Are you stuck in a situation where your only hope to get out or resolve it is a Miracle? I'm sure a lot of us have faced something like this in our life time and many have gotten our answers, in one way or another. Are you ready for this? Here's a way for MIRACLE to show up in your life OUT OF SEEMING NO WAY. Think about a PERSON or a SITUATION you are holding a grudge with, or having animosity towards someone, or go head look in the mirror and gaze into your own eyes. If there is a feeling of resentment, notice it. I invite you to call or text that person you have issues with, or hold that bitter situation in mind, or while looking at yourself in the mirror, then SAY: "I FORGIVE AND ASK FORGIVENESS FROM EVERY PERSON, EVERY BEING IN TIME AND SPACE WHO IS KARMICALY CONNECTED TO MY PRESENT CONDITION. I AM FREE AND YOU ARE FREE". If you really intend to do this, if you have the COURAGE to do this, you will be astounded by it's results. BE WILLING TO RECEIVE THE MIRACLE, ALLOWING IT TO REVEAL ITSELF IN YOUR EXPERIENCE. Do this exercise for 7 days, inbox me if you need help. -Dr. Rod.
Affirmation: "I forgive and let go , I let go and Let GOD. I am available for Miracles to reveal themselves in my life. I trust the universe. I give myself permission to be great, to be healthy, to be abundance and successful, to love, to heal, and to inspired. I am Peace radiating my light to the world. ".....have a beautiful day everyone
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