Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's TIME :)

Got to love the calenders and events of the year in different cultures. Humans evolved into understanding the importance of time! Yet, we get so distracted and get consumed by it. We've developed holidays, weekends, new years, and all the goodies. A lovely reminder to the Eternal Citizens of the world: You've always been in the present moment. You are living, moving, and having your BEING in the present moment!! Your next breath in the future, IT'S STILL THE PRESENT MOMENT. You were never born, nor your spirit will ever die. YOU ARE AN INFINITE, ETERNAL BEING OF LOVE AND LIGHT. If this doesn't make sense, that's ok, because I'm not referring to your MIND anyways. Happy New Beginnings for our Jewish friends and everybody else around the world. Shana Tova. May the entire globe be blessed with a fresh, positive, peaceful, abundance, kind, and compassionate energy as we INTENT to WAKE UP by recognizing that WE ARE ALL ONE!!!! ONE LIFE, ONE PLANET, ONE SPIRIT.

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more miracles, more joy, more abundance and health in my life than I can even imagine possible. The universe supports me."....have a spectacular day everyone

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