Being KIND to yourself is one of the highest forms of spiritual practice. Honoring yourself in different circumstances in life, honoring the higher part of you, your SOUL. How? Monitor your thoughts and feelings. What kind of expectations and questions do you ask yourself? Are they coming from space of LOVE or Are you stabbing yourself in the back over and over and over again? Notice your multiple personalities that show up as a result of your emotions. Being aware as each come up and dis-identifying from them anchors you in a higher realm of possibilities- a higher spiritual domain, where you can find peace, harmony, balance, and a gush of inspiration for moving forward! Open your heart to know the most important BEING in existence, YOU!!! -Dr.Rod.
Affirmation: I intend to welcome the new, to be one with my heart, one with my soul, and allow the universe work its magic in my life. I am available and receptive to more Abundance, healing, inspiration, and creativity than I can imagine possible. I let go and Let God for a magnificent destiny to reveal itself as my life, as my living, as my giving, as my sharing, as my thoughts, and as my existence in every moment.".....have a spectacular day everyone.
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