Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Love Heals

When you loose a precious someone close to you, you literally feel loss of power through your heart center. What we experience as heart break is a loss of this energy directly from our heart Chakra. Remember that the loss is a temporary illusion of the physical form. In essence, there's never a loss of anything because there's only one life that everything lives and breathes through in eternity. You must realize that your power is embedded in the energy of LOVE. That's where the replacement comes from. When you decide that you rise above your heart ache, experience it, and then open your heart to unlimited LOVE that's available everywhere, you will shine. This is where healing happens, this is where your completion with your experience takes place. As you invite more of this energy in your heart, you'll have more of it to give away. It becomes an avalanche of ever lasting good, of pure energy that not only heals you, but heals the entire world. Oh, I'm feeling that love right now, and I'm transmitting it through my heart and my soul directly to your heart and your soul.......and so it is,,,,,amen (my sentiments all day today since I woke up at 4:30am)

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