You are reading this because you've been asking a question regarding the creative vision of your Soul, the purpose of your Existence, and which direction you need guidance right NOW in regards to a problem you are facing. In the next 20 seconds as you take a deep breath, visualize a beautiful golden light energy gently entering your aura from the top of your head, passing through your upper body into your heart. Now, realize that with each heart beat, this radiant light exudes love in the world and clears any stagnant energy from your entire physical, emotional, and spiritual field. The answer you are looking for will reveal itself. Pay attention today to your higher thoughts and as you pass anyone during the day, imagine you are radiating this beautiful golden light vibration to them. Yes, this is a prayer. Let me know what happens Namaste..+1.
Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with light, one with love. All of my needs are met. I am divinely guided to my destiny with ease and flow. Abundance is the order of my day. Health exudes from every cell of my body. I am emotionally strong and balanced. I am spiritually uplifted and inspired. My heart is open to serve other people and change their lives for better. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before"...
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