Friday, January 25, 2013

Steps to Abundance & Prosperity

These were taken from a book called : The Power of Intention- by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

-See the world as a friendly, generous, abundant and resourceful place
-Affirmation: I attract abundance and success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, and long lasting peace into my life because that’s who I Am
-Be in the attitude of non-resistance. Allow yourself to just BE. (you and source are one and the same)
-Use the NOW moment to activate inner thoughts that match energy of creative, kind, loving, beautiful, ever expansive, receptive, and endless abundant. (I want to feel good)
-start actions that support your feelings of abundance and success. Act As if you already have what you want. Think from the END result.
-Know that your success will help and benefit others. Abundance grows proportionally as you activate your thoughts of abundance. (Follow your Bliss)
-Monitor your emotions as a feedback to your connection with the universal source energy. Affirmation: I want to feel good. (Emotions of passion and joy= you are inspired or in-spirit of what you want to achieve)
-Become as generous to the world and the universe caters to you lovingly, yielding to your every need.
-Must meditate.  You must have the understanding that your consciousness of the presence is your supply.
-Stay in appreciation and attitude of gratitude. Don’t resist what IS.
If you CAN'T, then you MUST....forget the SHOULDS...let go of the WOULDS... Cherish What IS....It's All GOOD AS IS. Appreciate all your blessings. Everything that comes from the source is on purpose, including your life. 

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