The best way to heal a broken heart is to give it Unconditional Love!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Feeling the Gratitude
Good morning life: As you read this, think
about one area of your life that you are so Grateful for. This can be
anything. Feel the feeling of GRATITUDE for few seconds while you are
reading this post. Then, I invite you to expand that feeling
to every other areas in your life. Expand your mind rapidly, not
judging those other areas, take a deep breath & say this: I AM
Affirmation: I am whole, perfect, and complete as I was created. I live in this Truth, knowing that life supports me in everything that I do and focus my attention on."...have a beautiful day everyone
Affirmation: I am whole, perfect, and complete as I was created. I live in this Truth, knowing that life supports me in everything that I do and focus my attention on."...have a beautiful day everyone
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Miscommunication and lack of understanding can
cause a lot of unnecessary upsets and burn bridges between friends.
When you meditate and are centered in your being, you'll pick up this
vibration and become the person opening their hearts to clearing the
upsets. YOU BECOME THE AGENT OF CHANGE. Usually, all the drama is the
work of EGO to begin with. I invite you to take a look within and call
up somebody you have issues with, tell them you LOVE them, and LET GO of
THANK YOU DEARLY.......(let me know how it feels like for you )
Fly High!
I woke up feeling so grateful and thankful for
all the blessings in my life. I felt inspired and at peace. I felt
having my soul on fire, wanting to express itself, wanting to take on
the world with a positive attitude. Know that you are being
prayed for and you are in my INTENTION to love, to heal, to inspire,
and to live an abundant life so that we can ALL together raise the
collective cosmic consciousness. That's what I live for, breath for,
teach for, and committing myself to. I'm taking you WITH ME, whether you
like it or NOT!!!!!
Affirmation: "I am a powerful and magnificent BEING, reflecting and revealing the presence of eternal mind of God. Knowing who I am, why I am , where I am , and WHAT I AM enables me to live a purposeful life with PASSION."....have a spectacular day
Affirmation: "I am a powerful and magnificent BEING, reflecting and revealing the presence of eternal mind of God. Knowing who I am, why I am , where I am , and WHAT I AM enables me to live a purposeful life with PASSION."....have a spectacular day
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Present Moment
"You are always in the present moment. You are
not always aware that you are in the present moment. The present moment
continues with your awareness or without it. The difference is one of
POWER. When you are aware in the present moment, you have the option of
power. When you are NOT aware in the present moment, you have NO
POWER."....... Gary Zucov (I really like this)
Who Am I ?
Acceptance of who you are is a significant
part of personal and spiritual growth. Change happens instantly with a
decision that you are MORE THAN YOUR PROBLEMS, more than your
FRIENDS, RELATIONSHIPS. When you realize you are one with GOD, a sudden
HEALING and POWERFUL shift happens in every area of your LIFE.....Wake
up to the eternal LOVE in your heart. Wake up to your own SOUL, your Source, The Universe Itself!!
Affirmation: " I am waking up to my true identity as I surrender to my higher self everyday. I am a creative, kind, loving, beautiful, ever expansive, receptive, endlessly abundant, happy, plentitude, and peaceful human being aligned with my purpose in life which is to reflect and reveal the presence and perfection of the Universe through my words, thoughts, and actions. I AM LOVE in ACTION. And so it is....amen
Affirmation: " I am waking up to my true identity as I surrender to my higher self everyday. I am a creative, kind, loving, beautiful, ever expansive, receptive, endlessly abundant, happy, plentitude, and peaceful human being aligned with my purpose in life which is to reflect and reveal the presence and perfection of the Universe through my words, thoughts, and actions. I AM LOVE in ACTION. And so it is....amen
Monday, January 28, 2013
Amazing how people dump their insecurities on
others. There are many ways to get help. The best help you can give
yourself is by start LOVING yourself first. Don't run away!!! The only
way OUT is actually jumping IN. That's where I would begin.
Happy Brithday Ariel :)
Today's special love and sentiments go to my dear friend, Ariel Kasheri.
I want to wish you the happiest birthday. Praying for your healing,
full recovery, happiness, success, and all that your heart desires
today! YOU ARE A BLESSING IN MY LIFE! Enjoy being you my Man. I love you
Affirmation: "I live life to the fullest and to my maximum potential. I'm available, receptive, and open to all the blessings pouring in my life. COME WHAT MAY!".....It's time to celebrate everyone.
Affirmation: "I live life to the fullest and to my maximum potential. I'm available, receptive, and open to all the blessings pouring in my life. COME WHAT MAY!".....It's time to celebrate everyone.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
How you're going to face your problems and
deal with them is your CHOICE!!! Are you going to face them head on or
you're gonna wimp out? Wake up to your inner power and strength, it's
just a CHOICE!!!
Affirmation: "Today, I am choosing to be more of my true self. I choose to be happy, loving, kind, giving, caring, wise, joyous, abundant, prosperous, strong, and a peaceful warrior. The choice is mine, and CHOICE IS".....have a great day
Affirmation: "Today, I am choosing to be more of my true self. I choose to be happy, loving, kind, giving, caring, wise, joyous, abundant, prosperous, strong, and a peaceful warrior. The choice is mine, and CHOICE IS".....have a great day
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Authentic Power
The two major types of feelings that govern
our energy system is (LOVE & TRUST) or (FEAR & DOUBT). For any
spiritual growth, you need to recognize when your emotions are pulling
you into feelings of guilt, blame, shame, fear, worries, and doubt.
These will produce real somatic symptoms and get you off of the path to
your AUTHENTIC POWER. The remedy is MEDITATION! You become AWARE to
these lower frequency feeling and Transmute them by your Real Self which
This is a conscious and active process that you must cultivate in your
PRESENT MOMENTS all the time. Let me know if I can help you on your
Affirmation: "I allow love and trust into my life. I'm at Peace."...have a beautiful weekend.
Affirmation: "I allow love and trust into my life. I'm at Peace."...have a beautiful weekend.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Steps to Abundance & Prosperity
These were taken from a book called : The Power of Intention- by Dr. Wayne Dyer.
-See the world as a friendly, generous, abundant and resourceful place
-Affirmation: I attract abundance and success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, and long lasting peace into my life because that’s who I Am
-Be in the attitude of non-resistance. Allow yourself to just BE. (you and source are one and the same)
-Use the NOW moment to activate inner thoughts that match energy of creative, kind, loving, beautiful, ever expansive, receptive, and endless abundant. (I want to feel good)
-start actions that support your feelings of abundance and success. Act As if you already have what you want. Think from the END result.
-Know that your success will help and benefit others. Abundance grows proportionally as you activate your thoughts of abundance. (Follow your Bliss)
-Monitor your emotions as a feedback to your connection with the universal source energy. Affirmation: I want to feel good. (Emotions of passion and joy= you are inspired or in-spirit of what you want to achieve)
-Become as generous to the world and the universe caters to you lovingly, yielding to your every need.
-Must meditate. You must have the understanding that your consciousness of the presence is your supply.
-Stay in appreciation and attitude of gratitude. Don’t resist what IS.
If you CAN'T, then you MUST....forget the SHOULDS...let go of
the WOULDS... Cherish What IS....It's All GOOD AS IS. Appreciate all
your blessings. Everything that comes from the source is on purpose,
including your life.
-See the world as a friendly, generous, abundant and resourceful place
-Affirmation: I attract abundance and success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, and long lasting peace into my life because that’s who I Am
-Be in the attitude of non-resistance. Allow yourself to just BE. (you and source are one and the same)
-Use the NOW moment to activate inner thoughts that match energy of creative, kind, loving, beautiful, ever expansive, receptive, and endless abundant. (I want to feel good)
-start actions that support your feelings of abundance and success. Act As if you already have what you want. Think from the END result.
-Know that your success will help and benefit others. Abundance grows proportionally as you activate your thoughts of abundance. (Follow your Bliss)
-Monitor your emotions as a feedback to your connection with the universal source energy. Affirmation: I want to feel good. (Emotions of passion and joy= you are inspired or in-spirit of what you want to achieve)
-Become as generous to the world and the universe caters to you lovingly, yielding to your every need.
-Must meditate. You must have the understanding that your consciousness of the presence is your supply.
-Stay in appreciation and attitude of gratitude. Don’t resist what IS.
Happy Birthday Shadi (my sister)
Today is my older Sister, Shadi's, Birthday. The people that are closest to us are our biggest teachers
and masters. Sometimes, we don't realize this quality and take our
relationships for granted. At the Soul level, we've came to
experience our lessons in life thus enabling our souls to expand, grow,
and evolve into more of our true brilliance. Soul mates come in any
form, shape, and personal relationships. I'm honored to have one of mine
in the form of a beautiful, kind, giving, wise, funny, understanding,
compassionate, caring, loving, peaceful and happiness (as my sisters
name means in Farsi) human being in my life. Happy birthday Eshgheh man
"I am living, moving, and having my being in allowing the universe
guiding me on my path. I trust, let go, have faith, and am available to
more good that I could possibly imagine!"
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Many of us get caught up in our old stories,
the past conditions that take us hostage in our present moments and get
projected into the future. Realize that FORM follows your CONSCIOUSNESS,
or the thoughts that you think moment by moment, and
the feelings you maintain with those thoughts (the state of your
awareness of the Real) do create your reality. Make it a habit to use
your positive thinking muscles and imagination for the best case
scenario of your life deliberately in order to raise your vibration. The
universe responds by corresponding to it's own unique nature and
pattern which is you, your thoughts, and feeling tones. This way you can
shift your current paradigm and create New Beginnings. This requires
commitment and MEDITATING regularly but will become a great Habit as you
do it.
" I live in integrity and alignment with my higher self. I allow the
universal mind of kindness, abundance, compassion, love, peace,
creativity, joy, and brilliance to take over my life, feelings, and
thoughts.".....have a fantastic day friends
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Spiritual Healing & Life Coaching
Your life's challenges are universe's gifts of
giving you an incentive to work on your inner life and get in touch
with your Authentic Self. This is done through meditation, prayers,
constant learning, and eliminating past emotional dense negative
energies that no longer serve you in your present paradigm. A positive
SHIFT must Happen in order for you to become more of yourself in order
to HEAL through your problems. I am available for one on one work in
meditation, spiritual counseling, and motivational life coaching.
Contact me at 818-317-0839 or check out my website for more information.
Sending you lots of LOVE....
are amazing transformation times we are living in where people are
becoming more aware of their spiritual connection to the entire Cosmos.
Through the right guidance, you can not only help yourself, but become
an agent of positive change for the entire world. My purpose is to raise
the collective cosmic consciousness through unconditional love,
forgiveness, and gratitude so that everyone gets to live a purposeful
life with passion. Thank you
Permanent Transformation
Permanent Healing of the mind and it's
distinct personalities that obscure the Truth within the Reality of our
lives only comes through Spiritual discernment. Your heart center and
intuitive faculties have the answers you are yearning for. Meditation
is the key to the soul's evolution and transformation. I want to send
out healing energy of love & compassion for those friends and family
members who are suffering the loss of their loved ones. Have patience
and stay strong. My prayers are with you.
Affirmation: " I walk with the deepest sense of Gratitude and Appreciation in my life. I Am living in Grace and Peace.
Affirmation: " I walk with the deepest sense of Gratitude and Appreciation in my life. I Am living in Grace and Peace.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
My Dream
I had a very moving dream. I saw myself
running away from many people I had helped in my life. I didn't know
why I'm running away. The feelings I was experiencing in my dream were
fear, anxiety, and tension as I knew I'm 'awake' in my dream.
What happened next was incredible. I stopped running, turned around and
saw everyone approaching me. Then I stood there, without talking or
explaining anything, I started radiating energies of love and
compassion. They circled around me, came up closer and gave me a group
hug. I felt being loved so much. It was a very deep sense of peace and
comfort. My dream was reflecting what I project to manifest in my waking
hours. For a moment, I was more 'Awake' in my dream than in this
alternate Reality.
" I trust myself and trust the universe knowing that my life reflects
and reveals the only ONE life, the life of God, peace, joy, happiness,
abundance, love, compassion, and healing at all levels."....have a
beautiful day everyone
Monday, January 21, 2013
Your Road
of MIND: Here we go on another journey again, in every moment for this
day. Lets support and care for each other just a little more today than
yesterday, be compassionate and lift each others spirit
just a little more. Don't think too far in the future, you'll miss the
present moments. Focus all your attention in the NOW, get your emotional
fitness suits on, and hold your head up!!!!!! You can do this!!!!
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in complete surrender to higher orders of the universe. I know I am supported, I sense total connection with my source, my God, the eternal presence that lives and breathes through me, as me..."
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in complete surrender to higher orders of the universe. I know I am supported, I sense total connection with my source, my God, the eternal presence that lives and breathes through me, as me..."
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
We're All in This Together
Affirmation: "I am so GRATEFUL for my existence. I am receptive to more GOOD than I could ever IMAGINE....Come what MAY....I'm all IN"
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Grand Purpose
Mystically speaking, you live for a grand PURPOSE which is to reflect and reveal the divine nature and beauty of God. Once you realize that this is a common purpose of human beings, you'll find out that you get to fulfill this purpose through finding your innate gifts, talents , capacities, genius, creativity and sharing them with the world. You hold a vision that is greater than yourself, you'll live a life of significance that is not all about you, you'll find common grounds and participation with other souls traveling through this earth school. FEAR of dying and death disappears when you connect to your GRAND PURPOSE in life and have strong FAITH that you are an ETERNAL SPIRITUAL BEING taking on a temporary human form to get to express the presence of GOD'S perfection, through you, as you , as your thoughts, as your actions, AS YOUR LIFE....The spirit knows why you are here, your soul knows where you are going. Surrender yourself to it, yield to your POWER within, and make a mighty difference in this time during our HUMAN species EVOLUTION!....These are the time for spiritual warriors stepping up to the game for manifesting global just society, cooperation, kindness, compassion, abundance, love, and above ALL PEACE ON OUR PLANET TODAY!!!! ARE YOU UP FOR THIS MISSION?
Original face
Be the one who lets go & forgives first.....It's a great feeling!
Affirmation: "I am focused and centered in the truth of my BEING. I live for a bigger purpose, the only one purpose, which is to reflect and reveal the original face of the divine."...have an abundant and fantastic day
Affirmation: "I am focused and centered in the truth of my BEING. I live for a bigger purpose, the only one purpose, which is to reflect and reveal the original face of the divine."...have an abundant and fantastic day
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Meditation Guru
Good morning life; Last night at my meditation
class at Agape, I had the most amazing insight and breakthroughs. I
learned how to align my intentions before I meditate ,how to connect at
profoundly deep level, and how to BE my practice rather
than looking for an outcome. Let me just say how lucky and grateful I
am to have the most amazing teacher and spiritual leader as my guide. Michael Bernard Beckwith, I deeply respect you and thank you ...Namaste.
"I am grateful and appreciative for all the blessings in my life. I am
open and available to more good than I can ever imagine. HERE, NOW, It's
all GOOD"...have a fantastic day everyone!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Ocean Kiss
morning life, beauty, love, joy, passion, abundance, compassion,
kindness, and peace. How magnificent it is when we tune into nature and
bring it's absolute harmonizing divine order into our lives. There is
lots to be learned form it. When we are in tune with ourselves, feel
oneness and connected to nature, we can BE more in FLOW and HARMONY with
the universal perfection we call LIFE!
Affirmation: "I am one with nature, one with love, one with life. I allow myself to be in the FLOW and be guided to my awesome Destiny."
Affirmation: "I am one with nature, one with love, one with life. I allow myself to be in the FLOW and be guided to my awesome Destiny."
Monday, January 14, 2013
There is power when you walk in confidence,
when you feel internally at peace with yourself, and love is oozing from
your heart, in your gaze, with your words, and in your actions. Be soft
inside, gentle, caring- yet have your back straight
up, shoulders back, head up, face glowing with a gorgeous smile. Feel
God's energy flowing in your body, as you , through you. YOU ARE
GREATNESS!!!!! NOW, take a deep breath and stay in GRATITUDE....OHHH,
are you feeling it?
"I am one with life, one with love, one with the universal source
energy that feeds me, shelters me, loves me, and brings forth abundance
from everywhere for me. I share my talents and give as much as I can to
others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. For this,
I'm so grateful and thankful"
Sunday, January 13, 2013
My lecture & Chakra Healing Meditation Seminar (Feb/17/2013)
Dear family & friends;
You are cordially being invited to my Lecture & Chakra Healing Meditation Seminar. My intention is to love, to heal, and to inspire my guests in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I would love to host you on a deep SOULFUL journey into your awareness, raise the vibration of your inner truth of BEING, and connect you to your PURPOSE in life. This seminar is designed to bring out the joy in your heart, release you from any past emotional burdens through the power of FORGIVENESS, and collectively help ourselves heal our world through the POWER of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE with the deepest sense of GRATITUDE.
I'm very excited and looking forward to see you in person.
Please check out my invitation page on facebook
You are cordially being invited to my Lecture & Chakra Healing Meditation Seminar. My intention is to love, to heal, and to inspire my guests in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I would love to host you on a deep SOULFUL journey into your awareness, raise the vibration of your inner truth of BEING, and connect you to your PURPOSE in life. This seminar is designed to bring out the joy in your heart, release you from any past emotional burdens through the power of FORGIVENESS, and collectively help ourselves heal our world through the POWER of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE with the deepest sense of GRATITUDE.
I'm very excited and looking forward to see you in person.
Please check out my invitation page on facebook
Let Go, & Let God
There is higher order to the divine beauty of
universal mind. When you release your attachments to any outcome,
surrender into the energy that created you, and trust that your life is
being guided just as you were guided as an embryo into becoming
a human infant, you become liberated and free. Your heart fills with
unlimited love, compassion, and joy. You'll smile for absolutely no
reason! Just because you exist is enough reason to celebrate. It's time
to Let it GO, and Let God take over every breath.
Affirmation: "I let go & let God handle every aspect of my life. I trust the universal mind to guide me and open up doors, create possibilities, and manifest all the blessings in my life."
Affirmation: "I let go & let God handle every aspect of my life. I trust the universal mind to guide me and open up doors, create possibilities, and manifest all the blessings in my life."
Saturday, January 12, 2013
We all have teachers, guides, and guardian
angels whether in this physical reality or in the realm of the
non-physical world. Today, I'm sending out a prayer of gratitude to all
my past, present, and future guides who have helped me through
tough times, who have lifted my spirit when I was broken apart, and who
are continuously holding the space of LOVE, COMPASSION, and PEACE for
me on a daily basis. YOU ARE ONE of those angels by the way, because by
knowing that you read my posts, it gives me a fulfillment that I've
served my purpose in life. That inspires me, gives me hope, and allows
me to be my authentic self with total sense of bliss within my
SOUL....Thank you
Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to miracles in my life. I'm available to more good that I could possibly imagine. COME WHAT MAY!"
Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to miracles in my life. I'm available to more good that I could possibly imagine. COME WHAT MAY!"
Friday, January 11, 2013
I've been looking for a long, long time,
for this thing called love,
I’ve ridden comets across the sky,
and I’ve looked below and above.
Then one day I looked inside myself,
and this is what I found,
A golden sun residing there,
beaming forth God’s light and sound. -Rumi
for this thing called love,
I’ve ridden comets across the sky,
and I’ve looked below and above.
Then one day I looked inside myself,
and this is what I found,
A golden sun residing there,
beaming forth God’s light and sound. -Rumi
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Next Breath
You can not stop me from loving you because at
the center of each human being, the energy that lives and breathes us
together- is LOVE. No matter what position you take, your DNA, the very
fabric of the universe is made up of love. This is how you become
aligned with your authentic self. Take a moment and project this
consciousness to everyone you know as you take your very next breath!!!!
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love, joy, peace, prosperity, abundance, and unlimited kindness in giving! I know who I AM. I AM LOVE"
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love, joy, peace, prosperity, abundance, and unlimited kindness in giving! I know who I AM. I AM LOVE"
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Love Heals
When you loose a precious someone close to
you, you literally feel loss of power through your heart center. What we
experience as heart break is a loss of this energy directly from our
heart Chakra. Remember that the loss is a temporary illusion of the
physical form. In essence, there's never a loss of anything because
there's only one life that everything lives and breathes through in
eternity. You must realize that your
power is embedded in the energy of LOVE. That's where the replacement
comes from. When you decide that you rise above your heart ache,
experience it, and then open your heart to unlimited LOVE that's
available everywhere, you will shine. This is where healing happens,
this is where your completion with your experience takes place. As you
invite more of this energy in your heart, you'll have more of it to give
away. It becomes an avalanche of ever lasting good, of pure energy that
not only heals you, but heals the entire world. Oh, I'm feeling that
love right now, and I'm transmitting it through my heart and my soul
directly to your heart and your soul.......and so it is,,,,,amen (my
sentiments all day today since I woke up at 4:30am)
Dreaming comes from deep within your heart.
It's the persistence through rising above ordinary happenings of your
life. It's the inner glance at your highest potentials. Dreaming shines a
bright light and colors up the darkest areas of your soul! Dreaming has
no borders or boundaries. Are you open to manifest your dreams?
Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to manifest my dreams. I allow my higher self to close the gap between what my soul dreams and what my physical life experiences. I trust life!"
Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to manifest my dreams. I allow my higher self to close the gap between what my soul dreams and what my physical life experiences. I trust life!"
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Open Doors
You are continuously unfolding on your Soul's
journey one day at a time, one moment at a time. There is always a new
beginning, a new set point, as each time you connect to your inner being
and recognize your authentic power. Doors will open
when you contemplate your relationship with Oneness and stay in
Gratitude for everything that's going on, while you set your INTENTIONS
in accordance to and balance with the laws of Universe. Keep on dancing
forward :)
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love, in God, in abundance, and in complete health. Every experience opens new doors in my life by the knowing that universal laws support my life to reach my destiny. Oh, I HAVE A MAGNIFICENT DESTINY"
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love, in God, in abundance, and in complete health. Every experience opens new doors in my life by the knowing that universal laws support my life to reach my destiny. Oh, I HAVE A MAGNIFICENT DESTINY"
Monday, January 7, 2013
Your Soul's Vision
There is a perfect vision for your life at
Soul level. The way to connect with your purpose and destiny is to go
within, silent your mind, meditate, and align yourself with life's
vision for you. When you make yourself receptive and available,
the universe reveals it's own expression through you, as you, as your
life. Miracles show up because they are all already here and you are
becoming present to them for expression!!......Are you available?
Affirmation: "I am available, I am receptive, and I am open to receive the great miracles of life. Bring it on baby"
Affirmation: "I am available, I am receptive, and I am open to receive the great miracles of life. Bring it on baby"
Sunday, January 6, 2013
No Accidents
There are no accidents in this purposeful
universe. Open your heart and view the past events of your life as
lessons learned for the growth and unfoldment of your soul! This is
where FAITH comes in to hold you centered in LOVE, INNER PEACE, and
HAPPINESS. Can you trust it?
Affirmation: "I am open to infinite possibilities and have faith in higher order of life. The universe is FOR ME, ON MY SIDE, and act to support in the growth and development of my SOUL in order to shine it's LIGHT with LOVE"
Affirmation: "I am open to infinite possibilities and have faith in higher order of life. The universe is FOR ME, ON MY SIDE, and act to support in the growth and development of my SOUL in order to shine it's LIGHT with LOVE"
Saturday, January 5, 2013
I Am one with You
Friday, January 4, 2013
Ariel & Devin
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Self Reflection
How often do you take the time to look deep within your soul and release those personalities that don't serve your higher good? Sometimes, it's necessary to let go of what we so dearly hold on to and open ourselves up to new discoveries. To make ourselves available for our soul's evolution. It's not difficult. It just requires an intention of doing it. I invite you to take some time today and self reflect with an open heart, asking yourself this question: "What is the authentic purpose of my soul?"
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Are you Determined? You don't need to make
future resolutions and give yourself promises that you may not keep down
the line. What really matters most is HOW ARE YOU GOING TO CONDUCT YOUR
LIFE TODAY? ask yourself this question and set an intention to SERVE
OTHERS with an open heart! We can do this together!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
New Years Resolution
Here is the most simple yet the most profound new years resolution: JUST BE YOURSELF!
Happy New Beginnings; 2013 :)
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