience your authentic Self. In this very moment, I just want to radiate what we call the energy of 'unconditional love'. I had the entire planet earth in a field of healing a moment ago, going deep to its core, allowing the spirit of God take over every dancing particle that makes up our planet. We are in the midst of transformation to the next level of our collective consciousness. It takes unity and oneness among those who recognize their true nature and radiate that love to 'nature'. If that's you, I congratulate you and respect you forever more. Namaste.......-Dr Rod....+1...
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with my planet earth. All of my needs are met. I respect and cherish my origin. I am available and receptive to more miracles and goodness to manifest in my life. I allow, and let Go. I let go and let God handle the details of my life. Healing is the order of my day. Joy shows up in my experience. Abundance and prosperity flow to me with ease and grace. I am grateful and thankful for all of my blessings and release this prayer into infinity. And so it is, amen...".
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with my planet earth. All of my needs are met. I respect and cherish my origin. I am available and receptive to more miracles and goodness to manifest in my life. I allow, and let Go. I let go and let God handle the details of my life. Healing is the order of my day. Joy shows up in my experience. Abundance and prosperity flow to me with ease and grace. I am grateful and thankful for all of my blessings and release this prayer into infinity. And so it is, amen...".
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Flexibility in your Thoughts
Flexibility in your thoughts and letting go of holding onto your opinions so rigidly is POWER!!!! Have you noticed when you get caught up in your opinion with others, you start becoming frustrated and upset? It's a very interesting phenomenon. Not only we are attached to our possessions, we more often are attached to our opinions and belief system. Separation is the name of this game and the one who gets burned at the end is ourselves. Notice the times you become so uptight and retentive about a belief you have that negates someone else's belief. Be open and receptive to another point of view instead of wanting to impose you BS on others. Belief Systems are nothing more that previous held thoughts usually picked up from society's good/bad laws which have nothing to do with your own personal experience or spiritual laws. The more you become in tune with your own nature which is God's nature, the more you loosen up your opinions or previous held beliefs. Instead of resisting and fighting them, you become in flow and operate on a higher frequency. You'll bypass the attempt to prove yourself right or wrong and you will become a field of infinite possibility for transformation. Rising above the previous formation of your thought patterns, aligning with universal Truth, and tuning into oneness, peace, love. This is your Soul's destiny and a beautiful journey that makes our life worth living for. Are you ready for it? Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: " I am one with love, one with peace, one with presence of God. All of my needs are met. Everything flows to me for my higher good. I am in tune with universal laws of nature. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, prosperity, and wealth than I've ever imagined before. My destiny is a beautiful destiny. Healing and joy are the order of my day. I am grateful and thankful for all my blessings and release them to the world. and so it is , Amen. ".
Affirmation: " I am one with love, one with peace, one with presence of God. All of my needs are met. Everything flows to me for my higher good. I am in tune with universal laws of nature. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, prosperity, and wealth than I've ever imagined before. My destiny is a beautiful destiny. Healing and joy are the order of my day. I am grateful and thankful for all my blessings and release them to the world. and so it is , Amen. ".
Friday, December 5, 2014
Purpose of Relationship
The purpose of relationships is to enhance the human experience. You need a relationship in order to define your experience relative to something beyond you. However, the first criteria is to develop a deep relation with your Self first and connect to the Source within you. I just traveled out of town after a long time. I'm visiting one of my best friends from back in Medical School. We've always kept in touch even though we don't see each other that often. Last time was about 5 years ago. I've noticed a change in both of us as we've lived our separate lives. I've noticed that we are both more in touch with our higher Selves because we've developed a deeper relationship with ourselves. There has been so much paradigm shift. Things we used to worry about is not even important anymore. Our goals have changed and so has our deeper understanding of the purpose of our lives. It's interesting to observe your own process of evolution. Your own depth perception and feelings. You can't do it unless you witness it in relation to another human being, a friend, a partner, or a Soul Mate. In this process of connectivity, we are all mirror image of the Same Source. United and Connected as ONE if we only realize it and let go of our conflicts that rise from the lack of understanding. We can change the world by recognizing this Origin and have compassion in our relationships. It's a process, I know, and a beautiful journey that makes life precious. Namaste.....-Dr. Rod .....+1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in Joy. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I see through the lens of compassion. I understand the lack of understanding. I live with courage and passion in my heart to speak my Truth. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, prosperity, peace, healing, and love than I've ever imagined possible. The universe supports me in infinite measures. My heart is pure and my Soul is in Bliss."..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in Joy. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I see through the lens of compassion. I understand the lack of understanding. I live with courage and passion in my heart to speak my Truth. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, prosperity, peace, healing, and love than I've ever imagined possible. The universe supports me in infinite measures. My heart is pure and my Soul is in Bliss."..
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