Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Search your Heart

How many times have you been stuck in a situation where you 'wanted' to make something happen? Something that you thought was for your best. You pushed for it, put all your effort, and yet at the end you gave up and got disappointed!! It happens all the time. There is a two part to this mystery. One is desiring and wanting to have something, make a relationship work, or acquiring wealth. The other is 'allowing' the mystery to unfold by providing the space for it. To welcome it. They are the beginning and end of a same cycle. Your desire is thought activated. Thought activated originates from the invisible No-thingness, which is your essence yet in-separable from your thoughts and actions. Many times you just got to Allow and let it be. You can't force something happen in your direction. There is infinite hidden reasons why things are the way they are. Lack of trust and faith in the universe can dis-empower you to the point where you'll give up. The balancing act between Being and Doing, Desiring and Allowing, Wanting and Surrendering is your responsibility to discover and learn. To live within the fine lines in between these energies is your ultimate destiny. Doing so will bring you eternal peace where in your moments of stillness all you experience is just oneness and love....Namaste...Dr. Rod....+1..

Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in joy. I surrender, I let go. I let Go and Let God to handle my life. I am in flow with the universal abundance. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good and in divine order. My life is the direct emanation of the only life that exists, the life of God. I trust the universal source energy to guide me and manifest my incredible destiny in every moment with ease and grace. I am love in action. Healing and revealing miracles is the order of my day. And so it is, Amen"..


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