Friday, November 7, 2014

HOPE activated!

You can be an instrument of increasing by decreasing the empty spaces in people's lives. First, you've got to be grateful for what you already have and all the blessings in your life. This activates the feeling of having 'more than enough' and eliminates lack consciousness from your awareness. Once you are in this space of thinking, notice the surplus of goods you have around you. Go through your stuff and take what you don't need or use, and give them away to charity. Let the material good circulate to those who truly need what you have in excess. However, the most important thing you can do is create hope and activate FAITH in someone. Faith means: absolute substance of what you are HOPING for, and vibratory evidence of what can not be seen. In our lives, we all get to a point where we need to be uplifted by somebody and have these two essential energies under our wings. You can be an instrument of HOPE and FAITH today and everyday. The more you give it away through your vibration to others, the more you expand and grow as an individual- individual is ONE who is not dividend from the whole. This is Self Realization, the journey into your Soul and seeing everyone and everything as One with you. Please take a deep breath, hold it, and send out a prayer of love, joy, peace, compassion, healing, and abundance to at least 5 people you know. Allow this energy to multiply and expand into eternity.....Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my good. Life supports me. I give away hope and active faith in everyone I get in touch with today. I am available and receptive to miracles showing up in every area of my life. Healing is the order of my day. Prosperity, peace, and happiness take over my life. I am one with love and light.".

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