Friday, March 28, 2014

Live your Truth

Staying authentic and true to your word is the only way to invite Peace and Harmony in your life. Some people lie for living, or think it's just 'business'. They lie to make the deal, to cut through competition, to beat their adversary, and make profit. Until we are abiding by these norms and engaging in this mental attitude, we will not be able to create a world where the future generations can live in peace. Check mark your thoughts of identifying with external institutions holding a grip on you. Look how many times during the day you value your worth according to how much money you are making or what's in your bank account. Notice how the mock of our society has obscured or blinded your true self worth, capabilities, creativity, and genius for BEING a person with INTEGRITY. Anytime you are falling for your EGO, remember that your True Self is already worthy, abundant, love, and peace itself. Monitor yourself with each breath and don't fall for the LIES! The more you remain authentic and in harmony with the flow of life, the bigger impact you'll have on changing the world for the better.- Dr. Rod. 

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in GOD. All of my needs are met. I am available and receptive to more GOOD than I can imagine possible. I am peaceful and serene, allowing the universal laws of life to freely move through me. I am grateful for "NO-THING" manifesting as everything that I require to fulfill my divine DESTINY. With God and Love, I've got it ALL"....have a beautiful FRIDAY everyone......stay true to your WORD

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