This weekend I went to Mount Whitney for a full day of being in the mountains and introspecting. I love getting away and get into my inner shell, diving deep within to discover what's going on inside my heart. I just got out of a deep meditation and actually connected to the meditation I had on my way down the mountain. I was sitting on the trail. The valley and the mountain were right in front of me. This is about 5000 feet or more. I felt I was on another planet. I melted into the ground and the rocks I was sitting on. I kept opening and closing my eyes to imprint the vision that was overstimulating my senses in my memory. I got in tune with my senses, my sight was capturing the beauty of the view, my ears hearing both the audible and in-audible. I could hear the presence of God speaking to me through the wind, and I could feel its presences through smelling the pines, the dirt, and the rock I was holding, which I'm holding right now. When I smell this rock, it brings me back to this spot. I was looking at the half moon above me in a clear sky with the sun far on the west of it. My senses were being tickled and I had an amazing feeling of oneness with nature. As I fell deeper in my meditation there, I felt my Chakras connecting to channels in the universe that connect time/space bend. I think they call this phenomenon 'worm holes', I'm not sure, I know that you can go beyond time and space through them at the speed of light. Well, what I felt was having the cells of my body travel through these channels. For an instant, I was everywhere yet nowhere in the universe. It was an incredible feeling that I can't really explain. My energy field became one with it all and I could see different shades of light passing through the atoms in my body. I felt my Soul becoming covered by a diamond color brilliant light. It was energizing me and it was so powerful that I had to allow it to pass through me. In that moment, I thought of everyone who is connected to me, has been, and will be. As this diamond color shine was traveling through my being, I had YOU in mind. I knew that I had to write this and hopefully convey something that I can't really express through these words. It was a moment of instant healing because that light was directly from the source. I felt it, I knew it, and I knew my connection was a Real as you reading this now. So, here we are. An end to to a beginning of a cycle. Take a deep breath, allow this next moment become an imprint for the following moment to Be. You are being held in a vibration of love, peace, abundance, compassion, and healing. Behind the cycle of change, there is a constant, the eternal presence of God that manifests as changes in our life. It's beautiful and sacred. It's within your heart and Soul. Capture it, honor it, You are ONE with it.....Namaste....-Dr. Rod.....+1 (the photo below is the moment where I experienced what I just wrote to you)
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, beauty, joy, healing, and passion than I've ever imagined possible. My life is divine. I trust the universe and surrender to its magnificence. I am One with love and just allow it to Be."....and so it is ,,,amen..
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Give and Take
Take a mind trip on this: "To the giver comes the fullness of life; to the taker, just an empty hand"....I really like this saying as the process of life is the process of circulation, give and take. I invite you to think in terms of blaming others for your mistakes and taking responsibility for your action. As you blame others, you step out of integrity with your Soul and distance yourself from your true essence. The Ego takes away from your power but fools you as being powerful. The taking that happens here is taking away from your authenticity or integrity. How does the giving come in play? When you take responsibility you declare and decree yourself as one with life. You announce to the world that this is me, this is Who I Am, and I accept my imperfections. You'll have the knowing that underneath the imperfection there is a light of perfection that is One with Wholeness of all that Is. Knowing this, you now have created an ability to respond to yourself and others, GIVING in terms to your higher Self and GIVING love where there was fear of the Ego operating and separating you from everyone. This dark place that kept you separated, kept you in blame. These are subtle energy patterns that you can distinguish and work on. As you give to your higher Self, you will let go of blaming others. Therefore, taking responsibility for your life! Namaste.....-Dr. Rod...
Affirmation: "I am conscious and aware of my choices. I chose to be in love and in peace. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life affirms itself through me. I am peace, I am abundant, I am joy. I am available to more prosperity and success than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. My thoughts are creative. My words are powerful, and my actions take on the responsibility to be more of my authentic Self, more than who I am, more giving and sharing my passion with the world.".....and so it is,,,,Amen..
Affirmation: "I am conscious and aware of my choices. I chose to be in love and in peace. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life affirms itself through me. I am peace, I am abundant, I am joy. I am available to more prosperity and success than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. My thoughts are creative. My words are powerful, and my actions take on the responsibility to be more of my authentic Self, more than who I am, more giving and sharing my passion with the world.".....and so it is,,,,Amen..
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Sweet Memories
Came out of an awesome meditation. Have this message for you. Take a deep breath and tune in: Thoughts are unit of mental energy that can be negative or positive. As you grow and unfold in your human experience, each thought you carry into action potentially becomes a memory in your mind. You can remember your mothers touch, a smell from your first lover, the night your child was born, or when you passed your first milestone. These are great memories. However, we all suffer from recurrent experience of our bitter and sad memories. You know what they are and you know how often they show up in your mind. What show's up is the heaviness or the meaning you gave that event as it became part of your nervous system, emotional body, and mental imagination. In the process of healing, the negative charge of bitter memory releases itself as you become a witness rather than a participant in it. You rise above this negative energy by remembering who you actually are. It's a subtle energy shift and a change in paradigm. Stepping out of your paradigm, diving deeper in your heart, and viewing the past events as a present happening. You take one step above them, looking down from outside, owning your emotions. By not judging yourself or the past event, you become empowered and free. The holidays are coming. Not everyone will experience joy and happiness. Because for many, holidays triggers an old memory. Loss of a loved one, divorce, family problems, and many other things we all know. Think of that one memory that has a tendency to negatively affect you. Take a deep breath and imagine it as a White dove. You may want to read this message again as you hold this memory, or white dove in your hand, Look at it from a space of love and compassion. Look at its color changing from red , to green, to Gold. Take another deep breath and as you release the now Golden dove into the sky say this affirmation couple of times: I forgive and let go. I let go of any emotional attachment to bitter memories. I allow myself to be at peace. I release myself in the unknown and am receptive to more good, more love, more joy, more peace, and more beauty than I've ever imagined possible in my life"....and so it is, Amen.....Namaste.....Happy early holidays, I thought to set your consciousness up for peace and bliss. Enjoy..... -Dr. Rod..
Affirmation: "I am peaceful and free. I am LOVE"....have a spectacular day
Affirmation: "I am peaceful and free. I am LOVE"....have a spectacular day
Monday, November 24, 2014
What is NOT
"The usefulness of what Is depends on what Is Not"....How many times have you identified yourself with things that you are Not? For instance, you may think you are your thoughts, or your emotions. Sorry, that's not who you are. Or perhaps you think you are the level of your education, your name, sex, religion, the amount of money you have, and so forth. Again, I'm really sorry, that's Not who you Are. What you see with your senses and experience in this 3 dimensional domain we call life is a limited perception of who you are. Think about music for a second. What makes up the different tunes is the gap between each note that gets played out through the instrument. In between this gap is a silence space. Silence is derived from the void, the No-thingness in which everything is born from. Your body, thoughts, and emotions have all derived from this invisible, imperceptible void. The Non-being aspect of you. Your true essence is the Non-being, invisible source that is timeless and space less. Here we are, beginning of a new day, a new week, a pause in eternity. Take a deep breath please. For this very second, connect to that Non-being aspect of you that begins and ends with love. The vibrations of quarks form what's experienced as a material manifestation from the Nothingness,yet their very something is unconditional love, which is eventually who you are. Every thought and emotion you'll experience from this point on will carry on this Nonbeing energy aspect of Who You Truly Are. Dedicate 10 minutes today to contemplate this and connect to it. God bless you.....Namaste....-Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I dive deep in the knowingness of Who I am. I allow the universe to guide me to my divine destiny. I am peace. I am joy. I am infinite abundance and prosperity. I am a blessing manifested into this body in order to reflect and reveal the entire cosmos according to my unique talents. My gift is kindness. My genius is compassion. My life is the reflection of the only life that there is, the life of God.".....and so it is ,,,Amen.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I dive deep in the knowingness of Who I am. I allow the universe to guide me to my divine destiny. I am peace. I am joy. I am infinite abundance and prosperity. I am a blessing manifested into this body in order to reflect and reveal the entire cosmos according to my unique talents. My gift is kindness. My genius is compassion. My life is the reflection of the only life that there is, the life of God.".....and so it is ,,,Amen.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Five new Attitudes
What's your attitude right now? Your entire life can change with your attitude. You have a power to change it in a moment and take on a new attitude that will pull you towards a better direction. Take on these five suggestions today and see what happens. The first is being joyful. Meaning to be 'Full of Joy'. Even if you have no reason to be in joy, take on this attitude. Fake it. It's all right. Then, jump into being loving. Loving yourself first and then loving another being. Could be pet, tree, rock, mountain, your beer belly, the lines on your face, or the twinkle in your eyes. Just radiate love. Every where you go today silently say 'I love you'. See what happens. Next is being accepting. Accept your perfect imperfections in your thoughts, attitude, and emotional experiences. Let it be. Go with the flow. Stop patronizing yourself and wanting to control others. Stop controlling life. Let it flow through you by accepting What IS. The last two are my favorites. Be blessing. I use this affirmation a lot, "I am blessed and a blessing to others'. Notice blessings all around you and notice every opportunity you have to be a blessing to others. Keep walking on the path of blessing, radiating this energy to the world around you. Keep it simple. Take action on the little things. Finally, be grateful. The attitude of gratitude is the doorway for infinite blessings of joy, love, acceptance, and blessing itself to easily show up in your life with ease and grace. Use this affirmation: "I am grateful for absolutely NO-Thing that manifests into infinite miracles in my life". I've given you five states of BEING to become more of Who You Are in order to get closer to your authentic Self. Your Soul is dancing with mine right now. Feel that blessing, feel our cosmic connection. Breath in, hold it, Breath out and release the sound of OHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ....Namaste...-Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: " I am a joyful, loving, accepting, blessed, and grateful being of light. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I trust the universe. I am blessed and a blessing to our world. Healing is the order of my day. Abundance flows easily in my life with ease and grace. I life a purposeful life with passion."....and so it is , Amen.
Affirmation: " I am a joyful, loving, accepting, blessed, and grateful being of light. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I trust the universe. I am blessed and a blessing to our world. Healing is the order of my day. Abundance flows easily in my life with ease and grace. I life a purposeful life with passion."....and so it is , Amen.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Stop controlling, Start respect
Make every effort to stop controlling the lives of others Today. It takes courage to do this and to respect the will of others without imposing your opinion on them. Usually, silence speaks louder than words. Notice how powerful you become next time instead of arguing with someone, you withdraw and just observe. Your ego always wants to prove itself right and it's always needs to be justified. It will go beyond anything to get a boost of self satisfaction by putting another person down, gossip behind their back, or produce a lie. Stop it. Start practicing inner awareness and compassion. By seeing everyone as part of who you are, you'll be able to create radical change in your life. Are you willing to walk in this direction? Namaste...-Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with the creative power of the universe. Life flows through me gently and abundantly. I am compassionate and kind, allowing people to be as who they are. I am beautiful and powerful, a giant resource of peace. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. I intent to heal and be healed by having dominion on my thoughts today. Joy affirms itself in every fiber of my being. I am grateful".
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with the creative power of the universe. Life flows through me gently and abundantly. I am compassionate and kind, allowing people to be as who they are. I am beautiful and powerful, a giant resource of peace. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. I intent to heal and be healed by having dominion on my thoughts today. Joy affirms itself in every fiber of my being. I am grateful".
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Secret to Success
Do you want to know what the secret to ever lasting joy, peace, and success is? "Serve the needs of others, and all your own needs will be fulfilled". This is a significant philosophy and one I love to practice in my daily life. The second I wake up I ask myself two questions that I encourage you to get into a habit of doing: "What prayer can I answer today?" and "How may I serve today?". Then I just remain available with an open heart to match the frequency of my intention to help someone. It shows up every time. Start up on a small scale and eventually you will find yourself as a vibratory giant of love, abundance, peace, and generosity walking in our world. This is how we can change our world together for better. Moment by life at a time.....Namaste...-Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I give freely without any expectation. I serve the needs of others wholeheartedly today. I live in the moment with compassion and passion overflowing from my heart. My life is divine. Healing is the order of my day in every area of my life. I am receptive to mighty miracles showing out of NOTHING and manifesting into everything to aid my Soul's evolution"....and so it is ....Amen.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I give freely without any expectation. I serve the needs of others wholeheartedly today. I live in the moment with compassion and passion overflowing from my heart. My life is divine. Healing is the order of my day in every area of my life. I am receptive to mighty miracles showing out of NOTHING and manifesting into everything to aid my Soul's evolution"....and so it is ....Amen.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Thursday Night Meditation
Happy Wednesday Everyone. Please come and join us for Chakra Healing guided group meditation with Reiki tomorrow night, Thursday, Nov. 20th from 7-9pm in Encino, Ca. I will be focusing on intention setting, connecting to your inner child, and FORGIVENESS. This is a very powerful process. You don't want to miss it if you are close by. Please RSVP through my email: you...Session Fee: $25
Monday, November 17, 2014
Good Morning LIFE....Here is an insight for you on this beautiful Monday: To find your Soulmate, open yourself to meeting and mating with your own Soul. It's in the discovering of the Self through self love and appreciation that the magic of unity shows up. You'll see everyone and feel everything as an inherent part of you. The concept of separation dissolves. Everything becomes ONE. As you navigate through life with this consciousness, you'll attract that part of you who is also aware of this. Who is also floating through this energy as you are. The moment you connect with that field of consciousness as a reflective part of you in this reality, she/he will re-cognize you as part of themselves. A divine match is made in order for both to travel into eternity as ONE. As partners for infinite spirit to manifest in flesh. As Soulmates forever..Thus, the circle and cycle of life completes itself....Take a deep breath, I Am, God Is........Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: " I am one with the infinite spirit of love, one with God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. Life is for me and never against me. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, and peace that I've ever imagines possible. I am grateful for all of my blessings and just let it be, and so it is, Amen."
Affirmation: " I am one with the infinite spirit of love, one with God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. Life is for me and never against me. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, and peace that I've ever imagines possible. I am grateful for all of my blessings and just let it be, and so it is, Amen."
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Selfless Action
"When action is pure and selfless, everything settles into it's own perfect place"...for me selfless action means that you are comfortable in your own skin. You are not competing with anyone and you have a clear purpose of Why you are living. There is nothing that you 'want' from the world. Your joy is activated internally. You came here to share your gifts and talents, being an artist of the Soul. With pure intention and a willingness to make a change, leaving your signature, and living in peace. Trusting in the universe is the key factor. Knowing that each breath is a gift, a blessing, and every moment of your existence counts. This comes from the purity of the heart that's been fired up by love and overflown with compassion. Selfless intention and a pure heart fired up by love! Wow, I got excited.....Namaste..... -Dr Rod....+1
"When action is pure and selfless, everything settles into it's own perfect place"...for me selfless action means that you are comfortable in your own skin. You are not competing with anyone and you have a clear purpose of Why you are living. There is nothing that you 'want' from the world. Your joy is activated internally. You came here to share your gifts and talents, being an artist of the Soul. With pure intention and a willingness to make a change, leaving your signature, and living in peace. Trusting in the universe is the key factor. Knowing that each breath is a gift, a blessing, and every moment of your existence counts. This comes from the purity of the heart that's been fired up by love and overflown with compassion. Selfless intention and a pure heart fired up by love! Wow, I got excited.....Namaste..... -Dr Rod....+1
"When action is pure and selfless, everything settles into it's own perfect place"...for me selfless action means that you are comfortable in your own skin. You are not competing with anyone and you have a clear purpose of Why you are living. There is nothing that you 'want' from the world. Your joy is activated internally. You came here to share your gifts and talents, being an artist of the Soul. With pure intention and a willingness to make a change, leaving your signature, and living in peace. Trusting in the universe is the key factor. Knowing that each breath is a gift, a blessing, and every moment of your existence counts. This comes from the purity of the heart that's been fired up by love and overflown with compassion. Selfless intention and a pure heart fired up by love! Wow, I got excited.....Namaste..... -Dr Rod....+1
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Taking responsibiltiy
Good morning life; I just came out of an amazing meditation feeling incredible, intending to radiate that energy out to you. I'll leave you with this thought to contemplate: When you take responsibility for all of your life, choices, and actions; you will then achieve the power to change any part of it. You are always in the process of creating and becoming new in each moment. Know that you are loved by the eternal presence. God bless you ...-Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: " I AM LOVE in action. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. My life is divine. I Am one with my inner light and allow it to shine into eternity."
Affirmation: " I AM LOVE in action. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. My life is divine. I Am one with my inner light and allow it to shine into eternity."
Friday, November 14, 2014
Adjust your lens
I know for a fact that there's something deep within your heart that is either hurting you or something in your mind that bothers your from the past. Why? because you are a human BEING, not a human DOING. In your being, you collect negative energies from the past experiences and give them a label of good or bad. You also project the same energy out to the future which makes you worry and tilt you into fear. Know that many of your problems are about how you THINK your would Should be, rather than how it Is in that moment. The second you are in a negative state and go into conflict with what IS, that thought or situation tends to get out of proportion. You'll add all sort of stories to what is Real and make a monster in your head. Relax, take a deep breath. See things as they are without judging them into good or bad. Use the power of positive thinking to see them better than they are. By shifting your perception and knowing your 'vision', you can pull yourself out of any negative thought and borrow from your faith in order to get out of the prison of your mind. You are more powerful than you think you are. Limitation in Self Realization and lack of understanding the meta-physical world around, creates lots of problems in our lives. Become a student of inner transformation. Challenge yourself today to be in gratitude for Things that you Do have and Things that you Don't have. Remain in a state of harmony with your surrounding and stop sending out negative vibration to the world. You have only one thing to do in this life and that is to figure out WHY you exist! Right now, your Why was to read this message and carry on a positive vibration for the rest of your day as you smile on Namaste.....-Dr. Rod ....+1
Affirmation: " I chose to shift my perception today into an affirmative optimist. All of my needs are met. I trust the universe. Everything happens for my higher good. I release and let Go of all unwanted thoughts. I am powerful. I am available and receptive to more prosperity, success, joy, healing, inspiration, and wealth than I've ever imagined possible. I take my next breath in faith and allow my vision to guide me into a divine destiny......"
Affirmation: " I chose to shift my perception today into an affirmative optimist. All of my needs are met. I trust the universe. Everything happens for my higher good. I release and let Go of all unwanted thoughts. I am powerful. I am available and receptive to more prosperity, success, joy, healing, inspiration, and wealth than I've ever imagined possible. I take my next breath in faith and allow my vision to guide me into a divine destiny......"
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
You Sole Purpose
Your sole purpose is your Soul purpose. I really love this statement as it makes total sense, yet you have to dive beyond your senses in order to catch your Soul purpose. How do you do that? By releasing the pain from the illusion of the past. By knowing that everything happens for your higher good even the painful events that seem to have been bothering you. At some point, there is a lesson in what you are experiencing. Once you acknowledge the lesson learned, you can chose to go in any direction your hear desires to lead you. Practice owning your free will. You are constantly challenged to use your free will in every moment, however, the opposite end of free will can not be complete without surrendering to the unknown. It's a divine dichotomy that you are faced with in every situation. Once you are aware of this dichotomy, you are able to bring more of your Authentic Self into creation. Thus your Soul Purpose manifested through your Sole purpose of being YOU. It's a beautiful dance between God and Love. This duality can not have any meaning without you being as the MUSIC to this dance. The music completes the triangle of existence. Take a deep breath, read this again, and then dance your way through the day, your life, your destiny......Namaste.....Dr. Rod....+1
Affirmation: "I am in tune with my Soul's purpose. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and OTHERS in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I intend to show the face of God as 'I AM'. As who and what I Really Am. Who being the singular manifestation of the what. What being the indivisible, invisible presence, who leaves and breathes through me, and guides me to my divine destiny. I AM LOVE."
Affirmation: "I am in tune with my Soul's purpose. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and OTHERS in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I intend to show the face of God as 'I AM'. As who and what I Really Am. Who being the singular manifestation of the what. What being the indivisible, invisible presence, who leaves and breathes through me, and guides me to my divine destiny. I AM LOVE."
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Search your Heart
How many times have you been stuck in a situation where you 'wanted' to make something happen? Something that you thought was for your best. You pushed for it, put all your effort, and yet at the end you gave up and got disappointed!! It happens all the time. There is a two part to this mystery. One is desiring and wanting to have something, make a relationship work, or acquiring wealth. The other is 'allowing' the mystery to unfold by providing the space for it. To welcome it. They are the beginning and end of a same cycle. Your desire is thought activated. Thought activated originates from the invisible No-thingness, which is your essence yet in-separable from your thoughts and actions. Many times you just got to Allow and let it be. You can't force something happen in your direction. There is infinite hidden reasons why things are the way they are. Lack of trust and faith in the universe can dis-empower you to the point where you'll give up. The balancing act between Being and Doing, Desiring and Allowing, Wanting and Surrendering is your responsibility to discover and learn. To live within the fine lines in between these energies is your ultimate destiny. Doing so will bring you eternal peace where in your moments of stillness all you experience is just oneness and love....Namaste...Dr. Rod....+1..
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in joy. I surrender, I let go. I let Go and Let God to handle my life. I am in flow with the universal abundance. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good and in divine order. My life is the direct emanation of the only life that exists, the life of God. I trust the universal source energy to guide me and manifest my incredible destiny in every moment with ease and grace. I am love in action. Healing and revealing miracles is the order of my day. And so it is, Amen"..
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in joy. I surrender, I let go. I let Go and Let God to handle my life. I am in flow with the universal abundance. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good and in divine order. My life is the direct emanation of the only life that exists, the life of God. I trust the universal source energy to guide me and manifest my incredible destiny in every moment with ease and grace. I am love in action. Healing and revealing miracles is the order of my day. And so it is, Amen"..
Monday, November 10, 2014
Return Movement
We are just a drop of water in return movement towards our oceanic origin, which is love, light, God. Death is a beginning of a new journey of life after life. An opening into eternity. A passage from form into formless, Is into Is Not, a Thing into No Thing. God is all that Is and all that Is Not. One and the All.. Namaste.....
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Healing Meditation
This message is to anchor you in the present moment for the rest of the short time you are reading this. It's a sudden pause in you current thoughts and shifting your focus to your heart. If you like to participate in this, read forward and once you finish write 'amen' in the comments. If not, just smile and have a beautiful day. Take a deep breath, hold it, and allow the oxygen flow through every cell of your body. Now, notice that there is a low vibration of anxiety somewhere in your emotional body. It's a fear of the future, of what may happen. There is a feeling of uncertainty that is constantly sitting on your shoulders, taking your focus away from the present. There is also feelings of resentment, guilt, and 'what if' questions in the past that keep showing up in your mind. These are universal negative thoughts we are bombarded with from our external circumstances. They are very rampant and we are exposed to them daily. Take another deep breath, hold it, imagine you are becoming a flame of beautiful violet light. Imagine this flame is forming a bubble and surrounding you. As you have entered this violet flame, look around and see your entire past and future revealed to you around this flame. Take a moment and observe what's being revealed to you. You may want to re-read this passage and go over it again in your meditation. Look at your past, look at your future without any judgment. As a witness and observer, notice this light penetrating through you. It is around you, now it's penetrating through you and becomes stronger. In the moment of fear and uncertainty, knowing your essence will carry you through. Knowing that you are light, an eternal flame of joy, of compassion, and love. In this very moment, the negative thoughts of the past resentments and the worry of the future is transmuting into fertile soil for your consciousness to expand beyond these qualities, being able to tap into the Truth of your Authentic Being. Forgiveness is washing away resentments, clearing a path into the manifesting your destiny. You are being loved up and spiritually uplifted in order to resonate this energy forward to others. Through your vibration and awareness, you'll become an agent of peace. You'll give your kindness as a gift to humanity and heal the world as you are being healed from your pain in this very second...Take a deeeep breath, release the sound of OHHHMM......And so it is , Amen...........Namaste.....+1 ,,,-Dr. Rod.
Affirmation: "I am whole, perfect, and complete. I intend to heal and be healed. I forgive and ask forgiveness from any person, any being in time and space who is karmically connected to my present condition. I am available to more abundance, success, and prosperity than I have ever experienced, imagined, or manifested before. I am love, I am joy, I am harmonizing plentitude.".
Affirmation: "I am whole, perfect, and complete. I intend to heal and be healed. I forgive and ask forgiveness from any person, any being in time and space who is karmically connected to my present condition. I am available to more abundance, success, and prosperity than I have ever experienced, imagined, or manifested before. I am love, I am joy, I am harmonizing plentitude.".
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Secret to Life
"The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek, therefore, not to find out Who You Are, seek to determine Who You want to BE...." Conversation with God.
Friday, November 7, 2014
HOPE activated!
You can be an instrument of increasing by decreasing the empty spaces in people's lives. First, you've got to be grateful for what you already have and all the blessings in your life. This activates the feeling of having 'more than enough' and eliminates lack consciousness from your awareness. Once you are in this space of thinking, notice the surplus of goods you have around you. Go through your stuff and take what you don't need or use, and give them away to charity. Let the material good circulate to those who truly need what you have in excess. However, the most important thing you can do is create hope and activate FAITH in someone. Faith means: absolute substance of what you are HOPING for, and vibratory evidence of what can not be seen. In our lives, we all get to a point where we need to be uplifted by somebody and have these two essential energies under our wings. You can be an instrument of HOPE and FAITH today and everyday. The more you give it away through your vibration to others, the more you expand and grow as an individual- individual is ONE who is not dividend from the whole. This is Self Realization, the journey into your Soul and seeing everyone and everything as One with you. Please take a deep breath, hold it, and send out a prayer of love, joy, peace, compassion, healing, and abundance to at least 5 people you know. Allow this energy to multiply and expand into eternity.....Namaste.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my good. Life supports me. I give away hope and active faith in everyone I get in touch with today. I am available and receptive to miracles showing up in every area of my life. Healing is the order of my day. Prosperity, peace, and happiness take over my life. I am one with love and light.".
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my good. Life supports me. I give away hope and active faith in everyone I get in touch with today. I am available and receptive to miracles showing up in every area of my life. Healing is the order of my day. Prosperity, peace, and happiness take over my life. I am one with love and light.".
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Your past does not equal your future, yet the past can inhibit you from creating an awesome future by disconnecting you from the present. I notice the times I get caught up in my past. The second I feel it, I get anxious about the future. It's strange how the mind works. It's fascinating yet very challenging to maintain balance in the moment. Changing the way you look at things helps. Deciding to let go and forgive the past certainly helps. Being authentic and not really caring what people think about you helps. Having a vision that is grander than your own personal needs helps. Staying in tune with nature, keeping calm. remaining supple and flexible helps. One may say stay strong, I say practice being pliable rather than rigid and hard headed. Stop being opinionated and judgmental. That for sure helps because each time you are judging yourself or others, you are expanding the gap of separation from oneness. Imagine water molecules that form our oceans all of a sudden start judging each other. What do you think will happen? I would assume we would see a reflection of what our current human situation on planet earth is. Which is not all that great. Lesson to myself: stop judging, be yourself, remain flexible, close the gap of separation, let go of the past, keep a peaceful vision for our planet, remain an optimist, and flow in unity like the water molecules with ease and grace. Above all, LOVE! ......Namaste....+1..
Affirmation: "I am optimistically inclined. I know life is for me. I am one with the mystery of the universe. All of my needs are met. I am available to more prosperity and health than I've ever imagined. I forgive, and let go. I let go and let the universe to take over my destiny. Peace is the order of my day. Abundance shows up out of No-thing manifesting through every are of my life. I am simply love in action"
Affirmation: "I am optimistically inclined. I know life is for me. I am one with the mystery of the universe. All of my needs are met. I am available to more prosperity and health than I've ever imagined. I forgive, and let go. I let go and let the universe to take over my destiny. Peace is the order of my day. Abundance shows up out of No-thing manifesting through every are of my life. I am simply love in action"
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Listen More, Speak Less
Listen more, speak less. By tuning into nature, you'll be able to pick up the vibrations and essence of what it's trying to communicate with you. Human problem is a problem in perception. We don't see what's being offered around us. Healing happens in a second you connect to the Source energy by shifting your perception and focusing your attention inwards. Your senses are limited. The information you perceive from the outside world and evaluate is limited because they are being filtered through your mind. The secret to catching the essence of Who you are is not in the mind, rather it is in the heart. It's in the heart that love is experienced. It's in the heart the forgiveness happens. It's in the heart that you can go beyond your needs and give to another in need. Listen more, speak less. Tune into nature. Look how everything is being done without striving, without any hurry. This amazing energy doesn't exhaust itself. The sun never runs out of light. The waves in the ocean never quiet down. They simply are Who they are. They are listening. You see, it's in the instant of letting go and trusting yourself that God reveals it's infinite nature through you, as you, and as your life. The second you get out of your own way and give yourself permission to finally live, your perception will change. Life reveals it's secrets within every cell of your body. Joy will bubble up as deep oceanic oxygen bubbling up on the surface of calm waves to once again have intense love making with the Sun.....Listen more, Speak less my friend.....Namaste....+1.
Affirmation: "I am tuning into the vibration of the most high. My life is divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available to infinite abundance, unlimited possibilities, and pure joy in my life. Healing is the order of my day. Peace reveals itself everywhere I go. Prosperity shows up with ease and grace. Love is my nature. I Am, God Is......"
Affirmation: "I am tuning into the vibration of the most high. My life is divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available to infinite abundance, unlimited possibilities, and pure joy in my life. Healing is the order of my day. Peace reveals itself everywhere I go. Prosperity shows up with ease and grace. Love is my nature. I Am, God Is......"
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Happy mind Happy body
A happy mind creates a happy body. One that is in perfect flow and harmony with healing. Stop a moment and appreciate every aspect of your body. The firm, chubby, skinny, loose, and tight. The tall, short, young, old, wrinkly, and smooth. In the eye of the creator, it's all a miracle in action. You were born out of NO-thing, the pure intelligence source energy that is right now enabling you to process these words coming from my Being, from my Soul. A high vibration source aligned with this intelligence, guiding you back to yourSelf. You decide today to appreciate the physical aspect of you, the look, the gestures, and the imperfections in the perfect miracle that you are. You chose to be in awe and appreciation, this very moment you know exactly what I'm talking about. The self judgment has to go my friend. That nagging inner voice that shows up out of nowhere, distracting you from the TRUTH of your Being. Identify it, be aware of it, and don't get caught up by it. When you go out about your day, I invite you to focus on your connection with the entire universe. Your physical body and mind is not separated from the sky, the sun, tree's, and even that annoying fly that shows up like the uninvited thought of judgment in your head. See yourself as a miracle you are. Today, and everyday, you are blessed. Take a deep breath,.....release the sound of OHMMMM after. Namaste.....+1 ...
Affirmation: "I adore and love my body. I am living, moving, and having my being in perfect health and harmony. Peaceful thoughts are welcome in my mind. I am abundant and successful, joyful and kind, energetic and full of passion. I am available and receptive to more miracles showing up in every area of my life that I've ever imagined. Life supports me. I chose to live in a friendly universe knowing that all of my needs are met. I am grateful, appreciative, and thankful in this very moment.".
Affirmation: "I adore and love my body. I am living, moving, and having my being in perfect health and harmony. Peaceful thoughts are welcome in my mind. I am abundant and successful, joyful and kind, energetic and full of passion. I am available and receptive to more miracles showing up in every area of my life that I've ever imagined. Life supports me. I chose to live in a friendly universe knowing that all of my needs are met. I am grateful, appreciative, and thankful in this very moment.".
Monday, November 3, 2014
Here is your Answer
You are reading this because you've been asking a question regarding the creative vision of your Soul, the purpose of your Existence, and which direction you need guidance right NOW in regards to a problem you are facing. In the next 20 seconds as you take a deep breath, visualize a beautiful golden light energy gently entering your aura from the top of your head, passing through your upper body into your heart. Now, realize that with each heart beat, this radiant light exudes love in the world and clears any stagnant energy from your entire physical, emotional, and spiritual field. The answer you are looking for will reveal itself. Pay attention today to your higher thoughts and as you pass anyone during the day, imagine you are radiating this beautiful golden light vibration to them. Yes, this is a prayer. Let me know what happens Namaste..+1.
Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with light, one with love. All of my needs are met. I am divinely guided to my destiny with ease and flow. Abundance is the order of my day. Health exudes from every cell of my body. I am emotionally strong and balanced. I am spiritually uplifted and inspired. My heart is open to serve other people and change their lives for better. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before"...
Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with light, one with love. All of my needs are met. I am divinely guided to my destiny with ease and flow. Abundance is the order of my day. Health exudes from every cell of my body. I am emotionally strong and balanced. I am spiritually uplifted and inspired. My heart is open to serve other people and change their lives for better. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before"...
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