Doing what you love is a blessing to yourself and others. When you are connected to your 'calling' or acting out of passion, your entire BEING is into whatever it is you are doing. The end result is not about making money, even though you will. The end result is not about manipulating a system, following someone's orders, leading somebody on, or trying to cut corners. When you are LIVING in high INTENTIONALITY, your desire to express your SOUL's character takes over your life. You are living, moving, and having your BEING in your artistic expression. The DESIRE to give ALL you have within away to others becomes a priority. You don't judge, you don't worry, you don't act from scarcity. YOU ARE NOT WORKING FOR ANY ENTITY and neither YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT HOW YOUR NEEDS ARE GOING TO BE MET. You are working for GOD, in God Consciousness. Your legitimate needs WILL ALWAYS BE MET when you are in flow with LIFE. THE END RESULT IS PEACE. IT'S PURE JOY AND BLISS. When you are residing in these inner states, LIFE WILL TAKE ON A DEEPER MEANING. The illusion of materialistic world disappears. YOU BECOME MORE OF YOUR AUTHENTIC, LOVING SELF AND THE ENTIRE GLOBE BENEFITS JUST BECAUSE YOU EXIST. BE BLESSED AND A BLESSING TO EVERYONE!!!
Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more love, joy, peace, abundance, prosperity, healing, vitality, and beauty in my life than I can ever possibly imagine. Come what may. I live in the overflow of blessings and I share them with everyone around me. Live is spectacular. "....have a beautiful Friday everyone
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