Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Breath in the NOW

I love concentrating my energy and focus it on a message of inspiration on days which we find ourselves in the middle, like today, Wednesday. There is something about it. You give the eternal a reference point and your focus becomes more of what you did in the past couple of days, or the anxiety of what is coming in the few days. My INTENTION is to grasp your attention and bring it into this exact moment where you are reading my post. Take a deep breath and follow the path of your breath to the bottom of your spinal cord. You'll have to re-read this passage couple more times to allow the Reiki energy I'm sending you get absorbed through your bone marrow and replicate in the core space of your DNA, becoming part of your cells. As the healing energy travels inside your blood stream, it will nourish your muscles, bones, veins, nerves, and every tissue without any issue. When you breath out, see a beautiful field of golden energy surrounding your entire body, lifting your emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body from lower energies of lack and limitation, into LOVING energy of trust and enthusiasm. As you are floating with each breath above and beyond the thought that's saying "why is he keep writing, & how come I'm hooked to his writing", you bypass the voice of your EGO and get connected to my HEART, which is radiating pure unconditional LOVE. Take another deep breath and repeat this AFFIRMATION couple of times: "I AM GRATEFUL & I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT". Know that you are guided and realize your uniqueness as a spiritual being having a temporary human incarnation is to be a distribution point of greatness in order to reflect your divinity, kindness, joy, abundance, loving, caring, sharing, compassion, and peace in your life, as your life, as your BEING. If you've read this far, my soul is recognizing yours in pure appreciation and embracing yours with laughter. In the united field of consciousness, I solute you my friend! Namaste. --- Have a beautiful NOW- Dr Rod. 

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in GOD....Life supports me. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, and prosperity than I can even imagine possible. Come what may!".....Peace

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