Wednesday, March 19, 2014

For My Awareness

Three simple choices that can change your immediate circumstance and empower you are: Focus, Meaning, Action: What you Focus on can change your Reality right away. Ask: "What do I need to focus on right now?, What do I need to change my Focus to?". You are the sole determinant of what meaning you give to LIFE. Ask: "What is the higher purpose for this circumstance? What does this really mean to me?", and the third is your Action: Ask, "How can I change this? How can I overcome this challenge?". When you ask with conviction and faith, you'll receive divine guidance and empowerment! "Focus-Meaning-Action", in other words: "For My Awareness"-- I will do whatever it takes- I hope this helps you my friend -Dr. Rod

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and being in Divine Guidance. I am in flow with the universe, allowing life to pass through me. I am Grateful for No-Thing in this moment to manifest into Everything I need to support my life. I am available and receptive to more healing, love, joy, peace, abundance, success, health, wealth, and prosperity than I can imagine possible. Come what may"...and so it is ...Amen.

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