Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Happy mind Happy body

A happy mind creates a happy body. One that is in perfect flow and harmony with healing. Stop a moment and appreciate every aspect of your body. The firm, chubby, skinny, loose, and tight. The tall, short, young, old, wrinkly, and smooth. In the eye of the creator, it's all a miracle in action. You were born out of NO-thing, the pure intelligence source energy that is right now enabling you to process these words coming from my Being, from my Soul. A high vibration source aligned with this intelligence, guiding you back to yourSelf. You decide today to appreciate the physical aspect of you, the look, the gestures, and the imperfections in the perfect miracle that you are. You chose to be in awe and appreciation, this very moment you know exactly what I'm talking about. The self judgment has to go my friend. That nagging inner voice that shows up out of nowhere, distracting you from the TRUTH of your Being. Identify it, be aware of it, and don't get caught up by it. When you go out about your day, I invite you to focus on your connection with the entire universe. Your physical body and mind is not separated from the sky, the sun, tree's, and even that annoying fly that shows up like the uninvited thought of judgment in your head. See yourself as a miracle you are. Today, and everyday, you are blessed. Take a deep breath,.....release the sound of OHMMMM after. Namaste.....+1 ...

Affirmation: "I adore and love my body. I am living, moving, and having my being in perfect health and harmony. Peaceful thoughts are welcome in my mind. I am abundant and successful, joyful and kind, energetic and full of passion. I am available and receptive to more miracles showing up in every area of my life that I've ever imagined. Life supports me. I chose to live in a friendly universe knowing that all of my needs are met. I am grateful, appreciative, and thankful in this very moment.".


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