Monday, January 14, 2013


There is power when you walk in confidence, when you feel internally at peace with yourself, and love is oozing from your heart, in your gaze, with your words, and in your actions. Be soft inside, gentle, caring- yet have your back straight up, shoulders back, head up, face glowing with a gorgeous smile. Feel God's energy flowing in your body, as you , through you. YOU ARE GREATNESS!!!!! NOW, take a deep breath and stay in GRATITUDE....OHHH, are you feeling it?
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with the universal source energy that feeds me, shelters me, loves me, and brings forth abundance from everywhere for me. I share my talents and give as much as I can to others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. For this, I'm so grateful and thankful"

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