Monday, March 10, 2014

Morning Thought

Good Morning, yet another beautiful morning, finding myself back at the beginning again. Traveling in the flow with the universe, allowing it just to BE. No resistance in the thought forms, no competition to getting anywhere in life because it's ALL Right here, Right NOW. So with this very breath, I acknowledge all the LOVE, all the JOY, all the HEALING, and all the ABUNDANCE that is traveling through my BEING, as an energetic field of APPRECIATION with GRATITUDE. Staying focused on the Eternal presence and opening my HEART to more LOVE than I can ever imagine possible, pouring forth from the deepest spaces of my SOUL into the the WORLD. As you keep on reading these words, you feel your vibration rising, washing away the fears and anxieties being projected into your future. Remember during your day to have moments of recognition within. Step aside from whatever you are doing and connect to your higher self, deliberately projecting LIGHT, COMPASSION, and PEACE into the circumstance you are observing. As you do that, you'll expand in awareness and you allow insights to flow through you which will shift the circumstances of your life to support you and guide you into you divine destiny. This INTENTION is deliberately broadcast into the world NOW to heal and change our WORLD together. You are actively participating in this by your inner agreement and the smile I can see shaping on your face  HAPPY MONDAY -DrRod...

Affirmation: "I am cause onto my owns life experience. I do not give up that power. I am available and receptive to a mighty miracle right now in every areas of my life. My life is the life of God. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in abundance, success, love, joy, peace, and healing.".....have a spectacular day..

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