If you are reading this right at this very moment, I know you are growing through many challenges in different life structures. You may be having a heart ache through a loss of a loved one, financial issues that add on so much worry, health dis-ease and dis-harmony that is weighing so much on your shoulder, stressing you out. You may be carrying guilt, shame, or pain from the past circumstances that you haven't resolved. Your parents maybe getting old and fragile, or you may be having marital tension, relationship turmoils that seem to be getting worse each day. Look , "THIS TOO SHALL PASS". Remember these sacred 4 words. Focus your attention on one single priority in life which is your connection to your Highest Self, your Soul. Channel your energy back to the positive attributes in yourself, starting with these two things: Your ability the take this VERY NEXT BREATH, and YOUR ABILITY TO CHOOSE THE NEXT THOUGHT in your mind. Infuse these two attributes with intense LOVE, moment by moment. As you face each unique challenge, remind yourself: THIS TOO SHALL PASS, with a sense of GRATITUDE for your ability to take this next BREATH, and CHOOSING TO RECEIVE THIS HEALING BLESSING of loving thought directly from me NOW!!...... You are loved, guided, and uplifted...THIS TOO SHALL PASS
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in peace. I am an agent of unlimited love and beauty. My life is divine. I am available and receptive to more MIRACLES, abundance and success, health and prosperity, kindness and compassion, in my life. Come what may.......RIP Nelson Mandela....Have a spectacular Friday everyone
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