I know for a fact that there's something deep within your heart that is either hurting you or something in your mind that bothers your from the past. Why? because you are a human BEING, not a human DOING. In your being, you collect negative energies from the past experiences and give them a label of good or bad. You also project the same energy out to the future which makes you worry and tilt you into fear. Know that many of your problems are about how you THINK your would Should be, rather than how it Is in that moment. The second you are in a negative state and go into conflict with what IS, that thought or situation tends to get out of proportion. You'll add all sort of stories to what is Real and make a monster in your head. Relax, take a deep breath. See things as they are without judging them into good or bad. Use the power of positive thinking to see them better than they are. By shifting your perception and knowing your 'vision', you can pull yourself out of any negative thought and borrow from your faith in order to get out of the prison of your mind. You are more powerful than you think you are. Limitation in Self Realization and lack of understanding the meta-physical world around, creates lots of problems in our lives. Become a student of inner transformation. Challenge yourself today to be in gratitude for Things that you Do have and Things that you Don't have. Remain in a state of harmony with your surrounding and stop sending out negative vibration to the world. You have only one thing to do in this life and that is to figure out WHY you exist! Right now, your Why was to read this message and carry on a positive vibration for the rest of your day as you smile on Namaste.....-Dr. Rod ....+1
Affirmation: " I chose to shift my perception today into an affirmative optimist. All of my needs are met. I trust the universe. Everything happens for my higher good. I release and let Go of all unwanted thoughts. I am powerful. I am available and receptive to more prosperity, success, joy, healing, inspiration, and wealth than I've ever imagined possible. I take my next breath in faith and allow my vision to guide me into a divine destiny......"
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