Realize and know your greatness. Don't get stuck in your current situation that seems to be pulling you down in life. Whatever it is! It can be health issues, financial issues, relationship issues, love issues, or whatever it is that feels like it has your hands and legs tied up. The way OUT of anything happening is diving WITHIN. Meaning that you've got to invest time in yourself. Start right here by declaring: "I AM PRIORITY IN MY LIFE. I LOVE AND APPROVE OF MYSELF". Don't wait, don't let that second thought tell you otherwise. Right NOW, declare: "ALL OF MY NEEDS ARE MET. LIFE SUPPORTS ME. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR MY GOOD". There is an intelligent power within you , in your heart, that has a capacity to pull you out of whatever you are experiencing. Connect to it, feel it, commune with it, pray and meditate with it. YOU'VE GOTTA DO THE INNER WORK! Then as your consciousness expands and shift, your outer WORLD will manifest beauty, love, joy, abundance, peace, success, healing, compassion, and harmony. As you give all these qualities away for the INTENTION to CHANGE THE WORLD, you'll get to keep more of it in your own LIFE. Ultimately, You'll realize, that your life, is the life of GOD, the universal ONE POWER, ONE LOVE, ONE SOURCE.---Dr. Rod.
Affirmation: "There is more than enough. I am available and receptive to more miracles than I can imagine possible for my life. The universe supports me. I am blessed and a blessing. Life supports me. Abundance and Health is the order of my day. Joy is all that I KNOW. It's all happening here in the NOW. I am GRATEFUL for it ALL."....have a beautiful day
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