Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Grateful Experience

Had an amazing experience last night with a lady who came to my group meditation. She had physical issues that had been a result of sudden stresses in her personal life. Very heavy challenges for the past month, quite life altering. I felt her pain and as we were conversing before meditation, I went into total mode of compassion. Viewing her as whole, perfect, and complete without getting caught up with her story. I had her wrapped around healing energy of unconditional LOVE, passing energetically through her aura and experiencing her psychosomatic pain as she was describing it. My focus through out the guided meditation was on her, allowing the spirit to do it's work through and as me. We all experienced immense energy shift together, transforming our current paradigm by surrendering to what exist beyond our present perception; PURE CONSCIOUSNESS itself. As we journeyed through our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies and tapped into Reiki, I felt the shift happening in her. At the end of our group session, she told me that she felt HERSELF back again, after a very long time of taking Meds and seeing minor results, and that all of her muscle spasm, knee pain, and anxiety was gone! For this, I am grateful and thankful because other people's life changes as YOU say YES to your PURPOSE, your CALLING and follow the path of your HEART with the divine guidance of your SOUL-----Dr. Rod.

"There is no way to Happiness, Happiness is the way"

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