Monday, January 6, 2014

Holding the Space

I'm sitting here after meditation thinking how I'm going to express what I'm feeling. Truly, I don't have enough words. There is a silence at the core of my being, it's residing behind my thoughts. There is love here, joy, oneness, and an amazing feeling of trust. Here we are, Monday, opening another chapter of our lives together. I invite you to love the person you see in the mirror today. Then, seek out the best in others, bypassing your judgments and negative thoughts about people. Wish them something you'd truly want for yourself. Health, prosperity, good life, a great relationship. Just focus on positive qualities in them that seem to be lacking. As you do, they will intensify in them. You will assist uplifting their souls. What is more beautiful is that as you hold that space for others, you will attract more of the same qualities in your OWN LIFE. Cane we do this together today? This is how we'll change the world my friends! Namaste....... -Dr. Rod.

Affirmation : "I am one with life, one with God and notice the magnificent of this truth in YOU. I wish you the best in life, wish you peace, with you joy, wish you healing and happiness. I wish you success, abundance, and prosperity. I sincerely wish you the greatest gift of life; self awareness and spiritual growth. As I hold you in this space, I uplift your spirit, know that you and I are connected at the source of our being. I hold you in LIGHT".....have a beautiful day

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