Your past does not equal your future, yet the past can inhibit you from creating an awesome future by disconnecting you from the present. I notice the times I get caught up in my past. The second I feel it, I get anxious about the future. It's strange how the mind works. It's fascinating yet very challenging to maintain balance in the moment. Changing the way you look at things helps. Deciding to let go and forgive the past certainly helps. Being authentic and not really caring what people think about you helps. Having a vision that is grander than your own personal needs helps. Staying in tune with nature, keeping calm. remaining supple and flexible helps. One may say stay strong, I say practice being pliable rather than rigid and hard headed. Stop being opinionated and judgmental. That for sure helps because each time you are judging yourself or others, you are expanding the gap of separation from oneness. Imagine water molecules that form our oceans all of a sudden start judging each other. What do you think will happen? I would assume we would see a reflection of what our current human situation on planet earth is. Which is not all that great. Lesson to myself: stop judging, be yourself, remain flexible, close the gap of separation, let go of the past, keep a peaceful vision for our planet, remain an optimist, and flow in unity like the water molecules with ease and grace. Above all, LOVE! ......Namaste....+1..
Affirmation: "I am optimistically inclined. I know life is for me. I am one with the mystery of the universe. All of my needs are met. I am available to more prosperity and health than I've ever imagined. I forgive, and let go. I let go and let the universe to take over my destiny. Peace is the order of my day. Abundance shows up out of No-thing manifesting through every are of my life. I am simply love in action"
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