This message is to anchor you in the present moment for the rest of the short time you are reading this. It's a sudden pause in you current thoughts and shifting your focus to your heart. If you like to participate in this, read forward and once you finish write 'amen' in the comments. If not, just smile and have a beautiful day. Take a deep breath, hold it, and allow the oxygen flow through every cell of your body. Now, notice that there is a low vibration of anxiety somewhere in your emotional body. It's a fear of the future, of what may happen. There is a feeling of uncertainty that is constantly sitting on your shoulders, taking your focus away from the present. There is also feelings of resentment, guilt, and 'what if' questions in the past that keep showing up in your mind. These are universal negative thoughts we are bombarded with from our external circumstances. They are very rampant and we are exposed to them daily. Take another deep breath, hold it, imagine you are becoming a flame of beautiful violet light. Imagine this flame is forming a bubble and surrounding you. As you have entered this violet flame, look around and see your entire past and future revealed to you around this flame. Take a moment and observe what's being revealed to you. You may want to re-read this passage and go over it again in your meditation. Look at your past, look at your future without any judgment. As a witness and observer, notice this light penetrating through you. It is around you, now it's penetrating through you and becomes stronger. In the moment of fear and uncertainty, knowing your essence will carry you through. Knowing that you are light, an eternal flame of joy, of compassion, and love. In this very moment, the negative thoughts of the past resentments and the worry of the future is transmuting into fertile soil for your consciousness to expand beyond these qualities, being able to tap into the Truth of your Authentic Being. Forgiveness is washing away resentments, clearing a path into the manifesting your destiny. You are being loved up and spiritually uplifted in order to resonate this energy forward to others. Through your vibration and awareness, you'll become an agent of peace. You'll give your kindness as a gift to humanity and heal the world as you are being healed from your pain in this very second...Take a deeeep breath, release the sound of OHHHMM......And so it is , Amen...........Namaste.....+1 ,,,-Dr. Rod.
Affirmation: "I am whole, perfect, and complete. I intend to heal and be healed. I forgive and ask forgiveness from any person, any being in time and space who is karmically connected to my present condition. I am available to more abundance, success, and prosperity than I have ever experienced, imagined, or manifested before. I am love, I am joy, I am harmonizing plentitude.".
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