Saturday, November 22, 2014

Five new Attitudes

What's your attitude right now? Your entire life can change with your attitude. You have a power to change it in a moment and take on a new attitude that will pull you towards a better direction. Take on these five suggestions today and see what happens. The first is being joyful. Meaning to be 'Full of Joy'. Even if you have no reason to be in joy, take on this attitude. Fake it. It's all right. Then, jump into being loving. Loving yourself first and then loving another being. Could be pet, tree, rock, mountain, your beer belly, the lines on your face, or the twinkle in your eyes. Just radiate love. Every where you go today silently say 'I love you'. See what happens. Next is being accepting. Accept your perfect imperfections in your thoughts, attitude, and emotional experiences. Let it be. Go with the flow. Stop patronizing yourself and wanting to control others. Stop controlling life. Let it flow through you by accepting What IS. The last two are my favorites. Be blessing. I use this affirmation a lot, "I am blessed and a blessing to others'. Notice blessings all around you and notice every opportunity you have to be a blessing to others. Keep walking on the path of blessing, radiating this energy to the world around you. Keep it simple. Take action on the little things. Finally, be grateful. The attitude of gratitude is the doorway for infinite blessings of joy, love, acceptance, and blessing itself to easily show up in your life with ease and grace. Use this affirmation: "I am grateful for absolutely NO-Thing that manifests into infinite miracles in my life". I've given you five states of BEING to become more of Who You Are in order to get closer to your authentic Self. Your Soul is dancing with mine right now. Feel that blessing, feel our cosmic connection. Breath in, hold it, Breath out and release the sound of OHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ....Namaste...-Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: " I am a joyful, loving, accepting, blessed, and grateful being of light. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I trust the universe. I am blessed and a blessing to our world. Healing is the order of my day. Abundance flows easily in my life with ease and grace. I life a purposeful life with passion."....and so it is , Amen.

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