Monday, January 20, 2014

Possibilities & Potential

I love Monday mornings. It gives me an attitude of new beginning. I also love it because I realize so many people around the world hate it, so it gives me a chance to inspire and lift their spirits, thus fulfilling my purpose in life. Focus on two qualities today: POTENTIAL and POSSIBILITIES. As you read this, ask yourself : What are my potentials to change the world? and What are the POSSIBILITIES waiting to be expressed through me? Write down these questions and ask them often. As you change your agreements and conversations in your thoughts, you allow your creativity to come up with solutions instead of getting stuck in problems. A change in thought creates infinite possibilities and you potential manifests itself as the universe makes it's own appropriate alignments for your expression. Here we are, MONDAY, new beginning, letting go of the old conversation, creating new thoughts of success, joy, peace, love, abundance, compassion, kindness, giving, health, and happiness with ourselves. Inspired to live today as IF IT WAS OUR LAST DAY ON THE PLANET!!!!!! -Dr.Rod 

Affirmation: Today, is a day of peace, joy, and abundance. I am inspired to express my full potential, available for ALL of life to rush through me. I am available and receptive to infinite possibilities, living, moving, and having my being in excellence. Life supports me."...have a spectacular day everyone

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