Thursday, November 20, 2014

Secret to Success

Do you want to know what the secret to ever lasting joy, peace, and success is? "Serve the needs of others, and all your own needs will be fulfilled". This is a significant philosophy and one I love to practice in my daily life. The second I wake up I ask myself two questions that I encourage you to get into a habit of doing: "What prayer can I answer today?" and "How may I serve today?". Then I just remain available with an open heart to match the frequency of my intention to help someone. It shows up every time. Start up on a small scale and eventually you will find yourself as a vibratory giant of love, abundance, peace, and generosity walking in our world. This is how we can change our world together for better. Moment by life at a time.....Namaste...-Dr. Rod....+1

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I give freely without any expectation. I serve the needs of others wholeheartedly today. I live in the moment with compassion and passion overflowing from my heart. My life is divine. Healing is the order of my day in every area of my life. I am receptive to mighty miracles showing out of NOTHING and manifesting into everything to aid my Soul's evolution"....and so it is ....Amen.

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