It's so interesting when you look back and remember all the people that came in your life. At a period of my life, I happened to meet many random people whom I became very close friends with and influenced their lives at such a deep level. You form a special bond with each individual. Sometimes those friendships don't last long but you realize that each person had a significant lesson to teach you. At it's precise moment, that unique soul was there to support your need, to give you love, to hear you out, and to be your mirror in order to reflect back exactly what you needed to experience. Try to get your emotional bias out of the way and view each past experience as a divine encounter. Remember those who came in and went out of your life through the lens of GRATITUDE. Hold them in space of LOVE and bless them with ABUNDANCE. Even if they have hurt you in anyway, FORGIVE them for they did not know any better. I know it can be tough, but LET THEM GO! You will experience such peace of mind and an inner joy the second you shift your energy towards them.
Affirmation: "I let go and let God handle all the details in my life. I am available and receptive to more wealth, abundance, and success than I can even imagine, come what may. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly joyous for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I live in friendly that supports and guides me to a great destiny. Life is magnificently sweet. Divine love is the order of my day."....have a spectacular day everyone
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