Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Just generated an incredible amount of healing and divine energy through a guided meditation process. I am extremely uplifted, clear, and focused on my intention which is to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others (YOU THE READER) in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. This is a declaration and intention for CHANGING OUR WORLD TOGETHER. The HOW, doesn't really matter because as you hold this vision in consciousness internally, you welcome it's MANIFESTATION. It's not about Doing, it's about BEING. I hold you in absolute love, peace, abundance, and an energy of GRATITUDE, right here, right NOW, allowing these words to find their own fulfillment in the universe. And so it is....amen....-Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more Good than I can possible imagine. I am free, peaceful, joyous, and grateful for all my blessings, here, NOW."....have a spectacular day

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