Monday, November 24, 2014

What is NOT

"The usefulness of what Is depends on what Is Not"....How many times have you identified yourself with things that you are Not? For instance, you may think you are your thoughts, or your emotions. Sorry, that's not who you are. Or perhaps you think you are the level of your education, your name, sex, religion, the amount of money you have, and so forth. Again, I'm really sorry, that's Not who you Are. What you see with your senses and experience in this 3 dimensional domain we call life is a limited perception of who you are. Think about music for a second. What makes up the different tunes is the gap between each note that gets played out through the instrument. In between this gap is a silence space. Silence is derived from the void, the No-thingness in which everything is born from. Your body, thoughts, and emotions have all derived from this invisible, imperceptible void. The Non-being aspect of you. Your true essence is the Non-being, invisible source that is timeless and space less. Here we are, beginning of a new day, a new week, a pause in eternity. Take a deep breath please. For this very second, connect to that Non-being aspect of you that begins and ends with love. The vibrations of quarks form what's experienced as a material manifestation from the Nothingness,yet their very something is unconditional love, which is eventually who you are. Every thought and emotion you'll experience from this point on will carry on this Nonbeing energy aspect of Who You Truly Are. Dedicate 10 minutes today to contemplate this and connect to it. God bless you.....Namaste....-Dr. Rod....+1

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I dive deep in the knowingness of Who I am. I allow the universe to guide me to my divine destiny. I am peace. I am joy. I am infinite abundance and prosperity. I am a blessing manifested into this body in order to reflect and reveal the entire cosmos according to my unique talents. My gift is kindness. My genius is compassion. My life is the reflection of the only life that there is, the life of God.".....and so it is ,,,Amen.

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